[Report] Creatives DAO - February 2023

Hello, everyone!

We hope that this report finds you well! We believe that this report will be of significant value to members and anyone interested in the Creatives DAO. This report aims to provide the community with all the information it needs in the spirit of decentralization and transparency.


As the news of being reinstated took place, Creatives DAO needed to comply with the legalities as one of its basic requirements, which includes establishing the special purpose Trust. At the initial contact with the NF’s legal counsel, assessments are made to see what kind of trust is needed. Approached an external law firm to examine if it aligned with the requirement, yet still went with NF’s legal counsel’s colleague. The draft hasn’t been finished, but we can gladly say that things are moving in the right direction.

Creatives DAO updated guidelines went live with much alignment with NF goals. Interested applicants can now submit their proposals using the updated templates and following the recent metrics. Timelines for the proposal will be:

Still unsure about the process? Check out the video demonstration made by one of the moderators!

One thing that definitely helps amplify how NEAR impacts the lives of communities under the Creatives DAO umbrella is the website, which is now live! Take a close look using this link. And if you want your DAO to be featured, don’t hesitate to send a message!

As the NDC advances, left and right working groups are being formed. As one of the grassroots DAOs, the Creatives Support Working Group (CWG) is formed. Primary focus of the working group are:

It is still in draft form and is looking for more community members’ feedback on how to better support them.

Please be guided accordingly, as the old Creatives Astro DAO isn’t in use anymore. Feel free to check out the updated one through this link. Existing funds from the previous DAO are still being voted on to be transferred to the new one.

With the help of NF moderators, Creatives DAO will be closing some of its sub-categories on the forum. This decision has been made in an effort to streamline and improve the overall experience for our community members. The Creatives category on the forum is still open. You can still post and share your content by using the #tags function in your post. After a period of six months, these sub-categories will be archived. The exact timeline for this process may vary.

If you are interested about the backstory sine the funding had stopped, feel free to visit this topic, in which NF released an official updates about Creatives DAO!

We are grateful for the support of the community and the NEAR Foundation in these efforts and encourage all creative souls to participate in the development of the CreativesDAO. We believe the DAO has the potential to be a powerful force on NEAR and make a positive change in the creative world!

We’ll be awaiting your proposals!

You know the drill! As we say it, STAY NEAR, STAY CREATIVE! :art:

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