[APPROVED] Weekly Financials MarmaJ Tokens transactions

My name is Ricky, and my near account is sour_icky.near

This proposal is for a new blog post on marmaj.org.

Proposal funding request: 10 $marmaj

The blog’s title would be the $marmaj token Finance

The blog will cover all the details like:
Weekly report MarmaJ DAOs finances
Monthly report Marmaj DAOs finances

Questions that the report will cover:
How much near did we take in/spend in a week?
How much marmaj did we take in/spend in a week?
How much near came in from the Mintbase marketplace?

Future Additions:
Report to keep track of how much comes from the Mintbase marketplace potentially because that would show how much the DAO earns from NFT sales

Timeline: The blog post/weekly reports will be ready for review on or at the end of each Sunday. Monthly reports will be ready within 1 week after the last day of the month.

This blog post would support the community by creating awareness on the movement of $marmaj tokens.


Thank so much for getting this proposal in @sour_icky. I think that having a weekly blog post about the marmaj DAO finances published on the marmaj.org/blog would be a great idea.

@bianca will probably have some comments here, but I feel like it might just be most efficient to have you added as an author on the website and so you can just upload the info straight to the website. Bianca could then just format the info and send it live.

Each published blog post could then come with a 10 $marmaj token bounty paid out through the marmaj DAO?


I’ve approved this proposal. Please feel free to start submitting weekly reports whenever you have the time, and each report can eventually make its way onto the website.

I know @bianca is working on the $marmaj token page, which might be a great place for this info to love longer term. For now, you could just post the reports here on the forums.

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Month ending Dec 2021 of Marma J DAO tokens.

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

RickyMarma J Foundation Finances - Dec 2021-Tokens.pdf (70.2 KB)


Hi All,

Please see attached for the Month ending Jan 8 2022 of Marma J DAO tokens.

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

RickyMarma J Foundation Finances - Jan 8 2021-Tokens.pdf (68.6 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Month ending Jan 15 2022 of Marma J DAO tokens.

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Jan 15 2022-Tokens.pdf (69.0 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Month ending Jan 22, 2022 of Marma J DAO tokens.

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.


Marma J Foundation Finances - Jan 22 2022-Tokens.pdf (80.6 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Jan 29, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.


Marma J Foundation Finances - Jan 29 2022-Tokens.pdf (85.4 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (month ending Jan 31, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Jan 2022-Tokens.pdf (92.9 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Feb 5, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Feb 5 2022-Tokens.pdf (79.9 KB)

Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Feb 12, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Feb 12 2022-Tokens.pdf (79.1 KB)

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Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Feb 19, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.


Marma J Foundation Finances - Feb 19 2022-Tokens.pdf (93.1 KB)

Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Feb 26, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Feb 26 2022-Tokens.pdf (87.1 KB)


Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Mar 5, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.


Marma J Foundation Finances - Mar 5 2022-Tokens.pdf (93.9 KB)

Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Mar 12, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Mar 13 2022-Tokens.pdf (100.3 KB)

Hi All,

Please see attached for the Marma J DAO tokens financials (week ending Mar 19, 2022).

Feel free to let me know if there’s any questions/concerns.

Marma J Foundation Finances - Mar 19 2022-Tokens.pdf (88.1 KB)

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the reports have been great so far. It has been helpful to get a high level overview of what is happening with the tokens each week.

Trying to get this info turned into more community facing content as we move forward and I think looking more into the blog idea is a good one. I know @bianca can help with actually getting the info up, but it would be awesome to get more subjective info added to the report maybe.

We will be getting a “token page” up onto the marmaj.org website, and this should help direct users to the DAO Treasury page. The DAO treasury page is where we hope to have info about how much funding is in the treasury, what the funding has been used for over the past month (where you come in), and how community member can access DAO funding for their projects.

When it comes to answering “how much funding the DAO has” and “wha funds have been spent on” the main issue is that info can be in many places.

How much funding is in the DAO?
simple FT holdings: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near/treasury/tokens
LP share holdings are much more complex:
marmaj / stNEAR pair - DAO owns 6.77k shares @ $26 USD ea

marmaj / xRef pair - DAO owns 44.5k shares @ $8.7 USD ea

Info from https://sodaki.com/leaderboards/liquidityproviders

All of this info can be added to a monthly report where a full picture of the DAOs treasury can be showcased.

When it comes to when the DAO spends funds on, there is a simple dashboard here: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near/treasury/tokens

Each token provides its own dashboard for the tokens that have been transferred to or from the DAO. There is even an explorer link attached to each FT transfer so the community can dig into each transaction. For that reason, a monthly report can focus more on explaining where funds were dispersed at a high level.

For example, For the month of March, most funds were distributed for:

Each month there are generally some key areas that we try and support with our funding.

For Feb 2022 it was the Valentines Card event, we took Jan 2022 off for fam stuff and Grant application.

In December 2021 we had the the MarmaJchan birthday bash. We also had the first MarmaJchan collection event in November. Last year we also funded multicall development as well (August → Dec?).

For the end of March, it would be awesome to have the report feature the short story event and the funding of the Discord server for Crypto Heroes. For April, we are planning to add some NFT Gallery collection from https://create.3xr.space/.

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