Krisullis nigeria : updates on education and application

This month of May

:star2:FIRST layer of education :star2:

  1. Learning, teaching and Testing
    web3 education + tooling

How we are doing that :point_down:

  1. Narrowing our
    focus and bandwidth
    to 2 pilot projects

In Nigeria

Why is this essential?
3. To test our product out

To bring the learner community in Nigeria

Who are showing

  • high interest in learning
  • high intentions to learn about web3
  • explore how to APPLY web3 in real life situations

( Work, pay, banking, mentorship ):star2::star2:

  1. We are excited
    to currently be facilitating

the Nigeria community :butterfly::star2:

to learn
:1st_place_medal:About near protocol
:1st_place_medal:About Krisullis
:1st_place_medal:About mintbase
:1st_place_medal:About the tools
of web3 and

Then to​:point_down::point_down::point_down:
practice them and get familiar

  1. Krisullis provides the tools for all types of creators
    badges and rewards

:rocket: Bringing his community into Krisullis

:rocket:Support another to earn

:rocket:Learn to earn

  1. Our creator Roy will teach them his own content

:star2:SECOND layer of education :star2:

This is the second layer to education

Our creator curated his or her own content for his or her own community ON the Krisullis platform

:rocket: Create to earn
:rocket: Build community
:rocket: Incentivize them
:rocket: Earn rewards as a creator

If you are in NIgeria or would like to know more about this pilot DM and we would be happy to bring you in!

Kind regards
Krisullis team

I dont think the Nigeria community is awear of this

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Hi @damboy22 thank you for reaching out, and for your quest to explore things forward. Would be happy to set up time to exchange and explore how we can work together

kind regards