Project Title: Account of activities in May for Payment, EIR Daniel Haboush
May marks the end of my work as an EIR with the Foundation. It was cut short and therefore 8 works days have only been considered.
Here is what we have worked on.
NEARSPACE: a bi weekly twitter spaces we created has become part of the NEAR Promotion Army and submitted a grant for 4 months of operation, including the addition of a new spaces that focuses on project highlights in the ecosystem
Ecosystem Report: Developing a NEAR Ecosystem report has been underway for 6 weeks now. This current week will mark the development of a rough draft/outline with the fedback from Vox co-founder, Yuri.
Entrepreneurship Track: Via the development of an entrepreneurship course, we have been in contact with Shreyas and i believe 2 members of our team will submit a proposal to spearhead and project manage that project
Landian: Having come to Colombia to do due diligence on a metaverse building on top of NEAR. After weeks of discussion, the company itself is changing approaches but by no means stopping. They are apparently in touch with Illya directly now to find the development support they may require. We have been pushed out of the project while they organize themselves
Panama: Spent 2-3 days in deep discussion with a Panamaniam legislative family member revising their regulations and looking at how NEAR can educate their country. Unclear if this will move forward. I have contacted the panamanian person (may16th) and waiting to hear back on updates from the gov
Helping projects choose NEAR as a solution. Most recent big project is Blue Green Marketplace. However due to the uncertain nature of NEAR Foundation large grants right now, they are debating whether to go for a small grant or go to a different chain.
Decentralized Grant Committee: Spent several hours creating and formulating a plan around this. The document i made was offered to the group, altered and then dropped after i withdrew from the project for the time being.
There are many other things that take place. Whether it is connecting a sponsor to hacker house, or for consensus, meetings with NF people to work together more closely and other NEAR community members. This has been a brief outline of some of them.
NEARSPACE & Ecosystem report will continue if funding is granted. The reports budget had never considered such a substantial drop in token value as well as the payment of the EIR’s running it. A part of our team members (Amber & Patty) may create a proposal for the entrepreneurship track, which provides a core project through which they can engage with NEAR.
Thank you once again for the opportunities, it has been a great learning experience and hope we can work together in the future