Lisbon City Node Planning - Kick-off & Phase 1

Hey Chloe and the NEAR team - so once again would just like to thank you all for inviting us to be a part of this, we’re super enthused and have begun working on these in the past weeks.

So as we talked we’ve been through a hiring (and restructuring) process within our association and have also been reaching out of our association to fill the roles and to contribute a small team to help represent NEAR within Lisbon.

The team is composed of 4 / 5 individuals each bringing a different skill set & network to the group, we’ve also left room in the roles to collaborate with others so we can maximise reach and efficacy.

The Team

Originally from Brazil, Halison has to Lisbon 6 years ago, he formed the DJ duo Digital Black and also Trafka Studio performing regularly and running regular events around the city.

Halison has events experience ranges from music events to managing a hostel for internationals. He’s also been a musician in various bands and projects across Lisbon. The Trafka events happen monthly at the studios and are really well attended.

Events organising & production including venue bookings, speakers & workshops bookings & events management
Events promotion
Co-managing the socials channels,
Ideating on event types including hackathons, workshops & other events types
Attending team meetings & meetings in the wider ecosystem
Participating in governance

Laura & Erica are both visual artists with a flare for digitally produced artwork and graphic design. Both have been producing NFTs and working on the Rare Effect events and exploring the metaverse.

Our plan is that they will be working partly on the branding & design of the events and the city node branding as a whole. We want to develop an open source brand manual so it can be adopted by any city node in the future with adaptable logo, event artwork template and presentation template.

Erica Doo Stuff Website
Laura Penez website
Erica Instagram
Laura Insta

Designing all artwork and branding for the project
Developing logo which can be used open source for more city nodes
Developing an easily customisable event template artwork
Developing all signage required for organisations in the city node ecosystem
Attending team meetings & meetings in the wider ecosystem
Participating in governance

Main point of the contact for the community
Managing the Telegram channels and forum pages
Attending events and making links with community
Attending team meetings & meetings in the wider ecosystem
Participating in governance

Co-founder of Arroz Estudios, Art Progression Now & Just Shake. Steven has been leading creative organisation for around 10 years through the UK and since moving to Portugal 3 years ago. He’s an events specialist having run events organisations all over the UK and been working as an events production freelancer across europe for 5 years. Steven also has a technical background with a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

As the president of Arroz Estudios, Steven has deep ties with the cultural sector in Lisbon from the association & music venue network to local government, funding and policy makers.

Developing overall objectives for the team and metrics on fulfilment
Forming initial links with organisations
Identifying potential new opportunities
Searching for more team members when required
Attending team meetings & meetings in the wider ecosystem
Participating in governance

Next Steps

We have already begun reaching out to organisations that we feel have the potential to become DAOs & Guilds with great feedback. We’re on the verge of onboarding 3 organisations already and have many more in the pipeline.

In the next few weeks we feel it’s important for us to have a meeting with yourself @chloe and any other advisors or stakeholders to establish some OKRs for the project so we can structure our work around these goals and outcomes.

We also feel like the project would benefit from having at least one individual as a part of the team that has experience in DeFi protocol rollout. We have some links for this but would also like to see how things progress in the Hackathon to see if anyone comes forward.


We’re requesting 1800NEAR$ tokens (+ expenses) per month for this work.

For the month of August, it’s thought this will be combined with the Hack Node planning which will be a great launch pad for us to interact with the rest of the NEAR team and ecosystem and merge into these roles.

The current thinking is that we’ll apply for 2 of the 3 operational roles for the hackathon of value 1k NEAR$ this is so we can leave the door open for more collaborators in both the hacknode and citynode planning :partying_face::partying_face:

So that would mean for the month of August we’re requesting a reduced amount of 800 NEAR$.

To process this we’ve created an Arroz team DAO and process staffing payments with a contribution to our new spaces campaign:

In terms of operational expenses, we’ve had a brainstorm and think these will

  • Additional internet connection for Arroz estudios which will be used day to day and also for the Hackathon [approx 35NEAR$/ month]
  • A new computer for Halison. this would definitely help the process and make (at least Halison) more functional [amount TBD]
  • Travel costs for the group for meeting offsite with other organisations in and around Lisbon [approx 100N$/ month]

Please let us know feedback on this and we’ll keep working on it in the background :pray:


This looks great @StevenR. Excited to see that this idea is taking shape and moving forward.

The current thinking is that there would be two distinct DAOs:

  1. lisboa-hack.sputnikdao.near
  2. lisboa-node.sputnikdao.near

This would make it explicitly clear what the purposes were for each organization and who should think about joining which as well.

It also seems reasonable that the lisboa-hack dao would be set up first considering the MetaBUDL hackathon is in just a few weeks!

Community involvement over the next month on the lisboa-hack DAO could help form the council for the lisboa-node DAO afterwards :ok_hand:t4:.


Hey @chloe great thanks for the quick feedback. We’ve just set-up the hack node DAO so good progress there.

Yes, I can see that with the hackathon although with the original offering being longer term roles - that’s how we approached the team members and restructured our organisation. So it’d be great to get this signed off so we can move to the next stage.

And yes, it would be good to set-out what the purposes & goals would be for each project. I’m kind of assuming the hackathon is for initial approaches and the city node would be good to set long term objectives for usage of NEAR - correct?


Both DAOs can serve a long term purpose. The main difference is that the structure for hack nodes is set up and the structure for city nodes is not yet as solidified.


Super stoked to see this coming along, team!


Ok, good to know and thanks for all the info today.

As talked we’re pretty much going with this already, we’re starting to develop the artwork for the city node as an open source and have a meeting tomorrow to start work on building out the network and events series.

The last thing as we talked on the call is duration, so with the roles outlined in your first post and our communications around that, we have taken on people on the understanding that they will be doing these roles I would say at least medium-term.

Can I suggest that we agree that these roles will be maintained until the end of the 3rd hackathon? So end of December? That would give us enough time to form the team, develop an effective plan, implement roll-out & hackathons and report back.

To me it makes sense that these roles have a slightly longer duration than normal Near proposals as it will take time to build up the relationships with partners to onboard and retain them in our ecosystem. If we approach it from a short term perspective I would be worried that we only onboard people 50% and so would loose them from the ecosystem after the project.

We’re obviously aware that the currency value could drop meaning the roles can never be considered ‘100% secure’ but it’s been very difficult to bring people into these roles without having a solid offering if that makes sense?

Let me know your thoughts and if this seems logical to you :pray:


Hey team, hope you’re all well.

Just to give more of an update on this, since being requested to recruit these people, today we’ve got our 3rd / 4th meeting with them and still we don’t have knowledge on payment terms or duration.

I know you’re restructuring a lot, but it would be appreciated to get this finalised as the lack of clarity is stopping us from working :pray::pray:


Hi, Tiago Rosário checking in!

I was just welcomed aboard by @StevenR, we had the first introductory meeting to the Lisbon City Node and the Hackaton. This direction is strong and I am delighted to join in the effort.
I have participated in a few creative events with the Arroz Criativo Guild this last months and always had my curiosity up and learning, with the NEAR Integration within Arroz Estúdios, but now I can help to develop more this bigger picture and phase.

I was made responsible for the Community Management for both Hackaton and the Lisbon City Node.

Starting today I will approach a few contacts, that I believe, will connect towards the same interested in this technology and integration. Also giving the notion something will happen in Lisbon involving the Hackaton Event itself or the City Node.

If any ideas or details, come to mind that I should have, send over a message please :slight_smile:


On this point, had a chat with @shreyas & @Grace and we agreed that this would be fine.

Please also outline the work that would be completed by these individuals though. Also, could you please update/edit this post to reflect that @tabear probably won’t be taking the position listed (also could you please tag each of the proposed community members that would be a part of the project. Forum tags are great :ok_hand:t4: considering they should all be on the forum already)


Hey! Halison here!

First of all, sorry for my delay to write here as @chloe asked me in the telegram group, I just arrived home, and I’m ready to rock!

So Steven already introduced me to the team as I saw on the 1st post.
We had a meeting for the City Node and Hackathon, and I’m very excited! I’m responsible for Events Management, and I’ll be working alongside @TRosario, today we’ll have a meeting to consolidate some part of the work that we just started, and soon we’ll be bringing very good news!

As Tiago wrote above, for any ideas or details that we should have, send over a message or telegram.



I have also already sent a proposal to the hack node DAO to be removed as a council given that I will be leaving Arroz Criativo and not be involved in the Hackathon held in the Arroz estúdios.


Hi Chloe, all good - tags & tasks have been added :+1:t4:

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The DAO for this initiative has been created:

@Grace is the current council member and @tabear (Muti DAO), @StevenR (Arroz Criativo), and @frnvpr (IncubadoraPT) will also join the council to provide additional support. These 4 members will be the initial DAO council for “lisboa-node.sputnik-dao.near”.

The purpose of this DAO is to support the local community of people & projects that are building on NEAR in the Lisbon area. In the future, we plan to have many more local groups taking part in this initiative.

Instructions for submitting payout proposals to the DAO and general DAO governance procedures will follow shortly.


happy to join the team :wink:


Great, loving the v2 format.

I’ve also created the ‘Arroz Team’ DAO as well :partying_face:, link here:
