June 2022 Social Media Management budget for United Belarus DAO (D-LAYER)
Project Name: D-LAYER (United Belarus DAO)
Community Builders: @techdir @Jull-gull @johanga
Funding scheme: Monthly
Initiative Summary:
Here there is an Introduction of United Belarus DAO
In terms of marketing and communication, our goal is to become a bridge between cultural agents(artists) and NEAR Protocol ecosystem by promoting engagement through our channels and events (online, offline, metaverse, collaborations, bounties).
To work with artists as a web3-producing center, we have to offer them naturally growing solid social media channels to communicate, to present their art, to learn about web3. So this month we’re aimed to build channels (with to create visual identity) and to share with different categories of content (for ex, educational about common blockchain terminology, guides how to use dApps on NEAR, how to participate in NEAR Community activities, to be on forum gov.near.org) so it can help with slowly and smooth onboarding process of artists that are so much sensitive beings, that it’s dangerous to face them with huge amount of new world and information directly from the start
D-LAYER’s Social media channels:
*e-mail: dlayerbel@gmail.com
*linktree and discord - to create in short time
Based on our roadmap, the next month will be dedicated not for creation of a website, but for development of a metaverse space(s) for broadcasting knowledge and entertainment, that can represent D-LAYER’s activities and news.
Monthly marketing and communication tasks/ funding details
- Grow social media engagement, producing content with links that will lead to the NEAR ecosystem. Creating 3-6 posts per week + several stories, connecting with related pages and refining the targeting audiences, searching for and publicizing the initiatives our community partners are promoting - 200 USD
- 3 posts to be promoted for 10 days in order to increase the visibility of our initiatives and page - 35 USD
- Grow social media engagement, producing content with links that will lead to the NEAR ecosystem. Creating 2-5 posts and retweets per week in order to increase our visibility to art and technology and attract new audiences to our activities - 200 USD
- Moderating the channel and chat, connecting with artists and partners, helping community members and newcomers with their questions about the NEAR ecosystem, sharing the projects and events of D-LAYER - 200 USD
LINKTR.EE - creation
- Content creation and graphic design for social media channels - 100+100 USD
- Creation of Logo and Visual identity of the DAO - 200 USD
- Print of art-tutorials and presentations for onboarding artists - 100 USD
6 N → approx. 50 USD
Council work : 300 USD
(proposal, report, onboarding team members and artists, producing media-plan)
TOTAL : 1500 USD
Instagram: to 50-80 followers
Twitter: to 50 followers
Telegram: grow to 70-80 members
Successful activities till end of June means:
- Active Telegram group, talking about the NEAR Ecosystem.
- Active Twitter account - with the latest news about NEAR.
- Active Instagram account with regular unique content from Belarus artists
- linktr.ee that contains all the materials and links, that is producing by DAO
Total requested amount
1500 USD
NEAR Wallet ID/ DAO: d-layer.sputnik-dao.near
- Previously funded proposal, in the Creatives DAO category: May 2022 funding