[CONCLUED] Challenge let's party ft MetaverseDAO

Hello community! I received an amazing challenge from MetaverseDAO and I want to share it with you who might be interested in joining us.

To do 2 themed parties in the next 10 days :scream:

The project is to create a party that takes place twice a month at DAOs voxels, the idea is to show the potential and evolve the project and budget as we establish the success of the party.

Goals: Engage the community, do onboardings (we will help with wallet and some N), meet new talent, make and distribute a new wearable for each theme, be together, have lots of fun!

The team I want to form needs + values ​​to make 2party:

. 1 production assistant (20USD~N)
. 1 voxels architect (50USD~N)
. 1 DJ/VJ (50USD~N)

please provide reasons to choose you, link to other works, small bio, social media so we know you’re not fake and stuff

I’m still thinking about the name of the party, I accept suggestions.

The deadline to apply is ASAP as we must deliver the 2 parties within the next 10 days. Go Go gooooo!



I’d love to apply for production assistant.
I love the idea of creating metaverse meet up. It will be totally amazing.


Great, please tell me more about you and why should i select you to assist me. :pray::nerd_face:


I am Hepzibah.
I live in Nigeria. I am a bundle of creativity. You can count on me and I’m always available.

I have worked on many creative projects. Founded some myself. I have organised a metaverse party for Dance DAO, picnics, get-together, business meetings etc.
During my national youth service year, I served as the Assistant secretary for the entire Edo state, one of the demands of the office was planning and actualising events.
I also worked as a presenter, producer and duty countinuty announcer on Ekiti state Radio and Television Broadcasting service.

I have also been involved in onboarding and creating of over 50 wallets in the past few months.

I look forward to working with you already.


i can play Dj set :slight_smile:


Oieee! :sunflower: :sparkles:
Gostaria de me candidatar para assistente de produção. :alien: :robot: :space_invader:

Sou empreendedora autĂŽnoma, artesĂŁ, produtora cultural e social media designer.
Estudei jornalismo, sou habilitada como fiscal do meio ambiente e também sou
formada como TĂ©cnica em Eventos, pelo Instituto Federal de BrasĂ­lia – IFB. Fui
colaboradora da Ecoloja da Ocupação Cultural Mercado Sul Vive (Taguatinga |
Distrito Federal) e parceira da Ocupação na elaboração das Ecofeiras mensais
realizadas no espaço, além de incluir-me na organização e participação de duas
ediçÔes do Sarau Gole de Poesia, realizado na Ecoloja em parceria com a Rådio
Mercado Sul. Participei da ação mobilizadora Cuerpos Libres, coletiva formada por
diversas outras coletivas do Distrito Federal e Entorno que tinha como objetivo
articular e elaborar atividades voltadas para comunidade LGBTQIA+. Também fui
participante do Projeto Juventudes nas Cidades, norteado e gerido pelo Instituto de
Estudos Socioeconîmicos – INESC, envolvendo-me em oficinas de formação,
vivĂȘncias empreendedoras e de resgate da ancestralidade. Integrei o projeto
“Respeita as Mina, as Mana e as Mona”, ocorrido no IFB. O projeto tinha o desejo
de fomentar a igualdade de gĂȘnero e estabelecer um ambiente com mais equidade,
como também capacitar e proporcionar visibilidade da mulher empreendedora e
trazer a temĂĄtica das relaçÔes de gĂȘnero no ambiente de trabalho. Trabalhei como
Assistente Administrativa no projeto Voz Jovem, que foi um projeto voltado para
crianças e adolescentes com intuito de vivenciar a educação musical e realizar a
construção de instrumentos musicais através de materiais reutilizåveis. Exerci
atividades administrativas no Coworking Gunga, em Taguatinga Norte | DF.
Atualmente, integro a coletiva ALT Assessoria, formada com intuito
de promover açÔes de gestão de eventos, assessoria de grupos e outros coletivos,
planejamento de projetos e geração de renda.

Apesar de pouca experiĂȘncia no metaverso, tenho curiosidade, criatividade e facilidade em adquirir e aplicar novos conhecimentos alĂ©m de ser uma excelente multitask!

Meu IG Ă© @_tauina


I know it is not me to decide, but I really like @blusw’s music. Just giving my opinion. :slight_smile:


I would even love to have a whole team of BR And trans artists, I really like to level up our community :heart:


Hi, we are making RAVERSE series, dj mix video for streaming in the metaverse. We will make a special video by Rui Tequila who is a resident dj of Marma J Beach in NEAR Hub. You can also join the next party on this Sunday.

[Rui Tequila]

[The full length video (unlisted)]

[The next event at Marma J Beach on 25 September]


hehe que massa, divertido! ^^


It would be my pleasure to work as an architect on this event. I have been working in many projects related to metaverse building. You can check some of them here:


Hey guys. Thank you very much for your interest and availability. As the deadline for this challenge is tight I decided that I will work with people I know and who are Brazilians. I hope everyone understand and continue to follow the development of things until the party. Very happy for everyone to participate.

That said, the team will be:
. @tauina production assistant
. @gushlewis voxels architect
. @blusw DJ/VJ

I’ll create a tlgrm or wapp group later in the afternoon so we can start exchanging ideas, ok?

Uhuuuuuu :raised_hands::revolving_hearts:


Uhuuuu! :alien: :dizzy:

Bora bora :sparkles: :tada:

Grata pela confiança @LulucaL


pic by @Dazo
ready to burn!


wig trixie GIF


Festa Festa
(party party)
Double date!

Nova festa metaversica, na parcel da MetaverseDAO @cryptovoxels e vai ser x2. Tem wearables para quem marcar presença, onboarding na @near__protocol pra quem estå fora e quer entrar, sorteio de NFTs e o LINE estå incrível. Vem!

New metaverse party on MetaverseDAO parcel at Voxels and it will be x2. There are wearables for those who are present, onboarding at #NEAR for those who are out and who want to enter, NFT draw and the LINE up is incredible. Come!

Glitch 29/09 17:20h
Noise 30/09 16:20h

BuildVisuals ManuteGus + L
VideoNoise blua_disc_orgia
Prod L+TauIna
para @themetaversedao
(Link da parcel Voxels)
apoio Near Protocol



OlĂĄ! Teria uma previsĂŁo de uma prĂłxima chamada? :slight_smile:


Oi. Obrigade pelo interesse. Mas com as mudanças todas acontecendo nos financiamentos ainda não sei dizer como fica e quando volta a acontecer este projeto. Vai na festa! Logo menos libero a coordenada.


As coordenadas serão liberadas na thread? Ou seriam enviadas por inbox? Desculpe, ainda estou me encontrando pelo fórum ^_^’


Tava ali em cima. Hoje tem festa de novo.