🎄christmas bounty

:moneybag: BOUNTY​:moneybag:

:pushpin: Theme: Preparing for Christmas with Near

:trophy: The works will be evaluated in three categories.

  1. Photo (3 prizes)
  2. Drawing (3 prizes)
  3. Video (5 prizes)

:white_check_mark: You will also receive payment for the publication:

:camera_flash: 1 foto - 0.2 Near (limited 5 foto)

:video_camera: 1 video - 0.5 Near (limited 2 video)

:art: 1 picture - 0.3 Near (limited 3 pictures)

:memo: Rules:
:small_blue_diamond: Publish your work under a post on Twitter:
:small_blue_diamond: Rt & like, tags 3 friends.
:small_blue_diamond: Payment after sending the link in the chat:

:hourglass: Deadline: 18:00 UTC December 30


Best community for memers or content creators ever.
:partying_face: they introduce a huge bounty everytime and stand on it and work for NEAR community towards making it work out. :handshake:


Can a person submit both photo and video?

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Yes ser).This is written in the conditions and there are also limits, how much work can be done

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