August 7, 2022, 6:52am
Good evening, I see you newbie for Near Community, introducing post was created 7 hours ago, but you already requested funds from Marketing DAO and Creativies DAO .
I’m suggesting you continue to work with Kin DAO ?
By the way it would be great to see the interview and understand what a value for Near Community?
Community paid to your DAO $800 for interview with Kin DAO founder. How can I watch it?
Outcome: Produce a Kin DAO intro video (3-5 minutes) of professional quality, utilizing:
Interviews with Kin DAO founders.
B-Roll footage from a recent collaboration project in Rosebud, South Dakota.
Photos and video gathered by Kin DAO, of partner and onboarded DAOs.
This video will be utilized as an introduction to effectively communicate Kin DAO’s mission and story to new audiences, especially for an upcoming event in NYC between June 20-23rd, with potential for new partnerships and collab…
Are you seriously? Sovereign media production studio doesn’t have a professional equipment?
It’s no from me, have a great day.
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