[Budget] October Report and Payout Request for the NEAR Degen Army

Definitely, I don’t realize why. It’s a reason why I fight here with some guilds. If you have a DAO and all community members have a councils vote, you can create proposal and change everything. @illia told about it on Near Con.

Transparency and democracy.

Sorry for inconvenience , I didn’t ask you comment my posts. You have started it first. Have a great day.

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Hi, @rimberjack, while considering the reduction of inefficient Degens in your group you can also reconsider hiring 10 or less fresh Degens with much zeal, I believe there are some active and zealous folks out there that have even applied for months yet no response. I strongly believe that getting few new hands will help in motivating and enhancing the jobs that will be done by the Degens 2.0.

Best regards!


Not bad vibes, but it seems you are new to crypto and have no idea what it takes to build crypto communities. A lot of projects are springing up and talents are needed. It always baffles me when people try to compare the salary of people in crypto to market salary. Dude, the learning curve is steep in crypto with the technology changing at a faster pace which causes contributors in crypto to be always learning. I joined NEAR early this year and over 8 new projects have been built on NEAR. I don’t even know what they do but if I were to be a degen I suppose I would know. You don’t pay contributors for the job they do but for the experience they bring, for the learning they do, for choosing an industry that’s so infant with a yes to little bright future, you are paying them for choosing the strong path. I bet you don’t know what it takes to attract 20 newbies to a crypto space and particularly to your project to keep them engaging and turn some to degens. Some of us could join the web 2 companies but decided to be in blockchain or crypto to move the industry forward we have to be compensated for that. I don’t know why you are trying so hard to make people who work in crypto a joke to colleagues working in other industries or colleagues who decided to choose the path where the technology is at its highest peak and demands little to know effort to get things done. Talents working in crypto have to be overcompensated to make them stay. In crypto our money is our power. Even developers in web3/blockchain get higher salaries than developers in other industries. That’s what we use to attract talents and to also make people work hard.

More importantly, if you are able to explain:

  1. Why cointelegraph or coindesk charges higher fees than the normal news outlets
  2. Why NFTs are expensive than other digital arts and
  3. Why Bitcoin is more expensive than companies’ stock and Gold.
    Then you can start comparing salaries of people working in crypto to market salaries. On a more serious note I don’t wish to see you comment about salaries again since it seems you have little to no knowledge how to get things done in this industry.

it’s pathetic when crypto projects start to peg their contributors/workers salaries to the dollar when the coin value begins to appreciate. Working for you when the price is down is me betting on the project, so I work my ass off to see the project grow so I can reap some benefits when the price is high. The price is up now and you want to, let me say “cheat me”.

This is what is happening to the Guild now. I’m seeing talents living here to where they will be over compensated and appreciated to do what they can do best.


Hey dude, tell me couple reasons why we need to pay $3100 for this poor job on Twitter?

$3100 for 17 tweets? $182 per tweet?


I couldn’t find these people in Lonson’s Report ether.

OWS pays $100 for same accounts.

31 OWS accounts vs 1 degens.

Entire, Degens Report contains wrong information about own tweets, and includes retweet’s.

Do you think it’s a great idea pay for retweet’s?

For example: @DJ_JG , reported 28 tweets, but only 19 his own.