Community Team Monthly Report - May 2022

Hello NEARkats!~

I’m here to present this month’s NEAR Community Team report. In case you missed the first 2 iterations, check the March report here and April report here.

May has been the month of NFTs for NEAR as you might have seen in our most recent Town Hall and the summary of NEAR in May. :memo:

We know it’s been a minute, but we’re excited to announce that the NEAR Wiki revamp has been a success! If you haven’t yet, please have a look around. And if you know someone who’s new to NEAR, send it their way! As it is a living document, we’ll continue to add new information and improve the user experience.

*For more beginner-friendly materials, check out the NEAR Welcome Track from the Education Team :student: *

We’re always happy to welcome new faces as we take advantage of this time to explore more of the vast NEARverse :milky_way:

That being said, I, along with the @ConciergeTeam , am happy to report the continuous growth and engagement of the main NEAR Social & Community Channels:

Approaching Q3, @mecsbecs @David_NEAR and I continue to get our house in order in our new home with the NF Marketing Team. :house: Expect more updates on more relevant topics and processes soon! :hammer_and_wrench:

While that’s cooking, feel free to drop in your ideas for other community activities we should start doing next quarter. :thinking: :speech_balloon:

Looking further ahead…

Details on the next NEARCON are gradually being announced! We won’t spoil too much yet, but don’t forget to register here so you don’t miss out :wink:

As we enter June, a.k.a. Pride month :rainbow:, it isn’t too late to join the last 2 sessions of the Tibira DAO’s NEAR Community Talks: Exploring The Plurality of the Digital Realm. The last 3 webinars have been eye-opening and has definitely reminded us in the community to be more sensitive and aware about people’s genders and sexual orientations wherever we may be. I think it’s most critical online and here in tech where it’s a predominantly male industry, we should remain open and respectful to all. :hugs: Save the date for this Friday’s session and next Thursday.

As always don’t forget to tag @community-team if you need us or email the team at :envelope_with_arrow:


Amazing Updates. Thank you @jcatnear

This is awesome! the stats are pretty steady and upward :chart_with_upwards_trend: