Congress members transparency activity tracking list and REPORTS

Hey NEAR community!

February report is pretty similar to previous ones:

  1. Participation in on-chain votings. The total amount of requests was 33 and i voted for 88% of all proposals.
  2. Participation on weekly meetings/calls. All calls attendance. 100%.
  3. We keep working on different legal stuff with NF, HoM and CoA members, to setup legal entity, onboard people, structure the process of this entity to be able to do things in accordance with legislation.



Aescobar February Report as Transparency Commission

  1. Involve in discussion on the case that been reported to TC

  2. Review and investigate report that being submitted to TC

  3. I have been working collectively with other TC members on complaint that has been submitted by Community. In total there are 20 cases submitted in February and official public report will be share by TC

  4. Attend all TC related call with any parties .


chloe.near Feb HoM report for base responsibilities within the HoM.


Hey NEAR community!

February report is pretty similar to previous ones:

  1. Participation in on-chain votings. I voted for 94% of all proposals.
  2. Participation on weekly meetings/calls. 75%+.
  3. Participated in NDC OPS calls regarding infrastructure usage and work on creating BOS components.

Last month, in my capacity as the primary liaison for the House of Merit, I assumed a range of duties:

  • Managed funding activities for Grassroots DAOs and individuals to ensure smooth operations.
  • Facilitated open discussions to address concerns and inquiries and enhance connections within the NDC ecosystem.
  • Initiated various polls and sponsored numerous new grassroots DAOs, including Africa and Frelance DAO.
  • Developed and released the April funding round guide, accessible at [Announcement] NDC Grassroots DAOs and direct funding process for April 2024.
  • Coordinated proposal execution, fostering collaboration among House of Merit, CoA, Trust, and Ops teams.
  • Collaborated with the KYC lead on facilitating the KYC/KYB process for Congress.
  • Conducted informative calls to educate grassroots and individual members on the funding application process.
  • Engaged in numerous calls with teams such as NF Legal, Ecosystem, independent contributors, and others (over 40 calls).
  • Tons of ongoing tasks.


  • Achieved a voting rate of 94% on proposals.
  • Maintained a 100% attendance rate in meetings.
  • Provided feedback for all rejected or abstained proposals.

Currently, I am focusing on the next NDC budget and drafting memos, including one on the process for quarterly funding to streamline proposal decision-making. I am closely collaborating with the Ops team to implement the CoA vision.

My election platform progress

With the launch of Freelance DAO, my election program is 100% completed.

I initiated launching new DAOs within NDC:

  1. Globe DAO

  2. Aurora Community DAO

  3. Freelance DAO

  4. Degens DAO

As well as

  1. Service DAO

  2. She is Near DAO

  3. Build DAO

Thanks the teams for incredible work.

I glad to see new leaders and new initiatives - NDC was developed exactly for you and your ideas to empower Near Ecosystem :heartpulse:


Full Name

Zubair Ansari



Transparency Commission

Reporting Period

February 2024

Details on Governance Contributions

Drafted and voted on proposals in TC :

Worked on all the Investigation reports that are submitted on the Astra++ in the month of February. There are some reports under investigation on which I worked but they are not up for the proposal since they are still under investigation. Attended all the weekly meetings and some with NF Legal.

Details on Collaborations

Collaborated with NDC Ops regarding the fix of Astra++ bug and SMM team to post the reports.

Details on Documentation and Reporting

Drafted TC Notices, Monthly report, CDAO and other Investigation reports etc. All the investigation reports proposal :

Reviewed Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest from Congress Members.

I am also managing the tools for the TC such as ClickUp for the smooth work process.

Thanks everyone in the community for proactively raising their concerns to TC. I assure to dedicate my best to the resolutions.


My report for the February:

Operation work:

  • Ops team scope and coordination from the HoM side:
    – Outlined the scope of the BOS Page and expectations, created documents, and facilitated meetings
    – Coordination of the Ops team from the HoM side
    – Outlined the scope and expectations for Governance Framework, BOS Page, Voting, Widget and KPIs, NDC Unified Funding, Grassroots Page, Astra++
  • SMM team coordination
    – Facilitated meetings for creating expectations from the HoM side to the previous SMM team, created the scheme with deliverables and KPIs
    – Onboarding of the new SMM team in terms of expectations and deliverables
  • Legal
    – Tried to solve the communication with the Legal structure from the HoM side, created letters to the NF
    – Outline the scope for the HoM members to understand how to establish the hierarchy and deliverables for the NDC Service, still in progress

HoM speaker:
– 3 public syncs in the NDC Twitter
– Weekly reports in the NDC Congress telegram
– Created and engaged people in the NDC telegram
– Facilitated weekly HoM meetings

Working group participated:

  • All Ops WGs (Gov, Voting, Widget, NDC BOS Pages, Grassroots, Astra)
  • Community Voice
  • NDC BD

– 88% out of 64 proposals voted and commented for a month
– 100% HoM meeting attendance


Dear NEAR community, this is my report for February:

In February I was responsible for creating a list of NDC projects, as well as managing the congressional salary for February, and also voting on proposals submitted to the House of Merit.

Preparation of a list of supported projects:
I have prepared a detailed list of projects that were supported by NDC:

Salary Management:
In February, I was responsible for financing the congress for their work in January, serving as the Point of Contact (PoC) for salary issues with NDC Trusts.

Participation in Public Discussions, Calls, and Voting:
In February, I actively participated in NDC chats, answering community questions and contributing to discussions. I also took part in 75% of House of Merit calls and 88% of the votes (29 proposals), carefully examining each proposal and providing feedback in case of rejection.

Next steps:
The month of February was a bit of a busy month for NDC, and therefore I will need a little more time to create a report for NDC for February

If you need to contect me feel free to DM me:

Telegram: @evg3nykh

Best wishes


Hello and good day, everyone!

I’m Dk, a House of Merit (HoM) member, and I would like to present my work to the NDC. It’s been a pleasure working with all of you, the NEAR ecosystem members, congress, and OGs!

Here are some of the tasks that I worked on in February!

  • I arranged multiple calls and attended all of them, totalling more than 38 in February! (Scheduling all calls based on the grassroots dao team members, HoM speaker, and PoC’s preferred time, gathering each grassroots dao’s email account list, and storing all details and emails in a spreadsheet for future reference!)

    • HoM sync with Grassroot Dao
    • HoM weekly sync
    • HoM <> Other House calls include those from the NDC and third parties, as well as other significant ones!
  • Helped with gathering grassroots dao details for the BOS page development!

  • Creating and Managing private group chats with all the Grassroots Dao’s

  • Updating notes of the call or adding summary link in ClickUp and updating possible data in click-up!

  • Actively voted on the Astro++ (In February month, I voted for 24 polls out of 32, approximately 73% voting in February month!) as well as actively voted in Internal Vote polls!

  • Active in group chats, with Congress and grassroots Dao’s!

  • Reviewing and guiding the grassroots dao team about the draft of the proposal with all the possible suggestions!

  • Actively updating the work status of click-up, that’s assigned to me or related to me!

    • In Progress
    • Done
    • Urgent
    • Complete
  • I was handling the House of Merit email: or maintaining the Google calendar of the HoM for all the calls!

  • Helping with sharing important announcements with the ecosystem group chats & grassroots private chats, etc!

  • As well as maintain HoM monthly rewards polls on astra++!

According to the Congress member’s activities!

Attendance at the House of Merit’s weekly sync and other calls!

  • February, 24: 38 calls I have attended and scheduled during the February month [with different grassroots dao teams, HoM weekly sync, NDC 3rd Parties call, etc!]

Onchain Voting at the Grassgroot Dao Proposals and other polls!

  • February, 24: 73% voting on-chain!

I’m Responsible For

  • NDC calls scheduler, notes taker, call reminder (Congress Internal or 3rd Parties calls)
  • HoM Payment Dao Council (Onchain Polls, Votes, KYC confirmation, etc)
  • Responsible For call details updates in ClickUp
  • One of the Active HoM council member

also, I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with all the members of Congress and NEAR Ecosystems community members! :wink:

Feel free to connect with me, if you need any guidance or suggestions!
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @dk_51

Thanks, Have a great day ahead!


Hey, I’m Evangel, Council of Advisors member

To continue from January:

In February, I attend all CoA meetings and participated in discussions on proposals created on Astro++. I track and record the activities of all CoA members and also try to be in touch 24/7 with HoM and TC as PoC to provide information and any other assistance to the NDC.

Here is the total activity of CoA members for February:


I voted and reviewed the confirmed HoM proposals before imposing VETO on the proposals.

Feb 24: 1/3 (passed at the CoA meeting to reject the VETO proposals, but did not have time to vote due to moving) [Vote CoA]



I attended all CoA meetings in February, one meeting was canceled.

Feb 24: 3/3 [CoA Weekly Sync]



I would like to add that I continue to do my best for the good of the NEAR ecosystem and to be available 24/7 without holidays and weekends for NDC, so you can always contact me and I will do my best to assist, also I believe that not enough work has been done to request an additional payment of $2,500 for the PoC role, so I’m going to request a base payment.

My Telegram: @EvangelS

I thank all members of the NDC Congress for their work and dedication.

Thank you all :heart:


[Report] House of Merit Member rexux - February 2024

Hey everyone! This is rexux from the House of Merit, and I’m here to share my work report for February 2024.

Voting Report:

  • In February, the HOM conducted 33 voting polls covering various DAOs, direct funding requests, and other congress-related matters.

  • My participation rate in these polls was around 76%.

  • In the FEB Month, I support multiple DAOs including Globe DAO, MDAO, Degen DAO, AC DAO, Service DAO, Research DAO, and direct funding requests like Autonomous

  • Additionally, I welcomed new DAOs like Freelancer DAO and Afrika DAO into the NDC.


HOM conducted a total of 4 meetings in February, one per week, and I ensured my presence in each one.

Tasks Managed via Clickup:

  • With the upgrade to premium ClickUp this month, I took charge of revamping our task management system.
  • I created completely new sections to manage HOM data related to Astra++ Polls, Telegram polls, Proposal Pipeline (GDAO and Direct Requests), HOM General tasks, HOM members’ Performance reiview, and fed all the data accordingly.
  • Furthermore, I created template for Grassroots reports to streamline reporting processes.

That wraps up my report for February. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via Telegram (@rexux_in) or email (

Best regards,


February report
TG: @johanga_n is open for everyone who has any issues regarding transparency on NDC :pray:

– Aligned TC activities with NDC Houses’ goals, principles and pipelines.
– Acted as a connector between Houses to support the strategic direction of the Transparency Commission.
– Served as the primary Point of Contact for Congress members with TC.
– Communicated with external entities: SMM, Ops, Tech teams and NF
– Сurated NDC presence and merch distribution on EthDenver
– Maintained the line of agendas, conclusions and CTAs during regular TC meetings.
– Facilitated communication coordination between NDC Houses, Social Media team, events teams, NF, other internal government entities, and GDAOs Councils.
– Effectively managed and tracked inquiries, complaints, or feedback.
– Ensured all communications were appropriately documented and addressed.
– Coordinated the development of NDC and GDAOs BOS pages
– Coordinated the production and publication of regular(monthly) TC reports along with other Houses’ updates.
– Tracked TC and other Houses’ activities, ensuring a comprehensive overview.
– Reviewed performance reports from Congress for informed decision-making.
– Internal TC Coordination: collaborated closely with other TC members to facilitate their activities, schedule meetings, and share relevant information.
– Coordinated and managed operational frameworks and processes within the TC, ensuring thorough documentation - prepared Majority Rules MEMO for internal TC processes.
– Followed the workflow processes in ClickUp
– Reviewed all Conflict of Interest disclosures from Congress members
– Actively participated in the current 20+ investigations, pushing its speed and avoiding delays in reports, leaving comments on ClickUp in time and voting on-chain



February 2024

  1. Reviewed TC members COI Declarations

  2. Reviewed COA member COI Declarations

  3. Investigation: Complaint into Marieke for Inactivity was handled gracefully, diplomatic efforts lead to a voluntary resignation (priority is to avoid confrontation)

  4. Preliminary Reviews on Complaints Received (9)

  5. Voting on whether to proceed from Preliminary Reviews to full investigations

  6. Speaker on NDC Weekly Updates

  7. Regular attendance to TC weekly meetings, including additional meetings to discuss complaints received

  8. Regular meetings with NF Legal

  9. Discussions about TC roles + remuneration

  10. Follow up on Third party Review and Limits on Roles of Congress Memo drafts

  11. Attended ETH Denver: * volunteered for two days (6 scheduled hours + extra time helping out before and after) at NEAR Foundation booth

  • Participated in NDC Panel: Future of Governance @ Supermoon House
  • Recorded podcast for NDC w. James (Build DAO)

Dear NEAR Community and NDC Congress

I am pleased to present to you the final salary information for February. Below are the details of the payments, including the base salary and additional remuneration for fulfilling key roles.

  • Elliot: Base salary $1500, plus $5500 for the role of House of Merit Point of Contact (HoM).
    kiskesis: Base salary $1500, plus $4500 for the role of House of Merit speaker (HoM)
  • Dk: Base salary $1500, plus $2500 for the role of House of Merit Scheduler (HoM).
  • Dav: Base salary $1500, plus $1500 for the role of House of Merit Coordinator (HoM).
    Vadim: Base salary $1500 (HoM)
  • Odin: Base salary $1500, plus $1500 for the role of House of Merit Coordinator (HoM).
  • Rexux: Base salary $1500, plus $2500 for the role of House of Merit Scheduler (HoM).
  • Alex Ustas: Base salary $1500, plus $1500 for the role of House of Merit Coordinator (HoM).
  • Chloe: Base salary $1500 (HoM).
  • Evgeny Khaienko: Base salary $1500, plus $3000 for the role of Achievements and Remuneration Coordinator (HoM).
  • Evangel: Base salary $1500(CoA).
  • Johanga: Base salary $1500, plus $4500 for the role of Point of Contact - Transparency Commission (TC).
  • Zubair: Base salary $1500, plus $3500 for the role of Transparency Commission Admin (TC).
  • AVB: base salary $1500, plus $4500 for the role of Transparency Commission Speaker (TC)
  • Rahul Base salary $1500, plus 1500$ for extra 16 hours (TC)
  • Aescobar Base salary $1500 (TC)
    Wax Base salary $1500, plus 1500$ for extra 16 hours (TC)

For full list of congress members with information about their remuneration in February , please refer to this document.

Details about the roles and responsibilities of each staff member can be found in this document.


Transparency Commission Monthly Report - February Overview

In February, my involvement with the Transparency Commission encompassed a wide range of activities aimed at maintaining the principles of transparency, accountability, and efficient governance within the NDC.

  • Attended all scheduled TC meetings to discuss ongoing activities, evaluate progress, and plan future actions.
  • Participated in additional TC meetings focused on addressing specific issues, complaints, and urgent matters that required immediate attention.
  • Conducted over 8 preliminary reviews of various reports, assessing the issues raised and determining the need for further investigation or immediate action.
  • Undertook an in-depth analysis of more than 10 reports, which involved a detailed examination of the facts, context, and implications of each case.
  • Played an instrumental role in creating the final comprehensive report for the TC, summarizing the month’s activities, findings, resolutions, and recommendations for future actions.
  • Actively participated in voting on all proposals presented during the month, contributing to the democratic decision-making process and ensuring that all decisions were made in the best interest of transparency and accountability.
  • Reviewed Conflict of Interest (COI) declarations from TC members to ensure adherence to ethical standards and to prevent any potential conflicts that could compromise the integrity of the TC’s work.
  • Engaged in meetings with the Foundation’s legal team to ensure that all actions, decisions, and resolutions were in compliance with legal standards, ethical guidelines, and best practices.
  • Effectively addressed and resolved complaints regarding Marieke, focusing on diplomatic efforts that led to a voluntary resignation, thereby emphasizing the importance of resolving conflicts amicably and maintaining team cohesion.

February was a highly productive month, during which I dedicated over 40 hours to fulfilling my responsibilities.


I’m Dav, House of Merit member.
This is my report for March 2024


I voted on 97% of proposals maked
I added on every refused/abstain/approved proposals my PoV. If you need more discussion, feel free to ping me.


During March, I participated in every call managed by HoM, i also participated in some others call with Community, GDAO, and interview manage by ServiceDAO


I actively participated in Call / Meeting with Congress.
With OPS Team and maked some with GrassRoots

I participated on testing on BOS Page which is dev by OPS Team


If you have any question, comment, i will be happy to make a call or discuse with you.

My telegram: @Crypt_Dav
My Discord: dav_pandateam

Thank you


March in the HoM - Chloe


Aescobar March Report as Transparency Commission

  1. I have attended 75% of total meeting 6/8 and missed the other 2 during my trip for Eth Seoul & BUIDL Asia in collaboration with NF event team

  2. Pro actively involve in every discussion and currently still working on ongoing cases

  3. Pro actively involve in memo and improvement needed + discuss on room to improve with the community ( what’s their pain about NDC and what to improve )

  4. There have been three cases submitted during March. Since we fixed most of the reports submitted in February, I had to abstain from one of the cases for the March report due to a conflict of interest between me and the reported parties.

Notes: Can’t send screenshot of spreadsheet report since it’s not updated yet for TC

Hours spend : 20H


Hey NEAR community!

March report is pretty similar to previous ones:

  1. Participation in on-chain votings. I participated in voting for 100% of proposals within the designated timeframe. However, due to incorrect proposal finalization, not all of my votes were counted. Nevertheless, my votes are still recorded on the blockchain.
  2. Participation on weekly meetings/calls. 100%.