Advertising and onboarding campaign,
Merch and projects activation and further connections in the Web 3
During the Documentary Entre monedas / Between Coins
we will go to multiple locations in the world, where we can link to near hubs and onboard full new communities to Near Ecosystem.
The most active guild im part of is tulum-guild but i want to get more involved in marketing-dao to apply local and global the network i have and keep on growing with it
The merch its for real collaborators, people that are very interested or form part of the documentary in any way.
It starts with the scan of the QR code that leads to open a Near Wallet, get loaded with some near to be able to create a custom wallet and get in the ecosystem, like, paras Mintbase, astroDAO, bridges, will also contain a video for basics, and for getting more involved in the real development. Get NFTs, connect to DAOs and create your own projects.
I found everyone to be very happy to use a cool T-shirt more than the regular ones (also our main campaing and movement goes after the summer season of the places like the birds… in warm places jeje) and also the bags i find it that people keeps wearing them.
Funding scheme: One-time funding or it can also be divided in 2 or 3 months i spoke with the provider and we can do in parts too.
444 packs with one t-shirt, one bag and a loaded wallet with the correspondent NFT
The team will be wearing the Tshirt and the bag in al the different events, recordings, clean ups, markets, and we will be giving the pack to key players that earn the pack by providing the real interest in becoming part of the Near / Entre Monedas movement.
The NFT will be able to get loaded with any type of content, such as a video and presentations for the projects, I would love to invite other projects on Near to show their projects presentation in this QR and put the best of the best on it. And connect the channels where we will be connecting further too.
So this campaign can be a real Key for a lot of us to connect further, all around the globe!
The cost of this is:
- T shirt - ($10 usd)
- bag - ($8 usd)
- wallet (.5 near)
**Total cost of the pack ($19 usd) **
x 444 packs = $8,436
x 148 packs a month = 2,812
Total minimum impact of 444 near commited users, loaded with near and info on how to activate more people from their community and create their nodes all around the globe
Total requested amount $2,812
monthly marketing budget for 3 months -
NEAR Wallet ID / DAO cryptocoatl.near
betweencoins-entremonedas.sputnik-dao.near -
Wallet owner’s name Steph Ferrera
Marketing DAO Marketing DAO protocol near-foundation @David_NEAR @Klint @satojandro @cryptocredit @Dacha @so608