10/29/21 Vinnitsa will host a festival of contemporary art, within the framework of this festival I want to invite some people whom I met myself and whom Vlad Grechina introduced me to. I am sure that this will be the beginning of an amazing collaboration and friendship.
Sounds great, don’t forget to share pics! Have fun
Be sure :))))
Now I will finish urgent preparations for Vinnitsa and return to discussing the budget)))
Within the framework of “AIR FEST” a discussion on the topic is open
“How blockchain technology is changing our lives and what to expect in the future.”
“And one more thing …”
We will present a joint product of the two guilds HUMAN and TRANSFRM.
30.10.21 - 14:00
Vinnytsia, street Soborna, 24
Sky Park, 8th floor
Спасибо Илье, что профинансировал данную возможность лично.
А Хуман за это приключение и техническую поддержку!!!
Я уверен, что в самое ближайшее время мы покажем миру самые чудесные продукты и достигнем 1 000 000 000 пользователей быстрее, чем ожидаем!!!
Спасибо всей огромной команде гильдии ТРАНСФОРМ, за всю вашу поддержку, за все те старания и работу, которую вы проделывете. Как никогда мы должны быть едины, как никогда жить с девизом “один за всех, и все за одного” (чудесная надпись на футболку).
Если я уделяю кому мало внимания - извините, если кому-то что-то должен, прошу заявить о этом сейчас ;))
С чего все началось?
Мы создали кучу чудесного мерча и отправились в Винницу…
∞🅝∞ Thanks to Ilya for funding this opportunity personally.
And Human for this adventure and technical support !!!
I am sure that in the very near future we will show the world the most wonderful products and reach 1,000,000,000 users faster than we expect !!!
Thanks to all the huge TRANSFORM guild team, for all your support, for all the efforts and work that you will do. More than ever, we must be united, more than ever to live with the motto “one for all, and all for one” (wonderful inscription on a T-shirt).
If I pay little attention to someone - sorry, if I owe someone something, please declare it now;))
How did it all start?
We created a bunch of wonderful merch and went to Vinnitsa …
В Виннице есть огромный кинотеатр, это центр всего современного творчества Винницы. Все это можно диджитализировать и создать целую НЕАР культуру. А поможет этому продукт, который я представил в виннице на митапе, который длился около 2х часов, потому что никто не хотел уходить. НЕАР поддерживает развитие данного культурного центра и надеюсь вторую годовщину запуска НЕАР мы будем праздновать там на МАИННЕТНЕАР фест
∞🅝∞ In Vinnitsa there is a huge cinema, this is the center of all modern creativity in Vinnitsa. All this can be digitalized and create a whole NEAR culture. And this will help the product that I presented in Vinnitsa at the meetup, which lasted about 2 hours, because no one wanted to leave. NEAR supports the development of this cultural center and I hope we will celebrate the second anniversary of the launch of NEAR there at the MINNETNEAR fest
На этой огромной сцене можно представлять любой продукт и обсуждать любые темы, пригласив пол города))))
∞🅝∞ On this huge stage, you can present any product and discuss any topic by inviting half of the city))))
To be continued…
Затем мы провели замечательный митап на котором присутствовали очень много гостей из художественной, креативной и технической области, команда из BINANCE.
На митапе обсуджалось очень много тем, Я представил НЕАР с самой лучшей стороны и многие люди очень заинтересовались нашим протоколом. Имею большой список контактов.
Так же я представил революционный продукт, уникальный в своем роде!
Это НЕАР в коробочке, я назвал его НЕАРБОКс и даже сделал криптопатент
В коробке краткое описание концепции WEB3. QR на мультфильм как открыть кошелек.
Список полезных сайтов.
Then we had a great meetup, which was attended by a lot of guests from the artistic, creative and technical fields, the team from BINANCE.
A lot of topics were discussed at the meetup, I presented NEAR from the best side and many people were very interested in our protocol. I have a large list of contacts.
I also presented a revolutionary product, unique in its kind!
This is NEAR in a box, I named it NEARBOX and even made a crypto patent
In the box is a short description of the WEB3 concept. QR on the cartoon how to open a wallet.
List of useful sites.
Вот что значит совместная работа, понимание и креатив!!! HUMANEAR
Сканируя данный QR пользователь получает немного NEAR и NFT. Всего существует 100 копий такого уникального NFT посвященного AIRfest размещенные в таких коробочках.
Могу продать за 10N передав вот таким способом:
∞🅝∞ That’s what collaboration, understanding and creativity mean !!! HUMANEAR
By scanning this QR the user gets some NEAR and NFT. In total, there are 100 copies of such a unique NFT dedicated to AIRfest, housed in such boxes.
I can sell for 10N by transferring this way:
до конца досидели не все, здесь самые терпеливые
∞🅝∞ not all of them sat to the end, here are the most patient
А затем был КИЕВ и BlockchainUA
And then there was KIEV and BlockchainUA
Очень знаковое событие для Украины, представлены очень крупные компании и интересные проекты, с помощью нашего NEARBOX познакомился со многими разработчиками, которых убеждаю работать с NEAR как с самой передовой компанией.
Проект запускается на Солана, но получив NEARBOX признали что наш маркетинг лучше, и проявили желание контактировать дальше и поддерживать теплые отношения.
A very significant event for Ukraine, very large companies and interesting projects are presented, with the help of our NEARBOX I met many developers, whom I convince to work with NEAR as the most advanced company.
The project is launched on Solana, but having received NEARBOX they recognized that our marketing is better, and showed a desire to keep in touch and maintain a warm relationship.
Также генеральным спонсором мероприятия была Украинская биржа QMALL. Уникальна она тем, что запускает карты VISA которые будут привязаны к бирже, и их можно будет пополнять через очень крупную сеть терминалов по всей Украине. Владелец биржи очень лоялен ко всему Украинскому и залиститься на такой перспективной бирже не должно составить труда.
Also the general sponsor of the event was the Ukrainian stock exchange QMALL. It is unique in that it launches VISA cards that will be linked to the exchange, and they can be replenished through a very large network of terminals throughout Ukraine. The owner of the exchange is very loyal to everything Ukrainian and it should not be difficult to list on such a promising exchange.
Вечер был активным и я приобрел много новых друзей
The evening was active and I made many new friends
Новое поколение NEAR
New generation NEAR
Для тех, терпеливых, кто дочитал до конца, я создал НФТ,
Девид вы можете лично сделать вклад в развитие нашего проекта купив этот токен )))
∞🅝∞ For those patient ones who have read to the end, I created NFT,
@David, you can personally contribute to the development of our project by purchasing this NFT
Всех участников гильдии TRANSFORM, которые умеют взаимодействовать с этим форумом и кого интересует почему нет оплаты дальнейшего развития нашего проекта я прошу очень коротко описать что они делали в этом месяце и что планировали делать в следующем и спросить у @David почему он считает что 250N за работу которую вы все делаете достаточно?
All members of the TRANSFORM guild who know how to interact with this forum and who are interested in why there is no payment for the further development of our project, I ask you to very briefly describe what they did this month and what they planned to do next and ask @David why he thinks 250N is for work which are you all doing enough?
Привет @Grace @vlad @chloe @alex.shevchenko @Vladislav_vl25
I have some group in telegram where i safe information about my activity during month
If someone interested i give link
Its on russian thank you
Hi, my name is Animem. I have over 3000 followers on Twitter.
Hey man,
This looks awesome and seems like you had a great time
The 250N was simply a suggestion, I am not the arbiter of funding distributions.
That being said, the funding request in that proposal was for 15,000 NEAR, around $150,000. That is a huge amount of funds and to dive straight into an Ambassador Programme without any trial, particularly at that scale, would be an irresponsible distribution of NEAR (in my opinion).
I’m not trying to restrict your innovation or your NEAR focused initiatives (in fact, it’s the complete opposite ). What I am trying to do is distribute NEAR in a responsible manner.
Thanks for the pics, looks like you had a good one
Over the past month, I have studied the research ecosystem in detail.
Improved my skills as a marketer and admin in chats.
He opened wallets to all his friends and acquaintances, immersed them in the ecosystem.
I have formed my own team that helps me.
Launched merch in Belarus. (So far, only masks)
Made giveaways
Hi guys!!! My name is Edgar . I am Financial Manager in investing company and also Near community builder in Muckachevo. My work is to onboarding , explaining to the people what is Near Protocol and how to be part of Near community. Several of my clients are already invest in to Near Protocol thousands of dollars and add it to crypto portfolio. I also promoting Near in Twitter x.com .
I created a group of Near Promoters in the Twitter and they get pay in Near through the Rocket program
I also add several locations to the Near Map all of them are ready to accept Near
In the future all of us would like to implement many projects based on Near Protocol!:)))
Thanks to @INFINITY for his great work and inspiration :)))
Near is Future !!!:)))
Hello, i am Melody
From 1-st october till today 8-th november, i have +994 followers. And Instagram
I have a group of 8 artists, on twitter they have from 921 to 4914 followers. Also they promote Near on insta, tryshowtime, etc. We make retweets about near and posts of our art on near platforms in a creative and interesting manner, 150-250 posts per month each artist. We make giveaways (my last giveaway had more than 19 000 shows per 2 days), talk about near in groups and help artists to open wallets and mint nft.
I would like to note that the guys from Transform are responsive, I personally did a collaboration with them to raise the activity in our social networks (NEAR Protocol RU and TRANSFORMNFT in Twitter).
The NFT for the contest was made by my wife, and the contestants liked it.
I think our strength, guilds, communities, participants, should be in this kind of collaboration.
My favorite .
Dear @INFINITY if you wanna do a new funding requests, please include information how is your guild spent $30 000 from Ilia transaction/wallet/purposes .
Thank You!
Dear Dacha, we already did it, many times. You know, that problem is not in this) We made many proposals, in all ways. No one was voted.
And also, when we ask councils what is wrong with proposals/reports, they say its nothing wrong, all good.
Dear Melody I love everything that you and your artists do. I’m your fan and supporter.
Unfortunately, can’t say the same about your brother.
Will be great if you create your own guild with democratic DAO. Good luck.
I am part of the Transform guild, and i know everything what happens in it. So if we talk about qualities of Valentine as a person and a guild leader, then one can hardly find a more supportive, hardworking, honest and creative person.