Near Juniors DAO seeks funding to create educational materials, developer tools, and a supportive community to empower new web3 developers on the NEAR ecosystem [rejected]

Appendix 1: “Near Digital Collective application form”

Section 1 - DAO/Project Information

  • Organization Name: Near Juniors DAO
  • Proposal Title: Web3 Innovation: Building the future of decentralized applications on Near
  • Date of Establishment: 24th April 2024
  • Project’s Category: Community Lead

Section 2. Previous Funding

  • Have you received funding for this project from any source?
    • No
  • Any source of funding. This may include NEAR Foundation Grants, and existing GDAOs, among others.
    • Nil

Section 3. DAO URLs

  • Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country?
    • Yes, We are Targeting Students, recent graduate, globally
  • Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Usually, regions can be defined by their language. North American Central, South America & Caribbean (Spanish), South America (Portuguese), Europe, Asia, Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East, or international by fact
    • Africa, Europe, Middle East

Section 4. Applicant Information

  • Name of Point of Contact (The pseudonymous name the community knows you is acceptable. However, note that you will have to complete KYC to be able to receive funding from NDC)

    • Ibrahim Abdulkarim
  • NEAR Wallet ID

    • evietwo.near

Section 5. Team Members

  • Information about Team Members. Information should include (name, roles, profile handles)
    • Ibrahim Abdulkarim (Founder/Project Lead)
    • Ibrahim Bashir Aliyu (Developer Advocate)
    • Umar Sulaiman Sabo (Content Writer)
    • Sulaiman Musa Abdullahi (Event Organiser)

Section 6. Experience

  • Team’s Professional Experience

    • Ibrahim Abdulkarim:
      • I’m Ibrahim, and I’m a season expert in blockchain and other related activities, I work hard to ensure success of everything, I discovered Near by participation through hackathon participation then I dive deeper into the ecosystem to learn more about, I come with this initiative for mass adoption of young developers into web3 and blockchain
    • Umar Sulaiman Sabo:
      • Umar Sabo Sulaiman is a dynamic content creator with a keen eye for storytelling and a passion for blockchain technology. With a background in content creation and digital marketing, Umar has honed his skills in crafting engaging narratives that resonate with audiences across various platforms. His journey into blockchain began as a quest for knowledge and innovation. Fascinated by the potential of decentralized technologies, Umar immersed himself in learning about blockchain’s intricacies and its transformative impact on industries worldwide. Umar’s ability to distill complex ideas into accessible content makes him an invaluable asset to the team, helping to drive awareness and engagement within the community and beyond. His dedication to spreading the message of blockchain adoption is instrumental in advancing the goals of the Near Juniors DAO.
  • Ibrahim Bashir Aliyu

    • Ibrahim Bashir Aliyu is a seasoned Developer Advocate at, where he passionately bridges the gap between technology and people. With a keen focus on empowering developers and fostering community growth, Ibrahim leverages his expertise to drive innovation and collaboration. His dedication to sharing knowledge, advocating for emerging technologies, and nurturing a vibrant developer ecosystem makes him a valuable asset in the tech industry.
  • Sulaiman Musa Abdullahi

    • Sulaiman Musa Abdullahi is an Event Planner, where he excels in orchestrating memorable and impactful events. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating exceptional experiences, Sulaiman brings creativity and organizational prowess to every project he undertakes.
  • Web3 Projects Completed

    • NearScript:
      • NearScript is a revolutionary tool in the realm of Web3 development, streamlining the process of smart contract creation and deployment. With NearScript, developers are empowered to build and launch smart contracts seamlessly, eliminating the need for complex installations on their local machines.
  • Relevant Data Points Showing Competencies

    • Market Research and Analysis:
      • Conducted comprehensive market research to identify opportunities and challenges in the blockchain industry.
      • Analyzed trends, competitor strategies, and user needs to define the unique value proposition of the Near Juniors DAO.
    • Strategic Vision and Planning:
      • Developed a clear vision and mission for the Near Juniors DAO, outlining its goals and objectives.
      • Created a strategic roadmap detailing the steps needed to establish and grow the network over time, including key milestones and target timelines.
    • Partnership Development:
      • Formed strategic partnerships with blockchain projects, technology providers, and industry stakeholders to strengthen the network’s ecosystem.
      • Collaborated with academic institutions, research organizations, and regulatory bodies to foster innovation and ensure compliance within the network.
    • Community Building and Engagement:
      • Established a vibrant online community around the Near Juniors DAO, including developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts.
      • Organized events, webinars, and hackathons to promote knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration within the community.
    • Resource Mobilization:
      • Secured funding and resources to support the development and operation of the Near Juniors DAO.
      • Leveraged grants, investments, and crowdfunding opportunities to finance infrastructure, research, and promotional activities.

Section 7. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals

  • Project Overview:

    • Near Juniors DAO is an initiative dedicated to simplifying the transition to web3 and facilitating seamless adoption for users. Our primary goal is to guide and support web3 developers, particularly those new to the ecosystem, by providing clear pathways and resources. Through user-friendly tools, comprehensive education, community engagement, and streamlined developer experiences, we aim to empower individuals to navigate the complexities of web3 development with ease.
    • Near Juniors DAO aligns with the Near Digital Collective’s (NDC) Vision by pioneering a mission to simplify and propel more users into the web3 space seamlessly. Our vision is to foster a vibrant ecosystem where individuals can easily embrace web3 technologies, unlocking new opportunities and driving innovation.
      • Our mission:
        • The mission of Near Juniors DAO is to foster a welcoming and supportive environment for aspiring developers entering the Near ecosystem. We are dedicated to providing educational resources, mentorship, and opportunities that empower junior developers to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the Near community.
      • Our core programs include:
        • Developer Onboarding Solutions: Offering intuitive tools and educational resources to ease the entry of web3 developers.
        • Education and Training Programs: Providing structured learning opportunities tailored to web3 development needs.
        • Community Support and Mentorship: Building a supportive network of mentors and peers to facilitate learning and collaboration.
      • These programs align with NDC’s CoA Vision by promoting digital literacy, fostering innovation, and nurturing a skilled workforce capable of driving digital transformation. Our dedicated team brings together experts in blockchain technology, education, community building, and user experience to realize our mission and vision.
  • What Problem Are You Aiming to Solve?

    • Our initiative addresses the challenge of providing adequate support and resources for junior developers entering the Near ecosystem. Many aspiring developers face barriers such as a lack of educational materials, limited access to mentorship, and a need for community engagement. By launching the Near Juniors DAO and organizing educational events, we aim to empower these developers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in building decentralized applications on the Near platform. Our goal is to bridge the gap and create a welcoming environment that fosters growth and innovation among developers within the Near community.
  • How can your Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?

    • The Project align with NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs as follows:
      • Digital Literacy Priority:
        • Goal: Enhance digital literacy and skills among individuals and businesses.
        • Alignment: The project will provides educational resources and training programs focused on web3 technologies, contributing to the development of digital skills and literacy in emerging digital landscapes.
      • KPI: Measure the number of participants enrolled in educational programs, completion rates, and feedback on the effectiveness of training materials.
    • Innovation and Technology Adoption Priority:
      • Goal: Foster innovation and encourage the adoption of transformative technologies.
      • Alignment: By demystifying web3 and addressing misconceptions, the project promotes the adoption of innovative blockchain technologies, driving forward digital transformation efforts.
      • KPI: Track the number of new web3 developers onboarded, the number of projects launched on web3 platforms, and the level of engagement within the web3 community facilitated through the project.
    • Economic Development Priority:
      • Goal: Stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities in the digital economy.
      • Alignment: Empowering individuals with web3 skills opens up new avenues for employment and entrepreneurship in blockchain-related fields, contributing to economic development.
      • KPI: Monitor the number of job placements for web3 developers, the growth of web3 startups supported by th project, and the overall economic impact generated by web3 innovation facilitated by your initiatives.
    • Inclusivity and Accessibility Priority:
      • Goal: Ensure equitable access to digital opportunities for all segments of society.
      • Alignment: The project focuses on making web3 technologies accessible to diverse audiences, including underrepresented groups, by providing user-friendly tools, educational resources, and community support.
      • KPI: Assess the demographic diversity of participants in training programs, community engagement initiatives, and the level of inclusivity achieved in the web3 ecosystem fostered by the project.
    • Data Privacy and Security Priority:
      • Goal: Strengthen data privacy and security measures in the digital ecosystem.
      • Alignment: The project emphasizes the importance of security and privacy in web3 applications, promoting best practices and awareness to mitigate risks associated with decentralized systems.
      • KPI: Monitor the adoption of secure coding practices among web3 developers, the implementation of privacy-enhancing features in web3 applications, and incidents of security breaches or vulnerabilities reported and addressed within the web3 ecosystem.
    • By aligning with these NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs, The project can contribute significantly to the advancement of digital literacy, innovation, economic development, inclusivity, and security in the digital landscape.
  • Roadmap of the project, Milestones, and achievements

    • Clear roadmap for the project, including milestones and achievements:

      • Roadmap:

      • Near Juniors DAO Launch:

        • Define project scope, objectives, and key deliverables.
        • Assemble project team and allocate resources.
        • Conduct initial market research and stakeholder analysis.
      • Content Development (Month 4-8):

        • Develop educational content, including tutorials, guides, and training materials, tailored to web3 developers of varying skill levels.
        • Establish partnerships with subject-matter experts and industry leaders to ensure the accuracy and relevance of educational resources.
      • Community Building (Month 9-12):

        • Launch a community engagement initiative to build a supportive network of web3 developers, mentors, and enthusiasts.
        • Organize workshops, webinars, and hackathons to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skill development within the community.
        • Establish communication channels and forums for ongoing interaction and support among community members.
    • Milestones and Achievements:

      • Milestone 1 (Month 3) : Near Juniors DAO Launch
        • Objective:
          • Launch Near Juniors DAO activities and empower over 100 developers about the Near ecosystem.
        • Activities:
          • Conduct workshops, hackathon, and community events to educate and engage developers.
        • Outcome:
          • Empower a diverse group of developers with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute meaningfully to the Near community.
      • Milestone 2 (Month 8): Content Development:
        • Objectives:
          • Develop comprehensive educational content and tools to support developers in understanding and utilizing the Near ecosystem.
        • Activities:
          • Collaborate with subject-matter experts to create educational content covering blockchain fundamentals, smart contract development, and Near-specific techniques.
        • Outcome:
          • Completion of high-quality educational resources and developer tools that are thoroughly tested and ready for pilot testing.
          • Preparedness to deploy the materials and tools in a pilot program to gather real-world feedback and refine them further based on user experiences and insights.
      • Milestone 3 (Month 12): Community Building
        • Objectives:
  • Build and nurture a thriving community of web3 developers within the Near ecosystem.

  • Foster active engagement and participation in community events, workshops, and collaborative initiatives.

  • Activities

    • Organize regular community events such as hackathons, meetups, and webinars to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing among developers.
    • Implement a mentorship program to connect experienced developers with newcomers, fostering learning and skill development.
  • Outcome

    • Formation of a vibrant and engaged community of web3 developers, actively contributing to and enriching the Near ecosystem.
    • Increased participation in community-driven initiatives, leading to enhanced innovation, collaboration, and growth within the web3 developer community.

Section 8. Budget

  • Projected Budget for the next three months (In USD for each Task/Milestone)

    • Month 1: Hackathon Event
  • Objective:

    • Kickstart Near Juniors DAO activities with a hackathon to engage and empower developers.
  • Activities:

    • Hackathon organization, including planning, coordination, and logistics.
    • Venue rental: $1500
    • Swag production (T-shirts, stickers): $800
    • Marketing and promotion: $1000
    • Prizes and participant incentives: $1500
    • Miscellaneous (catering, printing): $1200
  • Estimated Cost for Hackathon Event (Month 1): $6000

  • Month 2: Workshops Event

    • Objective:
      • Provide educational workshops to deepen developers’ understanding of the Near ecosystem.
    • Activities:
      • Workshop planning and coordination.
      • Speaker fees and honorariums: $1000
      • Workshop materials and resources: $800
      • Venue rental: $1000
      • Marketing and promotion: $700
      • Miscellaneous (catering, printing): $500
    • Estimated Cost for Workshops Event (Month 2): $4000
  • Month 3: Online Courses Event

    • Objective:
      • Deliver online courses to further educate and engage developers interested in Near.
    • Activities:
      • Course development and production: $2000
      • Platform fees: $800
      • Marketing and promotion: $500
      • Instructor fees: $1000
      • Miscellaneous: $500
    • Estimated Cost for Online Courses Event (Month 3): $4800
  • Overall Budget Breakdown (Three Months):

  • Hackathon Event (Month 1): $6000

  • Workshops Event (Month 2): $4000

  • Online Courses Event (Month 3): $4800

  • Total Budget for Near Juniors DAO Launch and Events (Three Months): $15,000

  • Links to Similar Proposals from Near Foundation, existing GDAOs, Near ECO (if applicable)

    • Nil
  • What is the length of Commitment to Delivering Your Project? Will your team be working on this project full-time?

    • The length of commitment to delivering this project is one year, and all team members will be compensated adequately. The team will be working on this project full-time, dedicating their efforts and resources to ensure its successful completion and delivery within the specified timeframe.
  • Will your team be fully renumerated from this budget?

    • Yes

Section 9. Project/DAO longevity

  • Does your project/DAO require one-time or continuous funding?
    • Continuous Funding
  • Will your DAO/Project devise a way of sustaining itself after this round of funding?
    • Yes, our Project is committed to devising a sustainable model to ensure its longevity beyond the current round of funding. We plan to achieve this by generating revenue through various channels, including revenue-generating projects and organizing paid events. This approach will enable us to maintain financial stability and continue our mission.
  • What are the possible roadblocks to the success of your project?
    • Regulatory Challenges: The regulatory landscape surrounding blockchain and decentralized technologies varies globally, and navigating compliance requirements in different jurisdictions may pose obstacles to the adoption and implementation of the Near Juniors DAO.
    • Inadequate Funding: Securing sufficient funding to support the development, marketing, and expansion of the Near Juniors DAO may be crucial for its success. Insufficient financial resources could limit the project’s ability to achieve its objectives and scale effectively.
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Hello @binbash ! Poll created