Hello friends,
I am stoked to finally present to you the latest Draft for the Marketing DAO Charter that is now open for Community Feedback.
What to Expect
A Governance Charter is the document that details all the processes by which an organisation operates. But decentralised governance is different, and so is this Charter.
Written from scratch, this documents draws upon the many lessons we’ve learned from disbursing funds over the last two years, acknowledges the many challenges we see in the ecosystem today and builds upon the feedback given by many community members, including some that lost faith along the way.
Most importantly, this document embodies a very ambitious vision for the future of NEAR and enshrines a series of Objectives, Guiding Principles, and Governance Processes to make the Marketing DAO future-proof: able to respond rapidly to the evolving needs of the ecosystem and to continue operating effectively regardless of the leadership team at the time.
These are not a How-To-Guide on ways to extract value from Community Treasury. This is an OGs Manifesto that seeks to empower and protect builders and top community contributors.
We are thrilled to be transitioning to Community Treasury and to position Marketing DAO as a community-led engine for growth.
Cheeky guide to skimming through this 34 page document to find the interesting bits to you:
- Objectives - what is the reason why the Marketing DAO exists? Clear goals to measure MDAO performance and align all stakeholders.
- Scope - introduces a more holistic approach to Growth, including a duty to leverage our positions (and grantees) at the forefront of the community to constantly gather User Feedback, create direct communication pathways and foster open dialog (let’s not pour money promoting something that doesn’t work - let’s improve onboarding flow, etc.)
- Scope II - introduces the notion of Change Agents, a high bar for accessing funding, a clear call for top performers. Usher a culture of excellence.
- Types of proposal. Inbound proposals remain open to any community member at anytime. DAO-led proposals to enable things such as Bounties, and other strategic partnerships.
- Guiding Principles - a set of values and constraints imposed on the Marketing DAO that should inform all decision making, particularly when there are no predetermined guidelines. This are the mental models that leaders can rely on to ensure we can navigate any situation while still advancing Marketing Dao objectives and NEAR Ecosystem strategic goals.
- Overview of MDAO Roles (Enforcer, Trustee, Council, MDAO Community)
- Eligibility for Each MDAO Role (also the criteria by which performance will be measured, triggers removal mechanisms).
- Process for Appointing each Role (Enforcer, Trustee, Council)
- Process for Removing each Role (Enforcer, Trustee, Council)
- Dispute Resolution
- Conflict of Interest
- Schedule I - Guidelines for Incoming Proposals
Next Steps
The Charter is a living document. We are expecting to have some minor additions and edits to reflect the current round of feedback, but are confident that the core substance is there.
- Community Consultation Period: initially 7 days, can be extended if there are major objections and changes required. Acknowledging compressed timelines, we’ll be proactively reaching out to key stakeholders to ensure they can provide feedback prior to consultation closing.
- You can leave specific feedback by adding a comment to the Google Doc or you can ask general questions or show support as a reply to this thread.
- I am currently in Korea where a sizeable contingent of the NEAR community will be descending shortly. Happy to meet in person if you are around or to arrange calls to discuss any major pressing issues.
- Shortly after the Charter has been approved, if there aren’t any major changes that create misalignment with the latest version of the Trust, both Charter and Trust instrument should go live.
- This means Marketing DAO will start receiving funding from Community Treasury
- We are working hard to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible for applicants and to create all the necessary documentation to reflect any new processes.
A word of appreciation
I’d like to thank everyone for your patience. Special thanks to the small cohort that has provided extensive feedback and words of encouragement along the way. And to all community members - thanks for sticking around during a bear market. This is our chance time to take ownership of community governance and unleash an unlimited growth machine. All the pieces are falling into place - LFG