NEAR India Guild Report April 2021


Guild Name: NEAR India Guild

Monthly Highlights:

  • We started the initiative “India covid relief fund” to help people in India and under this initiative, we used Sputnikdao for the first time.

  • 2 new potential people join the core team of the NEAR India guild.

  • One of our member Gyan finished the NEAR Certified Developer Program.


  1. Through the webinar, Jiten thought about the NEAR protocol to the students of CV Raman engineering college’s blockchain club where 40+ students joined and you can access the recording here-Click here

Video Content: (Please insert links)

  1. The first video is created by Gyan with the title- Introduction to NightShade: NEAR Protocol which can found here- Click here

  2. The second video is created by Jiten with the title- What is NEAR’s Rainbow bridge and How to use Rainbow bridge? and to watch the video please click here.

  3. The third video also created by Jiten which can help people to claim their free NEAR ID and can teach how to stake tokens within the wallet and the video can find here

  4. This is a short clip created by Kuen where she described how NEAR fight against climate change and watch her video click here.

  5. Our new member Akash created this short clip to describe the reward structure of Guilds and click here to check.

Blog Post:

  1. The first blog is written by Rohit in Hindi language and published on his website and you can read the article here and he also shared this article on various platform like Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn.

  2. The second article is from Gyan which is about NEAR staking and you can access the article here.

  3. This informative article on how NEAR is taking climate change written by Kuen and you can find the article here.

  4. This article with the title " The Future is Green With NEAR Protocol" is by Anshu and click here to read the complete article.

  5. Anshu also the writer of this article with the title - " NEAR Rainbow Bridge – Solution For High Ethereum Fees" and please click here to access the article.

  6. The last article with the title-" Boost Your Blockchain Startup With NEAR India Accelerator Program." is written by Jiten and published on Coinmonks publication and to read the article click here.


  1. Sanket did two translation in to Hindi language for Indian medium pager 1- click here , 2- click here

  2. Jiten did two translations in Odia language for the medium page of NEAR India guild 1- click here , 2-Click here

Graphics and memes:

  1. Akash created these two graphics- Graphic1 and Graphic 2

  2. Kuen also created two graphics - Graphic1 and Graphic2

  3. Anshu created three memes- meme1, meme2, and meme3

Social Media Management and Analytics (Telegram/ Twitter/ Reddit/ Wechat):

  1. Twitter- x.comScreenshot from 2021-05-07 05-54-04|690x387

Thanks Jiten. Please also include telegram sticker creation in your next report! People do love them a lot!

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Sure will do that, Planing to create more :innocent: