[Closed] crossword on Near

Are you serious? Please read the whole conversation, that clearly was a joke. You are new to this forum, and are constantly attacking Shitzu. Stop cherry picking conversations and transactions to discredit us. What is your aim?


If you spend some more time in the Shitzu community and then compare it to other meme coin communities, a few things will stand out: the lack of shilling the coin and a lack of focus on its price action. Of course, some people check the price sometimes, but it is far less than in other communities.

The above message was very clearly a joke - we do not take ourselves too seriously, but taken out of context, it might seem to support your claim.

What I can tell you is that 90% of the conversations are more about the general NEAR, Aurora ecosystem, blockchain, and anime. Anyone can be part of the community and ask questions. There’s no need even to touch the token. We do not think crypto is a scam, but we do believe it is important to educate people on how to recognize the bad players and give them a space to have fun and discuss these things in a casual setting.

That is quite valuable for any ecosystem - attacking isn’t; it just takes away energy from more useful things :smiling_face_with_tear:


Goodmorning @pathfinder ,

I’m sure many of us have a lot more useful things to do with our time. However, given that people might misconstrue your post - I thought I should briefly clarify:

  1. Techninically crypto is a scam; technically meme coins are a scam; technically (negative) x (negative) = Positive

These statements are clearly non sequitur.

  1. Let’s add some context for the sake of transparency

You will note that my message regards the meme above, joking that we are all at zero.

Even if someone had not taken the time to scroll two messages higher, they would have seen Midoriya’s rebukle to my obviously nonsenical statement.

Given the many scams in our space, it’s in bad faith for you to paint these narratives on a public forum, without due diligence.

There are plenty of bad actors out there; please use your energy to chase after those instead.

Have a good day,



Are you for real?
Have you ever spent time in the Shitzu Community?

We are much above than just a Meme Token shilling community!
I don’t even remember last time when someone shilled in our community.

Blowing a certain screenshot out of proportion and not understanding the whole context of the chat, you are just showing your mere foolishness!


Wow i sometimes think how you manage all this​:rofl:
I will again say to send all the mesaages related tot his comtext​:thinking:
Not gonna waste my time here seeing these jokes


Successfully ignored.
Thank you.


@illia @marieke.flament, can you schedule a call with the Trisolaris team about the shitzu scam token? Ask them to stop dirty shilling in Near Community. Trisolaris and their people (arg, Aurobot99, Naomi, Trisolaris biz dev) terrorize our community. When can you stop it?


Did you get your rewards to the comment? How much in scam Shitzu tokens did you get? $2?


Did you get your $2 for the comment ? Scammers.


Hi there. You missed my 2$

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We didn’t comment here for 2$ ser
We did it here because we love and support shitzu
If you want some shitzu we can give you if it hurts you lol

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Trisolaris Biz Dev here. When have I dirty shilled in the Near community?

Make sure that you’ll go jail together with Trisolaris team. I record all AMAs, take screenshots for SEC and FBI.


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The “partnership” Near Insider published is referring to a farming pool on Trisolaris. It is a decentralized exchange so it can work with many tokens in the ecosystem.

In this specific scenario, Trisolaris was experimenting with our community forum to allow governance proposals. Rose and Shitzu both submitted one for a farming pool (with $TRI rewards) and it passed proposal. The experiment wasn’t the most successful as the number of voters was minimal. We closed the forum (for now) but will rework it.

We have since discontinued both pools as the volume didn’t meet our requirements.

We do not shill anything.

You see me in the Shitzu TG because I consider them my friends, doubt you will see me shilling any token on a public forum.


I wonder when such accusations will come on uniswap and 1inch on the same line.

shame, shame
trisolaris bizdev is shilling scam-token shitzu - such a shame!
if all the trisolaris team is with shitzu? the trust is falling down to zero,

so many proofs are saying that you lie
no respect neither to the governance forum, nor to the community

what is your purpose in shilling shitzu? if you’re here - why not to support NEAR? we have a token to shill support and love, same to everyone in this community.

it’s weird and unlogical what shitzu community is doing, IMHO

Please show me where I shilled.

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Imho you sincerely just hate shitzu Community or lack common sense to see that shitzu had done nothing wrong

Liar. Following closely.