NEAR Digital Collective - Legal Framework - AVB for Consideration and Vote

Hello Friends,

Post formally put my name forward for the Legal Framework Lead role as part of the NEAR Digital Collective:

About Me
I grew up in Venezuela and migrated to Australia over 10 years ago. In Australia I got a double Bachelor’s Degree in Arts (History major, politics minor) and Bachelor of Laws. I went on to be admitted as a lawyer and worked briefly at a Law Firm in Sydney for one of the top crypto lawyers in Australia before moving into entrepreneurship and crypto full time.

I’ve been and active member of the NEAR Ecosystem since December 2020, where I started working my way up in a grassroots way - zero contacts, completely isolated in Australia, I started connecting with likeminded people on the Telegram and Discord channels where I was spending a disproportionate amount of time, got noticed on Twitter and started growing an audience organically.

Throughout all these months I’ve had the pleasure to be part of several initiatives including the Degens, founder of Silicon Craftsmen: Product and User Experience Guild (and the early days Guilds program), Cheddar Finance Community Board, REF Finance Community Board (Current), Marketing DAO Council Member (Current), Business Development at Meta Pool (Current), among several other advisory roles.

I also really enjoy creating content: got a YouTube channel called Alpha Leaks with AVB and the Wild User Interviews Podcast

Why AVB for Legal Framework?
While I have stepped away from a legal career and have no interest in pursuing one long term, I am willing to do whatever is necessary as long as it created value to the NEAR Ecosystem as a whole.

Acknowledging that NDC is an amazing, unique opportunity that is not to be rated and that a legal background may be among the skills that are harder to source within the community, I believe have the right combination of legal skills and deep understanding of the NEAR community (players, challenges, opportunities, etc.) to assume this role to ensure the NDC has the highest chance of succeeding.

I am seeking to be a conduit between a professional Legal team and the broader community to be able to clearly articulate our needs to the lawyers, relay their advice back to the community, cooperate with other key working groups such as Governance Frameworks, among others.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Do you support AVB as the Legal Frameworks Lead for NDC?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I vote for this! Let’s go AVB :wink:


I’ll Support this AVB :100: :100:


Fully support you! From NEAR VN with luv


Where’s the option for “Hell yeah” :yum:


Yes we wil promote u :smile:

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Glad to see you posting this – fully in support! NDC needs your expertise and dedication to the ecosystem.


AVB is one, if not THE best for this position and his proposal just knocks it our of the park. You got my vote ser!


Definitely! A vote YES!


No doubt, AVB brings great value to the NEAR ecosystem. :100:

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Having done 2 calls with you within the legal framework group and seeing your ties to the community I can only endorse your application.



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You are fit for this and have my vote.


I support the human shard. we need a new vote to formally change avb to the shard


Yes Yes Yes Yes :star_struck:
Always a yes for AVB :grin:


You’ve my support AVB :blush:

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You have my vote for legal framework leadrole.