Project Schedule: Month of AUGUST / 2022
Project Title: Gambiarra Room in 3D for NEARHUB
Goal: Model the first Gambiarra room in Blender, to be used in the Near Hub.
Timeline: During the Month of August to model, deliver and upload to NearHub.
Accomplishment: Besides modeling the room in blender, I will make 10 unique renders minted in the store.
Rationale: NEAR PROTOCOL, has several tools, being one of them the NearHub, and nothing more fair than to create for one of the most important galleries in Mintbase a room in the NearHub. This being the beginning of a construction project.
Target audience: Gambiarra DAO and artists from Gambiarra’s store.
Products: 1 Room with exclusive design for Gambiarra DAO, + 10 NFT’s minted in the store (modeling renders)
Budget: 500 usd in NEAR
Payment: 500 USD in NEAR
Signature: Natasha Cremonese
Portfolio :
Brazilian Visionary Artist 2D and 3D, Art Educator, Visual Arts Teacher graduated by (UNINTER).
Post-graduate student in History and Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Culture (UNINTER). Workshop, Multiartist, seamstress, artisan, cultural producer.
Project approved by the state law of culture incentive.
ECC: 10157
FOUNDER / FOUNDER @octopodedao
Social Media at @GambiarraDao (Instagram and Facebook)
She has several trainings in education and art, such as Social Educator courses, complementary trainings as Special Education, Transversality Teaching, Digital Painting, Concept Art and 3D modeling at Revolution School.
She worked as an Art Educator/Social Educator in 4 social projects of MDSCS (Mitra Diocesana de Santa Cruz do Sul), Projeto Sol Maior, Cora Coralina, Santo Inácio e Querubins. Serving children, adolescents and elderly in social vulnerability. In addition, she has almost 3 and a half years of experience as an Art teacher at E.E.E.M. Nossa Senhora da Esperança (Santa Cruz do Sul), where she still works today.
Worked in the Art Direction of the independent record label Estação do Baixo. Performing functions of Social Media, Graphic Designer, Art Direction in projects, Illustrator among other functions.
In 2022 she worked for 6 months as a teacher of Visual Arts at SESC/Santa Cruz do Sul
She is one of the creators of the Collective of Women Project, in which she maintains a support group in WhatsApp where women (cis, trans?) exchange ideas, help each other and strengthen bonds.
Where they share and promote information about laws, debates, the lgbtq+ community, culture, art, and entrepreneurship.
At the age of 16 developed the Free Art Project: Projeto Arte Livre
Participated in events doing live painting. In the Soundvision/Serra Gaúcha Festival (2017), Psyres/SCS(2019), Origins Gathering Festival(2020) and Online Festival KIZOMBAR A festa é do Povo é Fora Bolsonaro (2020). Besides working in the Management of the Kids Space and Workshops of the Origens Gathering Festival since 2016, performing inside the Festival the Free Art Project and that in the year 2020 (before the pandemic), executed together with a team of professionals, monitors and workshops, the Potý Project, which she was also the creator.
Potý Project: Redirecting...
She began studying digital painting in 2018, and since then she has been developing works, visual identities, and is currently creating her own tarot deck with her version of the 22 major arcana. Besides starting to walk the path of 3D modeling, which was a dream.
Substitute Councilor of Street Art and Culture in the Council of Culture of Santa Cruz do Sul.
Participant of the International Biennial of Psychedelic Culture and Visionary Art:
Initiation Ritual), Exhibitor of the Museum of Babel 2021, ABAV Art & Sensorium (Brazilian Academy of Visionary Art).
In the year 2020 received the AWARD TRAJETÓRIA CULTURAL of the city of Santa Cruz do Sul 2020 EDITAL Nº 002/SECULT/ ALDIR BLANC .
Approved in EDITAL AQUISIÇÃO DE BENS E MATERIAS. No. 003/SECULT/ ALDIR BLANC 2020 Santa Cruz do Sul in the amount of R$6.000,00
Cryptoart Expositions:
First Exhibition of Psychedelic Cryptoart of Brazil (Dilated Pupil). 25/03/2021.
Second Edition of Pupila Dilatada Exhibition. Where he also worked as Social Media. 06/08/2021 Access:
Works made for @raizverticalfarm (LISBOA/ PORTUGAL) 12/2021
Works available for sale at mintbase:
Physical/In-Person Exhibitions:
Origins Gathering Festival in the year 2018
Origins Gathering Festival in the year 2020
1ª Amostra da Setorial de Artes Visuais de Santa Cruz do Sul 2021
Exposição coletiva, obras feitas para @raizverticalfarm (LISBOA/ PORTUGAL) 12/2021
Exposição Galeria de Arte Visionária / Forró da Lua Cheia 30 Anos Altinópolis/SP – 2022 Curadoria Rodrigo NINI
Obras disponíveis à venda na mintbase:
1st Exhibition of the Visual Arts Sector of Santa Cruz do Sul 2021
Group exhibition, works made for @raizverticalfarm (LISBON/ PORTUGAL) 12/2021
Exhibition Visionary Art Gallery / Forró da Lua Cheia 30 Years Altinópolis/SP - 2022 Curator Rodrigo NINI
Works available for sale at mintbase: