[Bounty] The Auction Thanksgiving day Bounty

The Harvest and Thanksgiving seasons are here! And to celebrate this momentous day in history, The Auction is hosting a bounty event. So, kindly join us as we hold a bounty tournament to honour this momentous event.

The event will have a The Auction and Aucti`ano with a Thanksgiving theme.

  • Anyone is welcome to join and contribute their artwork, whether it is a physical painting, a digital painting, a photo, a GIF, or a video. Winners will be selected based on the quality, creativity, and uniqueness of their work.

  • Every NFT that is submitted for the competition must have The Auction Thanksgiving theme. If failed, that particular NFT will not be taken into account.

  • You should list your work in The Auction with a minimum price of 0.1N and the listing period should be till December 10.

  • The attendees of this event will each get a special surprise. An NFT with a Thanksgiving auction theme will be presented to each participant.

100 $NEAR will be given to the winners.

Two winners will be chosen.

As soon as we publish this in our forum, the event starts.

The event concludes on November 28.

Winners will be revealed on November 30. On the same day as the winner is announced, the participants will also get the surprise NFT gift.

If you’re a brand-new buyer on The Auction site. Make an account on https://app.mynearwallet.com/ or The Auction Satori NFT onboarding to begin listing your work.

Join the event and stand a chance to win!!


Loving this new event. LFG :fire:

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This is nice.
I’ll love to ask, what exactly would you love to be summited?

Do I need to pay another 5.5 Near to mint my nft?

Sorry buh pls is it 100$ each or what???…and how many winners would they be pls

@TheAuction should I submit my painting here as a reply? Or should I send it to someone?

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Listing :grinning: on the Auction wouls be sufficient

Here’s my Entry

Giving thanks to the king
The one who sits in his court overseeing the affairs of men
Enter his gates with Thanksgiving
Bearing gifts and above all a heart full of gratitude
Knowing that the king does not lack but we give so we shall receive​:raised_hands:t3:

Wallet Address: timwizzy.near


My entry:

Description: Inspired by the Auctiano’s description, the Auctiano character loves to draw, so here we have our Auctiano character showcasing her drawing skills with the thanksgiving theme. The background simply tells the season.
Wallet address: eliaszinas.near

Thanksgiving Auctiano #1 - NFT | The Auction (the-auction.io)

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Happy Thanksgiving Day! :maple_leaf:

Bid now :fire:
:link: https://the-auction.io/nft/x.paras.near.479661:1

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Here’s my entry Fam, thank youuuu!




Is this bounty still on?

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