Hello everyone! Evgeny from House of Merit here! This is my report for October and November.
- In October I took part in a lot of discussions about how NDC should work and what processes we need to follow. Also over the past two months, I’ve been actively engaged in lively discussions among HoM members. I always have been filled with participation in various conversations, where I’ve not only raised important issues but also shared my thoughts and feedback on all the topics discussed in our chat.
During these two months, I had a significant number of calls with grassroots DAOs, discussing their proposals and requests for joining NDC V1.
Participation in the preparation of the NDC V1 budget for $3M.
Near Digital Collective Budget and next steps -
Participated in the writing of important document for NDC:
Actively participated in discussions on the Creative DAO request in October and the GWG proposal in October, providing feedback.
Preparing a detailed analysis of the Creative DAO proposal in November and subsequent discussions and search for compromises with the Creative DAO team:
- Participated in 60% of House of Merit calls and took part in 85% of votes having examined each proposal in detail (in November this amounted to 28 proposals)
8.Actively participated in NDC chats and answered questions from the community. And also participated in most of the NDC Twitter spaces.
9.Also performed minor tasks, such as scheduling calls in the first days of the congress, or adding all HoM votes to clickup.
Always happy to answer your questions!
If you need to contect me feel free to DM me:
Telegram: @evg3nykh
Best wishes