[Community Discussion] Achievements & Problems & Further Plan


  1. I think they just dont know whats up.
  2. All verticals are closed, so I would suggest daocubator.org ; a dapp would be awesome and maybe the new mods can focus a lot on that (ideally NF would build these things, but the community can too - and will have too).
  3. I am sure many have tokens, Incubadora is not stopping for the month, for example. I would say the challenge is including non-planned activities.
  4. There is a topic somehere about the NFT space. NF is trying to fund the best possible projects but things are moving slowly. Lets do our best.



Hello. Thank for the proposal.

  • Do we have any penalties for mods or DAOs that do not meet these deadlines?
  1. the comments should be posted on the forum; otherwise, problem #2 won’t be solved.

  2. I think Creativies DAO should empower its own moderators vote for proposals on Asto DAO (replace the current model when DAOs approve applications), or the deadlines mentioned above won’t be met never and the problem with accounts solved.

Decentralization… "- DAOs consist …. councils, should be real people (not other mods fake entities).

@shreyas @marieke.flament Overall, I couldn’t find any significant changes in the new plan. Still not clear metrics, same DAOs which have power over Creatives mod team and people. What the purposes of the experiment and what was wrong with current model?


Absolutely agree with you can support the proposal.

On the same page.


The NDC project was ended when ex NF employee stepped up in the experiment. Nobody wants to work this these people. And NF doesn’t have money to cover new structure.

On the same page. NDC is another one failed experiment.

Agree !

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Why do you start offering a solution to the problem only when the community shouts at the forum about hopelessness and asks for help from the co-founders and the head of the Near Foundation? Have you not seen the problem before? Maybe you should just change these moderators and put new ones who see the problem and offer an up-to-date and effective solution?
Thx :relaxed:

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Dear @illia @marieke.flament can we have the same monthly reports from regional hubs, NF grants and events teams?
Or NF is expecting the hight level of transparency from Community only? Thanks.

We didn’t have any problems in community. All issues every time come from Near Foundation, which torments the community with useless experiments, and eventually, we lose the best contributors after each one.

The creatives MOD team did a great job before; projects received money on time. It looks like NF people don’t like the order and want to have the same chaos as in NF. Or certain people….

Let’s put on pause NF people’s paychecks. Maybe they don’t need to feed their family, pay bills, and lease.

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Even though I am not a regular user here, I just joined this month, and am a bit confused about how DAOs are always funded this way and that. When going through some of the proposals, I was like, “What if NF stops the grants program?” That means a lot of DAOs are gone and stopped working because they don’t have any sustainability structure or good revenue model to run their engagement without being dependent.


Okay, you just came Yesterday, but what if you bring a sustainability idea to help the ecosystem. Instead of saying the same thing everyone is saying,

I would love to see you write a proposal to build project on NEAR without requesting fund needed… and pls make sure the Value is up to $5k :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is not about needing a fund to start a project; it is about the sustainability of the project after receiving the fund, letting the project run the other subsequent activities without having to come back for funding again. Am working on one to drop it lol

Tell me where NF was complaining about supporting Funding DAO to support artiste to build the Ecosystem…
If fund stops, it stops…

If everyone of us here could do it independently, won’t pay attention here I’m sure.

When you are done with one, team with me… let’s do independently… I’ll be waiting :crossed_fingers:t6:

Apt. Well curated and easy to understand. The original post is dope but considering your points and reasons, you are absolutely correct.


I would like to commend all @creativesdao-council for genuinely working towards the growth of the ecosystem.
Here are my Few suggestions
*The idea of a bimonthly funding is great considering the fact that most times daos have little time to complete a bunch load of projects.


  • One major thing to put into consideration is results? We need to show a more increase in metrics to the NF.
    I agree with @Hawwal on this

I think it is important to understand the core value and Worth of the Creative dao in the ecosystem, and also to remember that we represent different communities with vast number of people all over the world.
*Social Media is a strong force for web2 creatives
I would also like the Creative dao to pay a lot of attention to their social media pages, I think they can share the work load, have different people manage different accounts for effective results.
I saw this post few weeks ago,and i think it’s a nice idea

Lastly, I would also like to add that, the idea of Web3 is still very strange to a lot of creatives, we need to pay a lot attention to physical events to attract the web2 creatives,
It is important to understand that the switch to web 3 is a work in motion, and this change will only happen with a lot of consistent efforts.


How did you change your username Name from Stalking to Pathfinder, can you teach us?

I wanna learn :relaxed:🥹:palms_up_together:t6:

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Looks like the only person acting is me, I made some popcorn… Who wants it? :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

dis gon b gud popcorn GIF

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Hi there! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have been away for some time due to my personal life needing presence. I hope to contribute with more depth soon but for now want to respond to the direct call here…

I feel that categorizing the art fields is only a benefit if there are specialized teams assigned to each category, otherwise it just becomes further barrier to entry.

Having culture as a category is complicated as, like art, it is hard to define. To me art and culture are interconnected. For art to be separate of culture is a colonial reality that has been created by the act of wringing out the ancestral, emotional, spiritual, psychological spirit of art for the sake of corralling it’s value into only economic form. Art is one form (one of the most expressive forms) that culture is embodied but it can also be experienced through beliefs, practices, institutions, etc. Even if culture is one that we don’t like, or one that doesn’t obviously present itself to us, it can be seen in most things if we look hard enough.

I would think that having a cultural category would present difficulties as there will never be one expert in culture, culture is hard to quantify, and likely all cultural projects will be multidisciplinary (and potentially expansive beyond the arts). On a positive side a cultural category could be a really cool way to highlight and claim valuable the diversity of our community and connect us through deeper understandings.

Overall I think culture, especially cultural diversity, is an incredibly necessary topic for all ecosystems to invest into. While it may be challenging to fit it into a subcategory of Creatives, it may be a great start to a wider or parallel vertical that encompasses all (more?) layers of culture. I am happy and interested in contributing to this specific topic further.


One thing I will say and ask is this; we know that we can’t limit how far one person can add to the community but isn’t it too much that one person is a core member of many DAOs under the creative DAO and seeks funding for different projects in same month?

How can such a person deliver in the success metrics?

This is one major thing I have observed that happens within the creatives DAO and is of the problems of half success given so far


According to the rules,
A member is allowed to be a Council Member of at most, two DAOs

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…but is this always the case?
@creativesdao-council should look into this by going over all proposals to see and fish out such people and restrict their rate of confusion

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