NEAR Community November monthly report-white_dragon.near

  1. Paras community and mintbase community are active on a daily basis.
  2. Paras’s official Weibo operation, which currently has 1230 followers, has 2183 full video views.
  3. Twitter interacts with overseas artists to make a collection of artists’ works into videos for communication at home and abroad.
  4. Create Wechat official account and publish articles related to NEAR ecology.
  5. Promotion of NEAR ecological games.

I wish I could see this in English. Any help?

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This post is in English, what are you seeing?

We’re implementing auto-translate functions into the forum pretty soon :tada:


Sorry. I thought I’d made the post on a Chinese report I read earlier.

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No worries at all! :muscle:

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Hi @Aaron-MPX thanks for creating the report. I’m Andini from Paras team, and I’d like to say thanks and it is awesome that you’ve helped us to reach out to the Chinese community through domestic social media in China, such as Weibo and Douyin.