[Introduction & General Report] Project Ops - Concierge Team

Hello Hello :hatching_chick: another fantastic week

We are using app.connecteam.com to keep track of our activities:

  • 55 hours of work from last week
  • 3 - 6 meetings per day
  • Support for 10-20 users per day
  • 9 hours / 5 days per week
  • Moderation and other community-related activities (Telegram & Discord)

Here is a table showing the main projects assisted the last month:


Name Help Detail Next Steps
Pixeldapps Sharing the example of team group leaded by chloe Community Growth
Meta Pool Helping with changes on the Marketing team -
Bet Ranch Horses Meeting about how to develop the minting page Web Launch
Mintick Sharing dev resources from TenkBay Start development
BlockJobs Several discussions about next steps after DiR OWS Cross-Collaboration
Puzzle Game Appchain Going to the next steps to create a Guild OWS Cross-Collaboration
4myFuture Grant Request, Mainnet Launch done Testers and Marketing Plan

Side Quests

  1. xClaim meeting, and set up one with all the Concierge Team

  2. Joining the ZoneART AMA on Discord, and helping them to show more about their project.

  3. Hosted OTOCO meeting with the help of several members of the community, special thanks to Jose Luis, and it was to discuss legal entities, legal services for Guilds, and Projects that we need. Inviting all the Guild Leaders. We had amazing interventions from @cryptocredit (soon we will share the recording)

  4. New connection point with the Ecosystem Success team on Telegram

As a connector point with the Guild Ops Team

Helping @jlwaugh initiative on the Community DAO to connect with the Concierge Team, where we now created a new group MoDAOrators with the leading of @Jloc

Content Creator for Channel Ops Team

Working directly with @KriptoRaptor creating banners for the AMAs


Ideas / Proposals

  1. From the meeting with Dogstoevsky from Otoco.io, we have been thinking of a Series LLC platform for the NEAR blockchain :cowboy_hat_face:

New Projects Onboarded

Our team received a total of 10 projects. I am very proud HaiVu Kemal LarryLang

Solved from last week

  1. Organize a meeting with King_Kunta
    [PROPOSAL] Adoption of NEAR

Here is the discord server of ShineDAO

They want to integrate NEAR with their Web3 incubator: https://shinedao.finance/
and waiting to receive news about Grants. The first advice is to certificate their developers with learnnear.club or near.university.

  1. Forum workflow from the Concierge Team

Created and shared with our chief @jcatnear

  1. First steps creating a big Dev Team fully capable of taking any external project and launching it in NEAR formed by the NCDs from Near Hispano in collaboration with leamanza josedlujan jeph and Andres Dom

Here, we will onboard Jeph into an NFT project, Andresdom is already leading several projects highlighted soon by Near Venezuela. We have a pending meeting about the next steps BlockJob, which could be a great collaboration with OWS.

Pending for the next week

  1. Meeting about BlockJobs, to manage this project to continue to grow on the Near Ecosystem, to confirm if @DarioFS @sebasgr are going to keep being the developers and how to cross collaborate between Guilds/Projects with Argentina Leaders @leamanza @nacho.near

  2. xClaim meeting with the Concierge Team

  3. Acommpaning ATOCHA Protocol on the next steps

  4. Next steps of collaboration with Otoco

Cheers :beers: