I'm getting ready to hold a meetup in Vinnitsa and Kiev BlockchainUA

Приглашаю Telegram: Contact @edgar3031 в гильдию TRANSF🔴RM консулом и предлагаю остальным консулам его поддержать)
I invite Telegram: Contact @edgar3031 to the TRANSF🔴RM guild as a consul and invite the rest of the consuls to support him)


Также приглашаю потрясающую художницу Telegram: Contact @luda_create консулом в АРТ DAO TRANSF🔴RM
I also invite an amazing artist Telegram: Contact @luda_create as a consul in ART DAO TRANSF🔴RM
SputnikDAO 2

Probably, you’re laughing on democracy when inviting 4th person in DAO there are another 3 sits have brother sister and her husband.

Ok, just wanted support you and find solution.

Telegram: Contact @sanixvlad Я буду рад видеть тебя одним из консулов гильдии TRANSF🔴RM

Telegram: Contact @sanixvlad I will be glad to see you as one of the consuls of the TRANSF🔴RM guild


And why you didn’t support your proposal ?

rise and rise again until lambs become lions