[Proposal] Show Your Moves Dance Competition

Council members:


Total requested funding: $700(45N)

Projects And Timelines

In commemoration of the World Dance Day coming up on the 29th of April, Dance DAO will commence its activities for the month which will culminate in the grand “Dance With Near Metaverse Party”.

The following are the activities lined up:


This is a contest for dance groups to submit dance routines or choreography around a general theme that will be provided by the Dance DAO Council. Submissions will be curated and evaluated, and excellent entries in several categories based on pre-announced criteria will be chosen. Overall best entry will be minted as NFTs.


This activity will create massive awareness and engagement for our nascent community.

Dance enthusiasts, performers, etc., will be drawn to our DAO, driving the commencement of our onboarding initiative.

We will make use of social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, alongside the Governance Forum, for submissions.

More Details

A Forum post will be made calling for Dance Groups to submit entries of themselves performing a 2 minute dance routine to a theme which will given. This same post will be published on every social media platform to raise awareness of ramp up engagement and principally, get dancers who aren’t already on Near involved too.

This contest will run for 2 weeks. Entries will be posted both here and on our social media pages.

Submissions with the most engagement will be rewarded.

Adverts and publicity to ramp up awareness and engagement about this contests will run vigorously.

Best overall submission will be rewarded along with 1st and 2nd runners-up.

Our First NFT

The best entry will be minted as a video NFT to immortalize our first milestone.


Show Your Moves

Graphics and Adverts - $150


1st Place: $200
2nd Place: $150
3rd Place: $100

Most Liked Entry


Total: $700


Wow,I can’t wait to see people get on this

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