[Closed] for Dance Dao for the Month of June





Was the dance competition digital or in real life?

You’ve given $400 for 3 videos in payment. I real don’t see the value.

I don’t understand which accounts the money was sent to.

Presentation of fund distribution is very unclear and it’s not helping me understand what your DAO is doing.


  1. Can we please get a detailed breakdown of where the amount was transferred to for each project
  2. Participation and content generated for that amount
  3. What is dance therapy? Real life event or in metaverse? What’s the breakdown of funds?

Please answer these questions in detail for us to approve your request.



Please answer these questions in detail

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@Cryptonaut I received payment for Show your moves. I received a total of 110N which is $750
$550 was the total amount given as prizes. The remaining $200 was spent on creation of all the graphics and animations used used for the competition. And all the cost of adverts and publicity, including the ones for the metaverse party we had to end the competition.

I have shared the links to all the fliers and animations created.

The competition was online.
I had earlier submitted a report for the competition. Please do well to read it via the link below

As regards Dance therapy, @SpecialProjects347 is in charge, and he received payment. He will be in the best position to give you all the details you require.


In the Competition, 4 different dance groups were rewarded for their submissions. The total reward was $550.

The 4 videos gathered a viewership of almost 7000 on Tiktok, over 1000 on Instagram and almost 300 on YouTube. That’s over 8000 views across only 3 media! This is impressive, if we do say so ourselves.

We planned to consolidate on this start and keep pumping out bounties and events that put NEAR in the faces of people.


@Cryptonaut & @creativesdao-council
I think @FabDab has responded and touched all questions asked, hope to get a response soon.


Which videos were given $550 as rewards

You’ve just shared the wallets, not the video links who were awarded that amount.

Mention the links of the videos and tag the amount that those people got alongside the link.


Also waiting on dance therapy and the justification of 131N


Hi @Cryptonaut above :point_up_2::point_up_2: is the info about the therapy. And he has phone issues, he hasn’t been active since Wednesday

Winners video and prize

1st winner



2nd winner


3rd winner


Most engaged


Sorry to mention :point_up_2:most liked video was rewarded also

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Thanks for sharing the videos associated with the payment.

Waiting for Dance therapy and the breakdown of the cost



:point_up_2::point_up_2:sorry I missed out the 4th winner but I’ve edited the thread.
So we just have the dance therapy to be approved.
Please :pray: we can’t tell when @SpecialProjects347 would be online and this might take long.
If you can just approve then when his active we promise to bring back report as soon as possible.
Not withstanding we have proven to revert all report as it was proposed, pardon us…
Let’s proceed with this month proposal, within the month when @SpecialProjects347 is back online we would tag you and add the report here :pray:


We have asked, @SpecialProjects347 to send return the funds for Dance therapy to the DAO’s treasury, so someone can take over the project, or we can suspend the project, use the funds for another project, then he can continue with the project whenever he is fully available.


Hello Hello!

Partners, I am here to inform you that your proposal for this month did not get approved. We will gladly receive your proposal next month.

For more feedback will be good to schedule a call. We are friends on telegram you can reach me there :wink:

Big hug!


Hi :wave: @FritzWorm
Sure I would text you on telegram so we schedule a call :telephone_receiver: either me or my team members….
See you soon, chat you later on telegram
Big :people_hugging: