I-AM-HUMAN Onboarding Contest

Calling all OGs and Ecosystem Leaders!!

The end is near for the #IAH competition.

With a total of $5000 NEAR up for grabs, don’t miss out on this opportunity to onboard your community and share in the rewards! 7 days to go… So you better register below! Competition ends on July 31st.

To register your community and generate your unique referral link, follow the link below:
Register to IaH Onboarding Competition May the strongest community win!!


Call To Participation :mega:


Yo!! In addition to what @Aescobar said there’s also a content contest for Verified Humans Just so you know there’s a content contest going on and would be great if you participate.

:clown_face:Are you a memester?

:writing_hand:t3:A writer?

:woman_artist:A designer?

Or any aspect of content creation.

Please get verified as a human and participate here → https://iamhuman.super.site/
Competition ends July 31st

:memo: They’re more opportunities to be anticipated for eligible for verified human.

The Community Concern Is Our Priority :heart: