(AWARD) Prize for best Wearable Book NFT on NEAR

Dear NEAR Community,

It is with a great pleasure that we announce the prize for best wearable book NFT on NEAR. We are going to pay 100 usd in USDC on NEAR Blockchain for the best NFT made as an image or a turntable gif from a wearable book from Voxels. Remember that the art must be made by you, without copyrights problem. Any plagiarism will be banned from this contest and future ones. Please, send the image or gif here as a comment, together with your name or nickname, and your near wallet address. In case u still don’t have a NEAR wallet, please visit My NEAR Wallet for a site with your wallet, or Sender Wallet for a browser extension wallet like metamask. If you want to customize and make your first transactions on NEAR Blockchain, ask me for your first NEAR, that I will send you and then I can ask back to the DAO. With 1 NEAR, you are able to make many transactions and customize your wallet with a name.near address.

This is a follow on from the prize we hosted on Voxels, where we gave 200 usd in near for the 1st place and 100 usd in near for 2nd place for wearable books minted inside NEAR Alexandria Library Voxels collection. The winners were from Voxels metaverse, on ethereum and polygon blockchain, that now have their near wallets. We are very happy to onboard Voxels community inside NEAR Community. So we decided to host this award to stimulate Voxels community to mint NEAR NFTs and onboard with more interest in knowing our projects and on building on NEAR. But in fact anyone can participate and we want that NEAR community already on vox models design participates.

So there are 3 points that will decide who is the winner. The group council from Metaverse DAO gives 1 point, the group community give 1 point, and 1 point is given to the contester who could bring at least one person outside NEAR to submit to this bounty too. If u call anyone outside NEAR to come to this forum, please click on your profile here and choose invite link. Generate an invite link and send your invite link to them, because they will be connected to you in their profile as “invited by”. If there is a match in some moment, there will be a second round in which both contesters chosen in the first round will be voted by the community group from the DAO. People from community group can only participate of this contest if they do not vote in the contest.

The winner will mint one’s NFT in our store with splits in revue and royalties with the DAO, then s/he will send the NFT link here, and we are going to thank her/him and tell him/her to ask for payout proposal of 100 usd in USDC.

Thank you all for participating! The results are going to be decided Ocbtober 13th.


Please, come to our telegram:


I would like to call some people to participate, as @SkazOne, @34omer53, @Cluny, @bitpixi, @markeetox, @gushlewis, @blusw. And if you know someone else who would like to participate, please call them.


How exactly do I vote?

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When is the deadline for participation in the competition?

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Ah que chiq, quero! :clinking_glasses:

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We will vote on telegram, and then we will confirm on astrodao.

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It is October 13th, @34omer53. :slight_smile:
Very glad u came to submit!

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I will send it last. I am experienced from previous competition :sweat_smile:

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HOLAAA! Fiz um livro sobre a histĂłria da ColĂ´mbia


By :Jackie Sieras
Wallet add: jackiesieras.near


Here it goes, my entry:

Book of secret potions

Wallet: manutegus.near


Wallet : sena01.near


Wallet : sena01.near


“NEAR Nft Collections Book”

Wallet: 34omer53.near




Wallet : sena01.near


Wallet : sena01.near


Thank u everyone for the awesome submissions. This award is now closed. Please, wait a bit while we decide the winner. :heart:


Dear Community, it is with a great pleasure that we announce the winner: @sena! Congrats for your awesome job. We considered only the first submission. You received the vote from the council, and the vote from the most members of the community group on our astrodao. I would like to ask you to mint this gif as a NFT on our store, please. We just added u there as a minter: NEAR Metaverse History on Mintbase After you mint it (50 copies), please, come here and post the NFT link, and send us 25 copies to metaversedao2.near. You can ask for your payout proposal of 100 USDC in our astrodao: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near (propose a transfer, with your wallet as target; please provide the link of the award in the forum (here) and a description of the request and reason (like: winner from the award “prize for best wearable book nft on near”). You have to have at least 1 near or less to make any transaction in the blockchain. So let me know if you do not have enough to make transactions.

Our dear @34omer53 received the point for bringing Sena here, and he made a real good job, an innovative one (just like yours), with shows us the interior of the book, which is super cool. I would like to say that my vote was not easily casted.

And I cannot forget the awesome work from @JackieSieras, who worked in a book with the history of Colombia. I am deeply in love with your book, Jackie! Thank u so much, friend. <3

And, @gushlewis, you know I always love your work. Your book has a magical feeling, which always makes me feel like dealing with the alchemist! I love them!

I am talking here to the other council, to see if it is possible, to gift everyone of you with at least 1/3 of the winner’s prize. Because I am super amazed with your work, and the choice was so difficult, that I think everyone should be gifted. So I think we could justify this spend in case you want to mint these awesome works in our store, as participants of the award. What do u think?

Please, if you also want to submit these books to NEAR ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY on Voxels, I would be very glad, because our library needs to expand:

You can send me a copy of the wearable in case u want me to put it in the library. Or you can send it to the own NEAR ALEXANDRIA’s wallet: 0x59022fe2729c1b1f86ff68ba359eb42eee671b77


Dear council and participants,
Thank you for this good news and your votes. You made me proud.
And i want to thank @34omer53 for modeling for me while designing the book.
Best regards

NFT Link : The book of MAN on Mintbase


amazing!! I love to see what comes up from this bounties!! Ill be happy to send the book to the collection!
Congratulations! @sena


Thank u, @sena, and all the other participants.

I take the time to tell you that the prize for all of you was approved. So @34omer53, @gushlewis, @JackieSieras, you can all request for a payout proposal of 33,69 USDC in our astrodao! https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals Thank u so much for participating. We ask you if would please mint the wearable at NEAR Alexandria Library, send some to the library, and mint this GIF in our Mintbase store, where you are all minters now.

NEAR Alexandria Library’s Collection:

Mintbase store:


Thank u so much, @gushlewis! :heart:
We are very happy to receive your work! :blush:

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I would like to thank the organizing committee and all the participants. :heart:

Mintbase Link : Near NFT Collections Book by nearmetaversehistory.mintbase1.near on Mintbase