Flying Rhino Guild September Roundup

Happy end of the month! September flew by and the Flying Rhino’s grew like never before. The more time that passes, the bigger we grow :slight_smile: My hopes for this guild could not have been fulfilled more than they have in my wildest dreams- thank you to everyone in the community for providing the resources for us to do this work, for working with us, supporting us, and following along. Without further ado, let the roundup begin!

Flying Rhino Team updates:
*We have hired TWO new flying rhinos! Yana is our general assistant and Allen our new graphic designer :slight_smile: These two have done amazing work this month, working succinctly, in a detailed and project oriented fashion. I could not ask for a better team.

Here is a rundown of all the tasks they have each completed this month, based on our archived weekly to do lists :slight_smile:
-Reviewing documentation for new projects
-Wrote 5 medium blogs
-Daily Twitter upkeep and running of the Flying Rhino Twitter account (twitter statistics attached below)
-Successful NFT drop from the Flying Rhino twitter
-Social media for the ItsMyne accounts including Twitter and instagram! Being in contact with the clients, posting daily to all platforms, engaging online, etc
-Reviewing weekly ItsMyne social media schedule and executing
-Created Flying Rhino outreach initiatives document
-Created client onboarding questionnaire document

-Seamlessly created 43 graphics this month for Flying Rhino Guild, Legal Guild, ItsMyne, and 4NTs Guild
-Studied and reviewed all project documentation
-Preparing for new projects onboarding in October :slight_smile:

-Led the Guild, organized weekly tasks and team meetings
-Daily communication with all team members and clients
-Social media marketing directly for Legal Guild (twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram, Medium)
-Completed 3 new social media blueprints for clients
-Had 3 weekly meetings and 3 one-on-ones with clients
-Worked alongside NEAR Protocol official to run social media on Twitter
-Created weekly social media schedules for clients
-Confirmed Flying Rhino presence at NEARcon

All in all, our team was busy this month to say the least! Here is now an overview of our current clients:

Current clients + tier levels:
Legal Guild (NEAR GUILD)- Tier 1- Full time social media marketing, advising, etc
QSTN (PROJECT)- Tier 2- Weekly content creation, social media advising, launch preparation (Nov 12)
Sankore 2.0 Guild (NEAR GUILD)- Tier 2- weekly content creation and schedule, social media advising, general marketing overlords
Comic NFT (PROJECT)- full time social media marketing, advising, daily posting and engagement
ItsMyne (PROJECT)- full time social media marketing, advising, daily posting and engagement
NEAR Protocol official (INTERNAL NEAR TEAM)- Tweet drafting, twitter scheduling and management, collaboration on social media playbook

Services for each client:
Legal Guild
*Weekly content schedule for Twitter and LinkedIn created and
*Weekly call with Legal Guild team
*Daily posting on LinkedIn and Twitter
*Posting daily and engaging in Legal Guild Telegram
*Updating Medium blogs and posting Medium blogs as they are created
*Brainstorming further marketing opportunities, trajectory, growth, etc
*Creating partnerships in the NEAR ecosystem
*Graphic design and creation

*Weekly content schedule for Twitter and Instagram created and
*Full management of Twitter and Instagram account
*Daily chat with ItsMyne team to communicate
*Updating Medium blogs and posting Medium blogs as they are created
*Brainstorming further marketing opportunities, trajectory, growth, etc
*Creating partnerships in the NEAR ecosystem
*Graphic design and creation
*4+ Tik Tok created and posted

Comic NFTs (Nov 1 Launch):
*Initital One on One
*Social media blueprint document
*Full time social media management and advertising begins October 1!
*Management of Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, etc
*Daily communication with project operators
*Advertising and Marketing in the NEAR ecosystem
*Graphic design and creation

Sankore 2.0:
*Initital One-on-One
*Social media blueprint document
*Correspondence with S2 team
*Social media tier 2 services to begin Monday, October 4, including graphic design and creation, weekly social media schedule and content showcase, etc

NEAR Protocol:
*Tweet drafting
*Posting on Twitter
*working with internal core team
*Partnering up for the NEAR Protocol guide to social media :wink:

*Call to get updates after Project managers absence/vacation
*Launch date expected is Nov. 12
*Tier 2 social media services to begin by October 15, including graphic design and creation, weekly social media schedule and content showcase, etc

Now, how are our social media accounts doing? Check out the stats below!

Flying Rhino:
Twitter Analytics account overview flying rhino sep for GuildRhino.pdf (731.4 KB)

Legal Guild:
Twitter Analytics account overview september .pdf (432.5 KB)


Sankore 2.0, Comic NFTs, and QSTN analytics coming next month after full onboarding begins!

As you can see, our team is busy building out the NEARverse one project at a time! We love the community and can’t wait to see the success that October brings :slight_smile:


Awesome work! :clap:t6: Excited to collaborate!

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The Rhino team working under @leaves297 coordination is becoming a key player in communication for the community.
Thanks for your hard work and dedication
:chains: :chains: :chains:

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The guild leadership violates transparency policy