We are inviting you to join the Open House on the 2nd of September, 8.00 am - 9.00 am PST.
What can you get out of this Open House?
- Connecting and helping you find teammates for your projects
- Offering you mentorships and point of contact for you / or your team (optional)
- Collecting your feedback, and questions to help you hack better!
Join the Open House on Zoom
Some of the rewards that are up for grabs for attending the Open House
- The First 2 teams with a project in progress will receive exclusive access to a 30 minutes hacking session with Illia Polosukhin, Co-founder at NEAR
- 8 individuals or teams with a project in progress will receive a 1 hour long, 1-on-1 hacking session with Sherif Abushadi, Head of Education at NEAR Foundation
- First 100 people to join will get a custom minted fungible token which can be redeemed for upcoming exclusive NEAR learning events.
- Everyone who registers in advance here will have a chance to win MetaBUIDL SWAG
For any further questions please reach out to shashi@near.org via email or ping him on discord Shashi l NEAR#5182
See you on 2nd Sept @ 8 am PST.
Happy Hacking!!