[CONCLUDED] To create an open call to party projects on our metaverse plot

Hi, @LulucaL, could u post your report here? As soon as you post it here and we approve it, you can ask for your payout proposal. Please, ask in USDC and tell the rest of your team to ask in this token, ok?

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I’m putting the report there, still in the process of sending wearables, photo editing and nft mint for raffle and sale. Today I finish everything. But the team has already done its part so I think they can request payments.

. 1 producer/nft artist (80USD~N)
. 1 production assistant (20USD~N)
. 1 voxels architect (50USD~N)
. 1 DJ/VJ (50USD~N)

Can you tell us what is the Near quote we have to use to convert the cache, please?



No need it. USDC is a stable coin. Just ask the same amount in USDC that was in USD.

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And please, we would like u to post the report here, @LulucaL, and not just the link <3 Thank u for your project. :smiley:

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Report is here! [CONCLUED]

First I want to thank MetaverseDAO and all the support we’ve received, especially @thephilosopher
It wasn’t easy tits WE DID IT!

After close bounty I created a telegram group with the team and there we organized the needs to get the party up and running. Tau was responsible for organizing a document with all the arrangements. Blua and Gus worked on the sound and live vídeos and Gus and I made the look of decoration and objects and idea of ​​WEARABLE (like glitch and noize filters).

Festa Festa
Party Party
(The Name)
(The themes)

Awesome team (much luv and respect @tauina @gushlewis @blusw, two unique parties with original visuals and sounds LIVE, two wearables (sending), amazing chat conversations, lots of dancing, people from all corners of web3, outsiders interested in joining (I haven’t closed any onboarding yet, but I’ve received several messages of interest djs/vjs mostly), 1 of each NFT draw will be done this next week as well as the eye image mint (done), in color and black and white.


About the UP in the parcel movement, we can improve and I’m sure the frequency of the party (15 in 15 days, maybe) can improve the flow even more.

Some records on social media:




Tau made 2 cards and 1 vídeo And we communicate about the party in the personal profiles of the team, in the Near groups, Cryptovoxels event form, and personally by DM. Here the numbers of my networks

I would love for Tau, Gus and Blua to also talk about the experience. And thanks again for making this experience smooth and smooth, even with all the technical glitches and hiccups along the way. Hoping we can get on with our party soon.

We can do better: Having time to organize everything, maybe sell nft as the ticket to enter the party, have an onboarding / wallet link at the party, advertise directly with voxels (on the day of the party2, the form for this was released) and on DAO networks, Invite via open call djs and vjs from outside the web3 onboarding them, create the collection of wearables with the name of the party (Festa Festa Party Party) in addition to the party themes, send these wearables during the party, raffle the NFT during the party forcing those who don’t have a near wallet to make one to receive the award. Bringing utility to the party beyond fun would be interesting. Cross metaverses with the party also taking place in Near Hub and Nester City. Get a sponsorship so that the fees improve as much as the work and time dedicated.

I believe we gave our best and did everything in our power for these two debut parties, a giant challenge, but we are bigger!


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I thought I had to move to NEAR, better then. And maybe I’ll ask for the full amount and pass it on to the team, don’t you think it’s better? So dao has to handle 1 request only.

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No, no. It is better if each one can request for the payout proposal, because - I know it is not your case, because I know u and all the people involved in the project - it already happened in the ecosystem cases of people making frauds when they ask for the full amount and send to the people. So it is always good if each one that is working in the project asks for oneself. I hope u understand my point. :sparkling_heart:

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Your report is approved. Please, you can ask for your payout proposal and ask the other members to request it too. Gus already did. All of u can ask in USDC (stable token).

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Ah ok, no worries. Tudo certo. Obriiiiii :love_you_gesture::sunglasses:

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Hey @thephilosopher i made the draw

In the presence book list, the winners are



Do you know them, if they are already in Near? Otherwise we need onboard to send the NFTs
They won this


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Cool!!! I know Felirami, but dont remember the other one. Felirami is not on near yet. Do u want that I put him in contact with u? @LulucaL

Yep, send my telegram, if he doesn’t have it on Near, I’ll do the onboard :v::star_struck:

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De olho nessas próximas open calls!


Here it is his twitter, friend:

I alerady onboarded @Felirami in the forum, but not with the wallet. Maybe you can talk to him, in order to help him with the wallet and with receiving the NFTs.

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Xubr, I think I dont know…

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Cool. And The other one… I have no ideia who is :scream: can we message at Voxels, maybe?

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Yes, but not everybody sees the message. Maybe u can look for their wallet on Voxels, and then search it on twitter, to see if the person already posted the wallet as a tweet. Or looking on opensea for the wallet and see if the person has an associated twitter.

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Yep, start the hunt ahahaha :face_with_hand_over_mouth::flying_saucer: @gushlewis maybe knows who is…

Just sent the eye to felirami.near @Felirami :partying_face:

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@LulucaL vc pode mudar o status do seu relatorio de ongoing para concluded, amiga?

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Posso sim, já mandei todos os wearables. Entrei em contato com o outro sorteado e não obtive resposta. Ainda tenho cópias disponíveis dos wearables e dos nfts, pra quem quiser :v::sunglasses:

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