VAD, a DAO dedicated for Artists in Vietnam and the Near Writer’s Guild invite you to participate in ‘Reflections on a Single Line’.
Deadline: This contest is open until June 16th and winners will be announced on June 17th.
To participate:
Quote a sentence that you love and write your thoughts about it.
To gather ideas, it may be helpful to consider:
What does your quote make you feel or think of?
What does your quote remind you of?
How has your quote revealed a fundamental truth about human nature?
How has the quote helped you understand yourself or the world to a greater degree?
Submissions will be capped at a max of 500 words.
Submissions may be one or two pages of text.
Submissions should be either saved as a jpg or png file with a max file size of 5MB or as a pdf with max file size of 500MB.
Please post your quote and reflection together as forum reply in an accepted file format or create a link to your work.
If you post a link to your work, ensure that the link permissions are set to ‘public’.
Don’t forget to include your NEAR wallet name and social media handle(s) in your forum comment.
10 winners will be chosen by the councils of the VN Artists DAO and the Near Writer’s Guild by June 17th.
Winners will be directed via forum comment to claim $25 USD from the VN ARTISTS DAO via transfer proposal on ASTRO.
The VN Artists DAO will conduct an offline workshop on June 18th to create bookmarks in Vietnam that contain chosen sentences of your bounty and mint them on their Mint-base store.
Good luck!
VAD is a DAO dedicated for Artists in Vietnam, we’re conducting workshops & out-reaching activities to get more people onboard by doing creative projects.
My chosen quote: every journey begins with a single step
I know that many people have heard this sentence once in their life. It’s is a very popular quote. And that is why my father usually says this quote to me but in my native language. And it is an inspiration to me. Whenever I want to quit something I remember this sentence from my father. Thank you for creating such meaningful event.
Wallet: mathh.near
Right now we’re open, we are free to speak, express and show our love in any spectrums in our life. Being judgement, gain hatred in the past makes my determination to make my life to the fullest to be just myself, because anyone can copy and imitate you but they cannot duplicate you. Because you’re special and that’s what makes you uniquely beautiful.