This guide is for every Projects, Collective, Hack, Ideas, Venue, Service or DAO that want to make a [INTRODUCTION] themselves to the NEAR Ecosystem and the Lisbon City Node
You can find this guide also in PDF here.
Friendly Warning
These guidelines should only be used as examples to help you engage with the NEAR Ecosystem Community. Modifications are permitted, please develop your own style of communication and uniqueness. Personality and conceptualization is really important for each project.
Start with going to the Governance Forum
Scroll down to the City Nodes category and go for Lisboa subcategory.
After inside the Lisboa subcategory press “New Topic”
This window will appear in the Website. Here you make your Introduction.
Fill the Title blank field with the following:
● [INTRODUCTION] - Tag used to introduce Projects, Collectives, Hacks, Ideas, Venues, Services, for better organization in the forum and easily recognisable as an introduction post.
● Project Name - Write down your awesome project name
● Brief Description - Not mandatory but after your project name you can write a 0-10 word description to your project.
In this window you should describe and introduce your Project the best way you can.
Use Markdown, BBCode or HTML to better format and easier readability of your project.
(Remember this structures are not mandatory, only to be followed as example)
Consider the following topics:● Name of the Project and Brief Description: 2-8 words Description
● Logo, Image or Design - Bring out your cool Logo, Branding or Image for everyone to start to engage visually with you
● Introduction Text: A small text with around 500-1200 characters giving context with subjects like the age of the project, the history behind its creation, current state of the project, vision, future expectations and reason for engaging with the NEAR Ecosystem.
● Social Media Links: Use the Link tool and show the world your channels of communication. (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, etc)
● Wallet for the Project: example.near
● Council / Team members: Write down the members of your project that may or not be in the Council, if the project is a DAO. Write down their names followed by their NEAR wallet (ex: John Doe - johndoe.near). It’s not mandatory, but if you want, add a brief Bio for each of the team members, relating about their position, work in the project or any cool details the community should know.
● Projects in Development: If there’re some projects you are already developing and want to show them to the community, please write them down in any way you want.
● Ideas for collaboration with the NEAR Ecosystem: Write down immediate projects that were already thought off and could be done in collaboration with NEAR. Write brief texts about the ideas, so they may be already approached by the community with help, ideas or collaborations.
● Goodbyes, kisses and farewells: You just finished your introduction so off to post it!
● Here are some links to more examples of introductions on the Forum:
○ [ INTRODUCTION ] The Clan Guild
○ Hello, we are the CUDO DAO
○ -
Post your newly created Introduction topic on the Forum and wait warmly for the community to engage with you!
Introduce some of your Project team members to the NEAR Gov Forum and try to have them engage in the Topic you just created. Explain their roles, introduce themselves or just give a support shout-out to your project!
Post up your introduction in the Telegram Group, saying you just did it and you are happy about it!
Here’s the link: Telegram: Contact @lisboncitynode
Any doubts or ideas to add to this guide please feel free send a message to this same Telegram Group or write in this Post.