[Closed] Creating awareness by posting 2 memes everyday for near social medias and tagging them

Hey everyone my name is Ros and i am here with a proposal of creating Memes related to near ecosystem. The memes would cover topics right from scratch so that a newbie can also easily find about Near community. There would Also be topics covering about Near nfts
My whole idea is targeting youth Crypto traders from all over the world and creating a curiosity among them regarding Near ecosystem. Being a creator , i have always seen people posting contents for already learned cryptoplayers my whole plan is to attract youths to this project
I would start with tamed and predictable templates and then proceed gradually
Thank you
I would like to

lay an estimate of around 120-130 Near per month and i would also need an assistance from Instagram and Twitter community
For further reference you can contact me
Telegram: @roshangeek
Near id : roshangeek.near


Hey @Roshangeek,

Awesome to see the enthusiasm here!

Meme creation from a personal accounts isn’t really something the Marketing DAO serves to fund. The Marketing DAO is focused on enabling individuals, projects, and Guilds to achieve their wider scale marketing goals.

If you’re interested in getting involved in meme creation within the NEAR Ecosystem I’d recommend checking out the Swine Guild :pig:


Hey David , No i am not telling about making it from personal accounts i mentioned help from near twitter and Instagram accounts with some hashtags

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Ah, gotcha.

This isn’t something that’s looking to be pursued from the core social media accounts at this time. I’d recommend checking out the Swine Guild in the link above if this is something you’re keen on, that being meme creation :ballot_box_with_check:


Just for information. It’s much cheaper than Near pays to Swin Guld (@coyotefugly ) for same + - quantity of memes.

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Thanks for the shout out! We’ve been in need of some help on the social media side and I think this will work out nicely.