EIR | Near Growth and Transparency / ES/EDU Support | Amber Brandner, EIR NEAR

Project title: Amber Brandner, EIR ~ 2/1/2022- 2/28/2022 Month Report

One-liner: A blend of initiatives including the original Growth and Transparency report, developing and supporting projects, internal collaborations and creations, developing opportunities that optimize NEAR resources and ecosystem, developing and moving aligned proposals for grants.

Project Summary: Projects & Initiatives in Progress:

  1. Growth & transparency report (quarterly). (ES)
  • The proposal was approved!
  • Have met with various depts with the goal of key points of contact for development.
  • Established collaboration with NEARWeek.
  • Developed MVP website (to be edited with new dates and updates - https://www.absolutesum.co/nearproject)
  • Today 3/4/2022 spoke with Cameron and was given go-ahead, he saw the value and need for the report. Sending updated roadmap and budget milestones.
  1. Dreamtank: Proposal Submitted. (EDU Grant Project)
    Dream Tank, a woman-led, social impact youth accelerator since May 2016. Developing a plug-and-play template and setting up the legal structure for a youth-led DAO for the next iteration of Dream Tank which builds on the backbone and gamifies Dream Tank’s hero’s journey-based social impact accelerator programming. Six years of learning and working with youth through Dream Tank yielded 1000s of young social entrepreneurs solving local and global challenges including 3 laws changed, several patent-pending sdg-based innovations, and more.

This next iteration is called Island 17. A gamified youth accelerator with a hybrid of IRL and metaverse youth hackathons globally. One of the key goals is to create a template for a full on open source, open world global game that translates to real-world impact. 17 stands for the 17th Sustainable Development Goal which is partnerships – as we can’t achieve any significant change in the world without creating the conditions for economically driven, self-motivated collaboration.

  1. OurVerse: Mixed reality storytelling educational initiative. (EDU Grant Project)
  • Primary objective to create nine episodes which onboard community through web3 through engaging Mixed reality educational videos and a course.
  • Met this team through the ecosystem and saw value, lifted to conversation.
  • 2 Meetings and proposal development with team, discussing storytelling, possible ways for the team to support and plugin with ecosystem. Discussed highest impact methods for deliverables.
  • Proposal development for grant underway, to be submitted week of March 7, 2022.
  1. NEAR Twitter Spaces: Internal Innovation/Collaboration (ES Project)

We (Daniel and I) are working on collaboration Near Space on the Nearweek Twitter page and several others.

  • Engaging members and leaders of the NEAR community to discuss issues and create actionable steps in an open-spoken format.
  • Hosts are ChroNear and Amber. With active community leaders signing on as guest.
  • Our tentative structure for the first show is based on “mastermind” workshops, to help make this Near Space, productive and actionable for members showing up with challenges. First episode date March 9th.
  • We will following metrics including # of people engaged, # of challenges addressed and # hot seat presenters who have progress towards solution.
  1. [EZTV.] (https://www.eztvmuseum.com/) LA Arts Commissioner. (EDU/ES)
  • Pioneers in digital artwork in the 70s. Proposal underway to utilize Michael Masucci’s expertise in an educational show for the industry.
  • Experimental explorers in arts based-practices, concerned with the interrogation of contemporary art and the implications of the rapid development and transformative nature of tech. A group of practitioners/advocates whose legacy and commitment to self-empowerment through self-induced and self-actualized efforts is partnered with an understanding of the social responsibility required of any organization.
  • Met with Michael and Kate on two occasions regarding the digital museum and various aspects of the project proposal.First engagements in education and culture space, and focus of building a collaboration around the initiative.
  • Recorded conversation and notes for sample work.
  • Goal to welcome in the arts and humanities through conversation which bridges origins and future, while rooted in the present.
  • Current status - team submitting proposal/application next week.
  1. Future Tech (DevShop and Project Management) (Partnership)
  • Met with Daniel in person twice. Potential for collaboration and dev shop partnership projects led to near that are a match.
  • We do need a better understanding NEAR’s needs regarding Dev Shop Partnerships and these types of partnerships.
  • We understand a need for auditors and TA exist and are seeing how we can support.
  1. Petgas.mx.
  • Had two meetings with the founders who have confirmed interest to build on Near.
  • Product and service looking to utilize web3 architecture to scale their community and turn plastic liquid. The company transforms plastic waste into fuels but also are giving used plastic a value, which they wish to tokenize to run their ecosystem)
  • Currently running an NFT campaign and would like to work with NEAR on building tokenization model and integrate with the platform.
  1. Joyfully - Startup for Mental Health (EDU/ES)
  • This team is led by entrepreneur Mark Bishop. Joyfully is empowering a new type of Creator - everyday people who are willing to share their lived experience to help others feel that they’re not alone - there are possibly millions of people who fall into this category. To get to billions of users on NEAR, you’re going to need non-technical people to find ways to adopt as well, Joyfully’s interests are aligned with NEAR for this to take place.
  • Project proposal underway, will be submitted by week of March 8. Connected founder with team UCSD team also working in mental health.
  1. Continued learning on all fronts, specifically dove into DAOs and Metaverse, learning from both NEAR resources and ecosystem.

  2. Attended events; NFT Launch, Bright Spots Gallery Venice - connected with artist and community there spoke about NEAR.

Attended Venice Crypto meetup, met organizers, connected with web3 documentary storyteller following for next week.

Updates from this week:

SXSW: I’ll be in Austin 11-15, would love to know anyone else in NEAR going, I have offered my support to teams hosting events locally. Invited to the ATXDAO event. I have two meetings scheduled and 2 main other events I am attending. Will be open to connecting with folks there and helping spread the word on NEAR through simply interacting with the possibilities.

Saturday 3.4.2022 will be a guest speaker on with UC Santa Cruz - “The best way to predict the future is to create it! Can emerging technologies create a more just, equitable and viable future, that works for everyone? Come hear what our interns have accomplished and what opportunities await you at the Center for Applied Values and Ethics in Advanced Technologies (CAVEAT) and hear from advisors and influencers!” I’m one of the advisors. Will be representing myself as EIR NEAR and UCSD:)