Hi NEARverse!
Our team is here to share key results from last week, plans for this week, and current blockers.
@shreyas @starpause @mecsbecs @jcatnear @chloe @jlwaugh @3UN1C3 @Grace
Let us know any feedback
We hope to discuss ideas for projects, answer questions, learn from your experience, and facilitate coordination with you!
Sorry I neglected to give an update last week!
Results from past 2 weeks:
- coordinated with team regarding Q3 objectives and metrics of a successful ecosystem
- started to develop my 30/60/90-day plan focused on community advocacy, engagement, adoption, integration of tools, and learning
- shared a project via the Open Web Sandbox Airtable form, requesting help to improve the NEAR Community repository on GitHub
- launched and promoted a Gitcoin Grant, then drafted a blog post about a Governance Research Group, led by the Token Engineering Academy and other “Governauts”
- discussed multidimensional tokenization with Rhyme Taylor of Minting Music
- shared feedback with Guilds Management Crew ~ recommended the application process on the NEAR website be framed as an optional request for support
- reconnected with Ozy to better understand his priorities
- organized technical workshop about Aurora for the Crypto NYC community
- met with Coordinape founder to explore ideas / collaborations
- participated in discussion about NEAR Ecosystem Treasury DAO
- revised Open Web Contributor Playbook based on feedback
- supported integration of Catalyst personas with OWS profiles
- helped onboard new moderators
Plans for this week:
- present my 30/60/90-day execution plan to the collective and community
- refresh plans to intentionally reorganize NEAR Discord channels and consolidate roles
- write forum post about Altruistic DAOs building on the concept of Charity DAOs
- publish blog post: “Governauts: Exploring the Multiverse of DAOs”
- create a Governance DAO to experiment with meta processes
- answer questions from various project leaders and contributors
- continue discussions with developers of Coordinape ~ send more info about Aurora
- explore ways to further collaborate with Token Engineering Academy
- attend DeFi Happy Hour
[Preamble] New Quarter, New Vibes:
This week is all OKRs all the time and to further our plans for greater transprency, I’ve set up a OKRs subcategory here on the Forum for our team to use if they so desire to post their Q3 visions: About the OKRs category
I have created my [Q3 OKRs] Rebecca Hallquist - Community Squad - Community OS Specialist which includes my first NEAR 30-60-90 execution plan [Miro board fun ahead] under this new subcategory. I did model this idea after what trailblazer @chloe did and thanks to @shreyas and @norah.near for sharing their own Miro boards in advance so we could better align on some overlapping areas. Feedback welcome!
Results from Last Week:
Finished work on the Guilds Program Revamp [July 2021] document which is currently undergoing internal review before it is made public by this Friday
Created internal timeline for OPERATION WATERFALL a.k.a. the plan for the full implementation of the new DAO verticals and new Guild project-based rewards structure, which will be implemented by July 31st (
CC: @shreyas @jcatnear @3UN1C3)
Met with and on boarded a new Creative guild to the ecosystem with @chloe: [Welcome] C1 Guild Introduction
Added my contributions to the new Minting Music business model and Bonnaroo plans & participated in a great meeting discussing potential partnership with Paras, Mintbase, NxM/DAOrecords with @chloe @Grace
-next steps to come
Worked with the OWS Council to present Sandbox’s 5-month road map and market strategy plans to the MarCom team & to facilitate the first time SputnikDAO was used for Sandbox’s end-of-month rewards claiming
Helped onboard @norah.near and looking forward to working closely together! Welcome to the team, Norah
Action Items for this week:
Ensure my Q3 OKRs align with the rest of the MarCom team where there are distinct overlap areas (@starpause @jcatnear @jlwaugh @ross @JMaenen @3UN1C3)
OWS/Guilds Program introduction conversations with new Guild leaders launched in June continue
Lending support for the upcoming Guilds Launch on July 16
Kick-starting OWS Party Planning conversations [Save the date: Thurs. July 29th @ 5pm CET]
Push the new public availability of the Community Wiki on Gitbook with the beginning Community OS materials: the Guilds Playbook v.0 and the Open Web Contributor Playbook (cc: @JMaenen @jcatnear @jlwaugh) - let’s get community feedback and make these resources stronger!
get the Creatives DAO and Guilds Management Crew on Copper uploading their contacts and beginning to use the available work streams by this Friday 9th (or so help me) (cc: @chloe @shreyas @3UN1C3 @jcatnear @norah.near)
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