Community Name: NEAR BRASIL
Country: BRAZIL
Social Media Links:
TWITTER: 860 -
Channel: 31 - Telegram: Contact @nearbrasil
Group: 194 - Telegram: Contact @BrazilGuildCommunity
YOUTUBE: 11 - Near no Brasil - YouTube
Community’s account: Near Brasil | Near Social
@andersonbr Anderson | Near Social
@jcsta jcsta.near | Near Social
Other members are being are being chosen.
Funding scheme: May, June and July - Quarterly
Since we started our community in the beginning of 2022 we have reached many accounts, partnerships, artists and people who work with Near in Brazil, engaging and bringing more people to know about the protocol.
We are helping to build the Brazilian Near community, bringing all the news and updates through the Website, Instagram, Telegram, Youtube and Twitter.
Among our works, we’ve done raffles for the $Near, and Brazilian arts. We made partnerships with several artists who use Near and participated in the Twitter Spaces
We participate in Near’s Brazilian Guild and like them, we want more people to know about the protocol, create their wallets, create, buy and sell NFTs and cryptos.
Our job is to provide information to the Brazilian public and create partnerships to engage the community.
This is an educational and informative project, so everything others are doing inspires us to create more and bring more information to our community.
Our differential is knowing Near for more than 1 year, working with Near since February of 2022 and meeting many people who work with it in Brazil.
Our country is immense and I believe that the work I have been doing will help many people to know more about the project and be constantly updated about it.
The project aims to continue what I was already doing and also add more partnerships, Twitter spaces and bring guests to talk about their projects.
We want to increase the number of wallets created and the number of transactions through the artists, projects and their communities.
Partnering with more artists and projects we can imagine more people coming to Near and knowing the protocol.
With Spaces/AMAs we want to engage and show the possibilities of Near blockchain. We believe the great partners Near has can give more confidence to people to understand and initiate in this universe.
Twitter: Tweets reached 197.0K impressions in the last 90 day
Instagram: +170 posts
Number of translations on website: +200 articles
A great Twitter Spaces with NearNauts Ambassador:
Please also check our socials and our last Report: [Report] Near Brasil January 2023
We want to continue the work and do much more.
Over time we were able to meet many artists, talk to many people and understand that creating a community is perhaps the greatest challenge and also the greatest benefit that a blockchain can have. We want to create Near super fans.
We will focus on Social Media Management and Content creation, mainly on Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Website
Giveaways: To reach a good engagement in our social media channels again we are planning small promotions.
We want to translate/write articles of NEAR and projects of the ecosystem in Portuguese and present these articles to our community through our website.
Assist collections and artists in Near through meetings on Twitter. We are going to create Twitter Spaces and help artists and projects to undertake on the web3. Also help people who want to start their project in Near.
We are going to create a wallet with NFTs purchased every week from local artists and projects
Participate in online events representing Near.
Participate in physical events representing Near, looking for partnerships and networking.
What problem is the proposal solving?
Brazil is named as one of the 5 top countries with crypto users or/and interest in cryptos and blockchain. Many projects are being thought of and developed here as the government advances in regulatory talks. People here still knows primary the top crypto in Coinmarketcap so NEAR still has the path to be most well kwnon in the brazilian crypto space. Trough previous networking and with better support we can disseminate the Near Protocol all over the country.
How to solve the problem?
We want to help Near reach the 2023 goal of 10 million active accounts monthly. We want to be Near’s main channel and Hub in Brazil so that anyone can start in Near, develop in Near, buy, sell and create NFTs. We will also be able to help people look for grants and partners in Brazil and Latin America to start their projects.
In short, we want to continue learning about Near, teaching it and try to reach as many as possible of the 200 million Brazilians.
The purpose of this proposal is to continue the growth of the Near Protocol in Brazil, implementing and disseminating this innovative technology to educational entities in the country, bringing cutting-edge knowledge to people who already have knowledge of the crypto universe andalso new users.
We want to continue this work, using the channels to bring all Near Protocol news to Brazilians with articles, news and translation from the main channel, creating closer ties with Brazilians, so that they know more deeply about this protocol. And also partnering with all Near projects, Guilds and DAOs in Brazil that we already started.
- Partner with Aurora Brazil Community.
Near and Aurora are connected and there is already a common telegram group, so we want to bring that connection to our RC.
In partnership with Aurora, we can educate and bring even more people into the ecosystem.
Because we know both technologies, we can help people build on one, the other, or both.
- Partner with Web3 Brasil - Web3br.
Web3br is a Hub for companies and businesses and aims to help companies to enter on web3. It already has more than 35 partners (crypto events, blockchain tech suppliers) and keeps growing.
- Partner with Web3dev.
Web3dev is a community of over 1100 developers and aims to be an educational platform for devs in Brazil and Latam. In addition they launch several online events with their partners.
With this partnership we want to launch a quarterly Hackathon.
Growth of 20% in social media
Latest news within the NEAR ecosystem shared in our community
Weekly articles about NEAR in Portuguese Language
CONTENT → Writing → Guide/News
- Task: Write and Translation of the main news and articles of the Official website(technical and non-technical documents) and ecosystem projects
- KPIs : Amount of articles
- Metrics: 2-3/week
- Budget : $ 400
CONTENT → Video → Educational/News
- Task: Create 2 videos per month of Near and the main news.
- KPIs : Amount of videos / Views
- Metrics: 2 monthly videos / 100 views each
- Budget : $ 200
CONTENT→ Other→: Quiz, Challenges and/or Community awards
- Task: 4 quizzes/month with questions about the weekly updates
- KPIs : Number of answers
- Metrics: 20 participants minimum
- Budget : $ 400
SOCIAL MEDIA → Promotion / Distribution → Twitter and Instagram
- Task: Daily posts on Twitter and Instagram with news and updates
- KPIs : Reach and followers
- Metrics: Increase 20%/month the number of followers
SOCIAL MEDIA → Promotion / Distribution →
- Task: Daily posts
- KPIs : Followers
- Metrics: reach 150 followers
- Budget : $ 800
SOCIAL MEDIA → Promotion / Distribution → Twitter Spaces
- Task: Weekly Twitter Spaces with artists, projects and partners
- KPIs : Reach and followers
- Metrics: Increase 20%/month the number of followers
- Budget : $ 400
SOCIAL MEDIA → Community Channels → Telegram:
- Task: Support community members 24/7, share daily news within the NEAR ecosystem, activity contest, small giveaways to increase group activity
- KPIs : increase group members, amount of daily messages, high contest participation
- Metrics: +50 new members on Telegram
- Budget : $ 800
Funding Details
TOTAL AMOUNT = $ 9.000,00
Total/month = $3.000,00
Near Wallet ID: nearbrasil.near
Name: Anderson Rossoni
Telegram handle:@andersonzr