Title Layerles Aurora Inter-chain NFTs
Layerless is an interoperable blockchain protocol for creating layer-agnostic, decentralized information, content and intelligence primitives. LayerLess is built on LayerZero allowing assets to be created that can be used across any EVM chai with LayerZero endpoints.
Section 1 - DAO/Project Information
Organization Name: Layerless
Proposal Title: Layerless Aurora Inter-chain NFT
When was your DAO / Project established? 10/1/2023
DAO’s Category: NFT DAO
Project’s Category NFT
Section 2. Previous Funding
Have you received funding for this project from any source?
Any source of funding. This may include NEAR Foundation Grants, and existing GDAOs, among others:
None. Bootstrapped and founder funded to date.
Section 3.
Is Your DAO/Project Targeting a Specific Country?
No, we are a global project.
Which region will your DAO/ Project support? Usually, regions can be defined by their language. North American Central, South America & Caribbean (Spanish), South America (Portuguese), Europe, Asia, Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East, or international by fact
As above our project is global.
Section 4. Applicant Information
Name of Point of Contact:
Link to Governance Forum/near.social Profile:
NEAR Wallet ID:
Wallet ID that will be receiving funds: layerless.near
Country of Residence: US
Twitter, Telegram
LinkedIn: deleatanda
Additional Relevant Links I am an alumni of the HZN1 Cohort
Section 5. Team Members
Please provide information about Team Members.
Dele - Founder, creator and project lead
Section 6. Experience
What related qualifications, experience, or track record does your team bring to this initiative?
Short Summary of Your and Team’s Professional Experience
Our team has been working on Web3 projects for a number of years. Our lead has led Digital innovation in Automotive, Aerospace and Defence for IBM for several years where he oversaw several projects and published papers on blockchain. He has also been at the forefront of using blockchain for identity and data sovereignty and has developed Layerless as a comprehensive protocol for decentralized information, identity and intelligence management.
List Web3 Projects You Have Completed
metaMe - Personal AI Agent | HLTH ID - Health Data Sharing | CCI - Standards for sharing decentralized Covid credentials
Web3 and Automotive Articles from IBM
Live Links to Examples of Relevant Work
metaMe, HLTHID, metaKnyts, Covid Credential Initiative, Tokens for Personal Mobility (IBM) , Blockchain for Mobility (IBM), Car eWallet (IBM/ZF/UBS) AFriFuture 2024
Relevant Data Points Showing Your Competencies
Condesk: 10 ways Crypto and AI could make each other worse: See section 9: Crypto and AI Agents: where Dele Atanda is referenced.
Recent DL News Article - Recent article on crypto legislation quoting Dele Atanda
TheInternet,Foundation - Founded first organization to call for digital rights as human rights
The Digiterrian Tsunami - Published book on web3 in 2013
Section 7. DAO/Project Charter/White or Litepaper and Goals
Project Overview: Presentation with a short High-Level 6 bullet points summary:(Mission, Vision, Core programs and how they align with NDC’s NDC CoA Vision, team, and requested budget for the next three months)
Layerless will enable a collection of NFTs to be minted on Aurora to integrate the Near community, ecosystem and technology stack into the Layerless protocol.
What Problem Are You Aiming to Solve?
NFT Interoperability and inter-EVM-chain use of Aurora NFTs. By way of enabling NFT interchain interoperability, user experience can be greatly improved and liquidity can be made more fluid across web3 in general enabling growth of the asset class as a whole. This proposal will specifically use LayerZero to enable NFTs minted on Aurora to be securely transferred to other EVM chains with LayerZero endpoints without the need for token wrapping, middle chains or centralized bridges and for NFTs minted on other EVM chains with LayerZero endpoints to be similarly securely transferred to Aurora without centralized bridging.
DAO/Project Charter;
How can your DAO / Project achieve NDC priorities, goals, and KPIs?
Layerless Aurora NFTs will enable Aurora to be integrated into the Layerles inter-chain protocol built on LayerZero which will be deployed through the BOS and used to drive significant traffic and transaction volume to the Aurora/Near ecosystem from other EVM chains with LayerZero endpoints. This NFTs will also serve as the foundation and basis for a raft of decentralized information and media capabilities that the Layerless protocol will introduce using inter-chain NFTs as a foundational primitive.
Roadmap of your DAO/project, Milestones, and achievements
Q1 2024 | Completion of Design of Layerless Protocol | Q2 2024 Integration of Aurora inter-chain NFTs into LayerLess via LayerZero | Use case 1: metaKnyts Near KNYTS Aurora NFT AirDrops and Collection Drop. | Q3 New Layerless NFT capabilities introduced.
Section 8. Budget
Projected Budget for the next three months (In USD for each Task/Milestone)
Bilateral Integration between Aurora Smart Contract and 3rd party EVM chain Smart Contract via LayerZero end point alignment to facilitate bridge-less inter-chain transfers… $3,500
Smart Contract Audit and testing - $1,500
Inter-chain transfer audit and testing, - $1,000
Links to Similar Proposals from Near Foundation, existing GDAOs, Near ECO (if applicable)
What is the length of Commitment to Delivering Your Project? Will your team be working on this project full-time?
1 month and yes
Will your team be fully remunerated from this budget?
Section 9. Project/DAO longevity
Does your project/DAO require one-time or continuous funding?
One time for this project. Further projects with additional features will be proposed in the future.
Will your DAO/Project devise a way of sustaining itself after this round of funding?
What are the possible roadblocks to the success of your project/DAO?
General integration and messaging security issues.