Report on Use of September Funding
The funds we received through the Degens DAO for September were used for 1) individual payout for each member, 2) incentives for top performers (claimed through the wallet “degenarmy.near” and transferred to the wallets of 8 members).
Degens 2.0
Based on conversations between NEAR Foundation (cc. @Grace ) and the council, we have decided that it is time to consolidate the months-long experimentation that was the Degen Army, and evolve into Degens 2.0.
Starting in November, the Degens will operate in half its current size, as a group of 25 elite content creators and social media accounts. The base rate will remain the same, set at 300N per person, per month. In this transitional period, for October payout, we are continuing as normal and requesting payment for 45 in total. (This is also part of our agreement with Grace.)
From November on, we will only request payout for 25 members. In terms of direction, this means the Degens 2.0 will be a more tightly coordinated, elite group of content creators and social media influencers, which serves as the community arm for NEAR marketing. This moves in the direction of specification and optimization, resolving the problem of bandwidth the Degens had been facing thus far, providing various support on top of social media, such as daily moderation in multiple NEAR channels and participation in NEAR events such as livestreams and AMAs. This also means a slight change in leadership, which will be solidified through internal discussion and experimentation in the month of November. Concrete details will follow in the November report.
October Objectives
Just like the previous months, the performance of the Degens can be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- General Social Media
- Objectives for October: (1) increase average impressions for Twitter from last month, (2) nurture more NEAR KOL accounts, (3) boost NEAR’s visibility in line with major announcements (grants, NEARcon)
- Main actions: (1) daily twitter activity, (2) quality content creation, (3) audience building, (3) push the hashtags nearcon and #NEARvember
- Methodology for tracking performance: Twitter analytics
- Bitcoin Talk
- Objectives: Improving the quality. Сreating more unique content and Threads.
- Main actions
- Local directions: Creating threads in local directions (creating topics about NEAR in other languages; e.g. Russian)
- The official thread NEAR: Creating a new official thread about NEAR
- Methodology for tracking performance: manually track each unique post and views, comments etc
- Objectives: Improving the quality of content / improving engagement from posts
- Main actions: Writing a manual about using Reddit. Foster support for activity in the main degens group. / Increasing the number of unique DYOR content, analysis, reviews, and so on.
- Cooperation with the NEAR Reddit OPS Team: Coordination of actions with the Ops Team
- Plans based on the Agenda: Creating plans for the week based on the Agenda and highlighting the main events that can be covered in Reddit.
- Methodology for tracking performance: manually track each unique post and number of views, likes, and comments.
- YouTube Comments
- Objectives: optimize organizational structure. Improve approach and effectiveness in targeting youtubers in the comments.
- Main actions: identify crypto youtubers/influencers and target them on youtube, raid their telegram groups requesting near coverage
- Methodology for tracking performance: manually track the number of comments and responses from Youtubers
- NEAR Degen Syndicate
- Objectives: increase the audience and engagement of Syndicate’s youtube channel and Twitter
- Main actions: create youtube videos (week recap, tutorials), create infothreads and tutorials on twitter, posting on the Syndicate TG channel
- Methodology for tracking performance: Youtube, Twitter, Telegram analytics
[Quantitative] Analytics
As always, the list of Degen Twitter accounts can be found here.
Out of 48 accounts, over the last 28 days,
Average # of tweets = 130; Profile Visits = 6823; Mentions = 211; Average # of New Followers = 216 (+16%); Average # of impressions: 68,534 (+12%); Median # of impressions = 50,289
Distribution: 0 accounts accrued less than 10K; 7 accounts fell between 10~20K; 8 between 20~30K; 5 between 30~40K; 3 between 40~50K; 8 between 50~60K; 5 between 70~100K; 9 between 100~200K; 3 over 200K
#NEARvember campaign:
- Based on suggestion by Deedle and @Nakameowdough , the Degens started a #NEARvember hashtag campaign in October (Originally started as #NEARnovember, and then changed to #NEARvember based on results of Telegram poll)
- Between Oct 8th and Oct 31st #NEARvember garnered
- Total tweets: 3,534
- Total contributors: 1,211
- Potential Impact: 1,532,289
- Potential reach: 524,267
- Metrics based on analysis by Tweetbinder. See full report here.
- Honorable mention on the main stage of NEARcon
- Comments posted = 179 (+78%); Total views on degen’s threads = 5373 (+26%); total number of comments on degens’ threads = 592 (+41%)
posted 3 posts on behalf of the Reddit Ops Team
main subreddit: r/defi
Total posts = 33 (4%); Likes = 559 (+42%); Comments = 559 (+22%)
- Total number of comments posted on Youtube: 223 (+18%)
- Total number of tweets made to Youtubers: 25 (-12%)
- Results: 6 (+300%) ( videos on NEAR as a result of targeting + requesting
- YT Answers: 19
- Twitter Answers: 5
- Raids: 3
- Success Raids: 2
Interactions with youtuber More Crypto Online:
=> Result: More Crypto Online (2 video) - NEAR Protocol Crypto Price News Today - Technical Analysis Update & Price Update Now!
NEAR Protocol Crypto Price News Today - Technical Analysis Update & Price Update Now!
- Interactions with ZeMoood raid in their TG group
=> Result: ZeMoood -
NEAR price prediction TODAY - NEAR protocol coin analysis - NEAR coin NEARUSDT & bitcoin daily
- Interactions with Ryan Provan - Stocks & Crypto YT Comments, Twitter
=> Result: Ryan Provan - Stocks & Crypto -
NEAR Protocol Price Prediction - Technical Analysis 27th October 2021
- Interactions with FX Investing - @BaxoffBeats @id123098 Mention in a chat on the price Near and he did an analysis
=> Result: FX Investing - Time: 25:36
Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin, XRP ADA VET, Shiba Inu Solana Live!! Abend Update Live
- Interactions with KCrypto: He made video about Near Protocol and Near ecosystem projects like Rif.Finance, Skyward.
For 3 months in a row, we kept active under his video by leaving comments about Near, which made him more aware of the projects and interested him in their promotion.
=> Result: KCrypto -
- YouTube (Eng) / Russian Channel
- Total posts: 2
- Subscribers: 279 (+10)
- Impressions: 445
- Views: 89
- Twitter (@NearSyndicate)
- Tweets: 60
- Tweet Impressions: 121,300 (+84,4%)
- Profile visits: 11,800 (+41,1%)
- Followers: 1,482 (+747)
- Telegram Channel
- Followers: 136 (+8)
- Views per post: 190
[Qualitative] Content and Ecosystem Contributions
- October content highlight
- Continued coordination with NEAR marketing: (1) degens populate + actively participate in the Marketing Distribution TG group, (2) direct communication with NEAR core marketing (@rimberjack participates in the NEAR marketing sync and Trello board, coordinating community hype with official launches + news; @chronear directly communicates with Joep and Hype Partners)
- Key involvement in NEAR ecosystem projects and guilds
- Silicon Craftsmen, NIA: chronear, NEAR NFT Club, NEAR Meme Daily, Corpsemen, NEAR Games Guild, Human Guild, Merchants of NEAR, Wizards’ Guild, Flying Rhinos Guild, Kitchen Guild, Cheddar DAO, NEAR Hispano, Pixelpets DAO
- Moderation in NEAR groups
- NEAR Official: many degens are admin in the NEAR main group and provide regular support
- Sammy9ce , SanketN81 , margikbaxi, Simeon4real, andresdavinf, kanzy , p0k , JackTran , chronear, Ratatoeskr rimberjack, AVB
- Pixeltoken Community: zangleerb
- Cheddar: SanketN81 garikbesson Simeon4real
- Skyward: haenko , sanketn81 , rimberjack, zangleerb
- Rainbow Bridge Support: sanketn81 , rimberjack
- Aurora/AuroraSupport: sanketn81 , rimberjack, chronear
- Ref Finance: sanketn81 , rimberjack, cudam321.near, thb0301.near , zangleerb
- NEAR Korea: rimberjack
- NEAR Vietnam: JackTran
- Octopus: JackTran
- Octopus vietnam: JackTran
- Paras: Ratatoeskr
- Croncat: p0k
- Second appearance in major NFT Twitter Space, 499 Block Global AMA, this time specifically focusing on NEAR NFTs, featuring Jordan Gray (starpause), NFTBUZZ, Iota, Too Rich City, and Jeff G (
Proposal for October Funding
- Rewards: We request rewards for 45 members in total
- Non-council member (41): 300 NEAR
- Council member (4): 400 NEAR
- Incentives: 200 NEAR as incentives for top performers among non-council members
In sum, the total funding we request for October is 14,100 NEAR
*Note on transparency
We have learned that 300NEAR is remaining in the Degens DAO because one former degen (who is now kicked out) never claimed their funds from August payout. This fund will be kept in the DAO treasury and used as operational funds for Degens 2.0
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the degens that have been so dedicated and committed throughout the months we have worked as a team, @Ozymandius who has been a great inspiration and spiritual leader, each of the council @chronear @Lolson_tg and @p0k who have taken on their roles as full-time jobs, and everyone throughout the ecosystem from the Foundation to the community who have shown support to this initiative. I would also like to thank @Grace who has taken ownership over the program, and has been supportive enough to even have one of us speak on the degens at NEARcon. Cheers to a new era of the Degens