Complaint against Marketing DAO council Dacha for breach of community guidelines

You can see which comment I’m referring to by clicking the top right corner of my reply :+1:

Will help to better follow the thread and topics on the forum in the future

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I did. I was asking for clarity because I did not see anything obvious that would indicate what you are insinuating. I haven’t had any problem following the forum. I also stand by the comment in question 100%. Their contributions were misguided at best without the proper information and it is detrimental to pursuing a real solution.

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Raising no hate. But for me, @Dacha is always kind and supportive. Dacha has rejected a few of my team proposals and has always been kind in stating what went wrong. We need Dacha to grow the ecosystem better. Dacha is a valuable asset to the ecosystem, evidenced by Dacha’s kind and supportive nature toward individuals and teams.


Please. Make. This. Stop.

Rhyme if you are so serious please call some lawyers and take up your LEGAL issues against ONE individual into the appropriate forum.

Seems like you are trying to set off the entire NEAR ecosystem on fire because you didn’t get your way. This is extremely unfair to everyone on the ecosystem.

Community first, always.


Such a serious thing and some words are used here.

I want to understand this clearly.

This has to do with a PROPOSAL I guess?

We get angry because our proposals are not approved and I wonder why.

This is coming from the CDAO and needs to be looked at clearly.

I am just shocked that @Dacha is dragged here.

A few questions.

  1. Couldn’t CDAO mods discuss this internally?
  2. Have we forgotten that when senior community members raise issues like this, it’s more scary than it looks?

Have witnessed @Dacha contribution in the ecosystem for years and he has been a person who stands for transparency and truth.

I just hope that this isn’t about getting back at someone because of past issues that have to do with proposals.


I didn’t make the post. I didn’t know this was being posted like this. Obviously my name was involved, and I spoke to what was being misrepresented, consistently. I have stayed out of most all the messes between the daos because of the toxicity. If I have spoken out, it has usually been about the same things you do. I’ve spent far more time correcting misinformation on this post than I ever planned. To suggest I’m trying to burn down the ecosysthen is a bit hyperbolic. People lied, denied lies and I adamantly corrected the lies because of adamant denials. There was nothing to get my way about. People are trying very, very hard to distort truths or deny them.

As for Issue 1

I checked the topic, @Dacha really left the inappropriate comment about @rhymetaylor and deleted it after. Also looks like some replies from Dacha were deleted as well - (can’t open them). So I guess it’s a truth that Dacha called Rhyme “a criminal”. I attached screenshots made by myself.

Personally, I think that such statements are unacceptable in this case. But the fact of removing them by the author for me means the author realized that too. Sometimes Dacha can make such statements. But he also can admit mistakes and apologize (we see the screenshot from private chat in the topic).

So my conclusion: you have some personal grievances against Dacha and you bring other working issues (like discussions about 1 MLN NFT and TC WG) to make an attack and take revenge.

That’s my independent opinion because I don’t relate with Creatives DAO or Dacha or TC WG


Thank you for doing that research on your own. In no sarcastic tone, that is appreciated. I think it’s also important to note that in this thread, the same person in question also denied the existence and validity of those same screenshots. There is no personal agenda. I also have nothing to do with the grievance of 1MLN in this post or any others. Just not into the lying. I am only speaking to what I know to be true or false, I’m good on the other stuff

Like I said, gaslighting techniques…

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As the topic of the discussion is slowly getting dragged away by all the other noise.

Question still remains:
Did he or did he not manipulate and falsified comments and remarks to Rhymes post?
Did he or did he not lie about 1MILNFT?
Did he or did he not bully the creatives communities?

If y’all think that this is okay because he contributed in the ecosystem or have done something positive beforehand then you’re as “insert the word here” as he is.

Going to continue reading and see where this goes.


Hi! The problem is that:

  1. This shouldn’t be on the forum
  2. This situation shouldn’t be discussed at all when the community has questions on CDAO
  3. CDAO members attack Dacha because he asks the question and touched the pain point

Again take a look at point 2 and ask why this project was approved.


Assuming all your 3 question gets answered.

We’ll circle back. So… did he do it or not?


Yes, I confirm that th sceneshots with no context were taken to attack on me and false allegations.


Agree 100%. This clearly is not healthy discussion for our community which is why I’m happy to close this thread and take matters internally. I’ve just got off a call with @Dacha and I’ve already let him know to please confirm that he’s dismissing the allegations and classifying the proofs presented by the OP as fabricated as stated in my earlier comment.


Are you saying if you gave me a chance then all your wrongdoings get washed away? It’s strange that you think you gave me a chance rather than the value my proposal brought.

The reason for creation of this post is clear. You have lied about community members, called them names and you.


Attack against me. Pretty clear for everyone.


As mentioned in the comments here and here, @Dacha dismisses the allegations as false and suggests this is fabricated evidence with no context

This topic will be closed and hidden for internal review.

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Beyond the specific allegations…many things can be true :

  • Rhyme has been a vocal critic of the extent and methodology of creatives dao funding for some time

  • Dacha has made a huge contribution to the ecosystem in a wide variety of ways, with a sometimes industrial workload and forensic focus

  • A formal dispute resolution mechanism needs to be established, where evidential cases can be brought and resolved - (Truth & Reconciliation under NDC ?)

  • The forum needs some work - hopefully the move to Alpha/Discovery will be the a new evolution

  • We need to find a way for the grassroots dao’s to live in harmony under NDC…with a methodology that the majority of the (I am Human) ecosystem can support both in principle and in reality.
