[Closed] NFT-menu @Goa _experiment


by Goa NEAR OpenWeb Guild

Funding scheme: Milestone-based
Initiative summary
the idea is: anyone can buy NFT-dish , show to cafe-manager and he gives a real dish, while NFT is burning. for the start we use Paras as a platform, but we’re open for more suggestions here and want to develop our own marketplace platform for it in the nearest future


  1. we find nice Places (cafè, restaurants, shops) and make it create NEAR wallet and start to accept NEAR with our help

10 places we wish to connect for the first time (1 month)

  1. We help them and teach how to create NFT-menu, starting from 3-5 positions, we study them how to put this NFTs on Paras and repost all elements from menu to our telegram group
    Telegram: Contact @goa_nft_club

50 NFTs with dishes at least will be created and put into collections on Paras, 50 copies of each.

  1. we promote NFT-menu in Social media, with printed promo and by words of mouth, put banners with NEAR-logo to each place outside (for it will be visible from the road)

up to 5000 audience of people visiting north Goa approx.

  1. We find people who will be visiting places with NFT-menu - first we provide them with some NEAR, then they buy NFT, after they come and change it to real food and eat there

it’s the goal of our research in this project - to find out how many transactions will be made with all this.

and it is the main metric for measuring success

as well as : to count, *how many places will be joint the project during the month;

*how many NFTs will be created for menus

this project will be the 1st step before we create the local Goa Marketplace - it’s preparation for it. we plan to put our efforts into the Marketplace since January22.

we start this to teach people how to use NFT in everyday life and to put to local market enough amount of NEAR for using it in Goa

  • Estimated timeline and achievement milestones

1st Milestone - to join 10+ places and make NFT-menu there with at least 5 positions for each place

after we have to study the results, to reflect on the process and to understand, what we have to improve, which scheme is working with places, how to advertise it the best way. this is our plan for the 1st month approximately

2d milesone - to join 10-20 places/shops more and to create NFT-menu for them; to find developer for creating platform for our Marketplace on NEAR - for the next months;
to work on NFT-delivery

  • Links to similar, previously funded forum proposals (if applicable)
  • Funding Details
  1. managing places - to study them, to create NFT-menu there, to visit them 3-4 times a week to help and control the process and progress

50 USD for each place *10places = 500 USD

  1. printed promo - info-sheets with QR-code to NFT-menu, banners to put in places, stickers

200 USD

  1. provide 5N (50 USD) to be spent in each place for buying NFT-dishes

50*10 = 500 USD for making NFT-menu working

Total requested amount :

1200 USD = 121 NEAR (price based at the time of posting 9.9N for 1$)

  • NEAR Wallet ID : goa-dao.sputnik-dao.near
  • Wallet owner’s name : Goa DAO
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Kind of Food stamps ? Interesting idea.

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We’re working on preparing marketplace from different sides.)

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Good morning. I had a conversation with Dmitry . He had a great idea play in NFT game on GOA. Let’s work with this idea?

I vote NO here and waiting for NFT game proposal.

Thank You and have a great day!

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Hi guys you already making realisation one NFT game? Included in plan Goa guild?

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I have some idea about NFT real game

Island crypto treasure
Остров Криптосокровищ

This video example how to play
U go around Goa, and collect black labels NEAR

Play and earn NEAR

NFT menu it is just part of big Game with marketplace and etc

And this link is one of first video idea

Yeah, we totally support Dima!
а можно по русски?)
Мы делаем свою версию nft-quest она называется… я пришлю ссылку скоро чтобы все могли оценить механику… это в рамках GOA DAO и бюджета на декабрь
у Димы своя версия, своя игра - это тоже отличная механика. мы полностью за и готовы поддерживать :cowboy_hat_face:
нужно финансов ему немножко просто)
более четкие и понятные proposal нужны имхо
NFT-menu и остров криптосокровищ - обе отличные идеи -
мы будем рады помоготь ему во всем…
@Dacha подскажи, что нужно чтоб консулы разобрались с этим?..
Дима давно уже постит… и просит финансировани… чтоб создать тут движ рокенрольнный :laughing:
новый год! самое время Громко звучать и движевать…


Дим делай отдельный Proposal про остров!

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[quote=“NFT game in Real Life “Cryptotreasure Island NEAR”, post:1, topic:11347”]
Good day I would like to propose some idea about NFT game cryptotreasure Island / for now in Goa Its game when u collect NFT around Exotic places in Goa and collect your NEAR treasure It can be interested for travelers to know and to see places in Goa and Also collect some NEAR / play , travel and earn Examples on video only RU for now [film crypto island] [остров Криптосокровищ 5 часть] For beginning we Need budget around 200-400 $ (5-10 people players) I think we …

Yes guys. Had multiple discussions with you, glad to see final proposal. I will vote YES.

Думаю получится что-то крутое :blush:

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