[CLOSED] Metaverse DAO is looking for art teachers

Hello, World!

Metaverse DAO is looking for art teachers to make a big event with 4 classes/workshops in it!

If you are an art teacher (professional or amateur) you can participate of this bounty.
Can be all kinds of digital art!

To participate you need to reply this post with a brief of what you will teach until day 27 April.

We will choose 4 classes and they will occur at April 30.
Each class need to has 1 hour duration and will be at Jitsi (video-conference platform).

All the classes will be recorded for future YouTube upload and mint, so, if you apply to this bounty you give us the rights to use your image and sound.

Each class will receive 100USD.

Came work with us for a bigger NEAR


Hi, I really interesting in this work here’s my brief for the class.
Looking forward to hearing back from you and from the community


My portfolio: https://www.instagram.com/todd.pham/


Does this include digital music production?

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Hello Fam,
I’m a professional Film Maker and a graduate of Theatre & Film Studies, UNN.

I have trained a good number of students on Cinematography & Editing, and I would like to participate on this project to teach students how to professionally edit their pictures by themselves and as well understand the different terminologies in picture editing.

Class Topic:
Understanding the different elements, terms and methods of picture editing

Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop

Colour Luts
Retouch Academy

System Requirements:
2GB RAM System
24Bit OS

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hello! I am a professional artist and previously taught high school art. I would like to offer a class in the basic principles of art and design for all of our enthusiastic self taught artists.

Topics to cover ( as many as possible in one hour!)
Composition and relationships in space
Positive and negative space
Perspective and proportion
Color theory
(I will have slides with further resources available because this is an entire semester of study to squeeze into an hour)


Hello I wanna propose a class about generative art
In this class Zydron will present generative art in a theoretical and practical way, in the first part it will be about the context of generative art, its past, present and future, including the NFTs. Next, I will teach you in a practical way how to program with P5js, two functions widely used in generative art: random and noise.



Oooh i want this class!!!

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May I propose my…
" Glitch Art Realness - Lo-fi techniques for colorful noises"

Its basically a over view on all the cheapware that i use to create NFTs and possible interactions with metaverses.

Operational System : Windows
Apps: PaintBrush; Paint3d;
webapps: ezgif.com; canva.com; photomosh.

Glb + Bmp art:


Conceptual Art - a drift glitched poetry through metaverse by Dragomir Artenie


I love this glitchs , this class will be really cool <3


very nice, criptovoxels metaverse is amazing want it! <3

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This bounty is close.
Thank you all to participate!

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Congrats metaversedao for the |bounty|


@toddpham @kodandi @calebav we loved your classes! You can make your payout request of 100 DAI on AstroDAO.

If you don’t know how to make it reach us out on our Telegram Group and we’ll guide you through it.

You can also check this guide out to help you: https://marmaj.org/dao-guide/

Here’s the link to Metaverse DAO Astro DAO page

You can refer to this link of me approving your project in you proposal on Astro.

Thank you for working with the Metaverse DAO!


thanks a lot @klarakopi and @beetlejuice was really nice ! :grinning:
I did the payout request at astrodao.

cheers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @calebav can you make your request in DAI, instead of NEAR? Thanks!
I forgot to mention we do things in DAI now to prevent fluctuation.

Here is a link to my slides. Feel free to share out to anyone who is interested.



Hello everyone, i got problems yesterday, my mic and cam wasent working until 20h until @gushlewis @ritamaria helped me at @pinkalsky 's Atelier Delitus Place… Nomadelabel supporting each other.

So, im sorry to make you guys wait, but was not possible yesterday.

see you in space, cowboys