Near DigitalFashion Dao Requesting For 10 Near to Activate Our Dao Mintbase Store

Near Digital Fashion Dao is a community of fashion designers and craft makers in Web3 Ecosystem collaborating with each other to develop digital arts and fashion crafts as a wearable NFTs and as well educating other Fashion designers and craft makers who are still operating in web2 the need and benefits of switching to Web3 in this digital art revolution and onboarding them into Near Ecosystem.

Due to tight budgeting factor on our first/Last Funding Request on September 2022, we could not spare 10 Near to Activate Our Dao Mintbase Store.

On the effect to support new Daos, we are requesting a total amount of 10 Near to enable us activate our Dao Mintbase Store and as well be able to mint some of our Dao content/NFT generated during our last Digital Fashion Workshop which has been stored in a secured Google drive for so long.

Target wallet: styleherbalist.near

Tagging @creativesdao-council for visibility