(Approved ) UI IS NEAR project management funding request, April 2024

UI is Near

A plug-and-play component library unlocking seamless design for NEAR BOS


UI is Near is not just a repository; it’s the go-to destination for unlocking a world of effortless design solutions for NEAR BOS. This project is designed to redefine the development experience by providing a comprehensive plug-and-play component library with crystal-clear documentation and thus, ease the entry barrier for new developers during hackathons and other onboarding activities, projects and events and also improve the development process for seasoned NEAR devs.


  1. Our Motivation:

As active participants in numerous hackathons and contributors to NEAR’s thriving ecosystem, we couldn’t help but notice a shared sentiment within the developer community. We listened attentively to their discussions about NEAR, absorbing all the feels: their insights, frustrations, and aspirations. What did we find out? Despite the innovative potential and promising bounties offered by NEAR, some developers would stay on the fence.

That’s when it hit us, everyone’s facing this same challenge: too much information, scattered and little to no clue of where to start. So we said, “They need something slick, easy, like a plug-and-play magic wand for developing, let’s make NEAR a no-brainer for every dev out there, from the code wizard to the hackathon hero!”. This is how the idea for UI is Near was born.

UI is Near serves as a solution crafted by developers for developers, driven by a genuine passion for making NEAR an irresistible choice for every developer, hackathon enthusiast, and project pioneer who want to build for the Open Web.

  1. A She is Near + Dev Hub initiative:

Built by the community of She is Near in collaboration with Dev Hub, UI is Near is our initiative for the NEAR Ecosystem.

This project aligns with both She is Near and NEAR Dev Hub core values and goals of onboarding new devs into the ecosystem and increasing retention while fostering an inclusive and supportive developer community that includes women of all backgrounds.

Key Features:

With a “for dummies” approach, we want to show devs how the components were built and also facilitate their styling. In other words, create the type of libraries that already exist in Web2 to facilitate onboarding and continuous work on Web3. A developer’s dream.

  • Entry point for Devs: UI is Near allows devs new to Near, whether at hackathons or other projects, programs or events, to focus on what matters most, accelerating the development process and enabling them to bring their ideas to life swiftly.

  • Custom Designed Components: Accessible and customizable UI is Near will offer 37 components designed to facilitate and enhance the visual appeal and functionality of front-ends built on BOS.

These components are:

  1. accordion
  2. alert-dialog
  3. alert
  4. aspect-ratio
  5. avatar
  6. badge
  7. button
  8. card
  9. checkbox
  10. collapsible
  11. context-menu
  12. dialog
  13. dropdown-menu
  14. hover-card
  15. input
  16. label
  17. menubar
  18. navigation-menu
  19. pagination
  20. popover
  21. progress
  22. radio-group
  23. scroll-area
  24. select
  25. separator
  26. sheet
  27. skeleton
  28. slider
  29. switch
  30. table
  31. tabs
  32. textarea
  33. toast
  34. toaster
  35. toggle-group
  36. toggle
  37. tooltip
  • Crystal-Clear Documentation: UI is Near will be accompanied by detailed and user-friendly documentation, providing developers with comments on how the code works and how to use it.

  • Effortless Integration: UI is Near will ensure a seamless integration process, reducing development time and eliminating repetitive tasks. As simple as importing a ready-to-use component into a project, or have the possibility to copy/paste the code to customize at will.


The project is anticipated to span 3-4 weeks


  • Work on the 37 components
  • Create Github repository
  • Create examples for documentation
  • Testing of components
  • Integrating of components in the documentation
  • Send to Dev Hub for test run before going live


  • 37 components ready to use
  • Documentation for each component
  • Share Github with Dev Hub

The Team:

  1. Gonzalo - Web2 Developer

As a seasoned Full-Stack Developer with over 20 years of experience, I’ve cultivated a strong technical foundation, specializing in client-side and server-side programming, SQL database design and REST API development. I entered the blockchain space in 2023 through Alchemy University. I then participated (and won) in hackathons such as Eth Barcelona and Eth Global Istanbul, this last one with NEAR. Beyond technical skills, I possess a deep understanding of collaborative team dynamics and a commitment to delivering quality results. My journey involves a unique blend of technical expertise, marketing, and branding, acquired through self-driven learning over the past decade. I want to support the initiative by She is Near because I think it is a great project and a tool I would have liked to have during my participation at the hackathon. This is going to help many developers to enter Web3 and use NEAR.

Budget for Tecnical Development: (Covered by DevHub)

  1. Waleska - Project Manager

I’m an entrepreneur with proficiency in diverse disciplines, spanning from Arts and Human Development to Technology and AI. In 2023, I co-founded Block&Change, an impact movement to bridge knowledge and opportunities in blockchain and Web3 between the Hispanic community and the English-speaking world. A fervent advocate for financial literacy, particularly for women and disadvantaged groups, I have earned recognition as one of the leading voices in LATAM for online microlearning education for over a decade. I have joined She is Near to propel and support the inclusion and growth of women devs into the ecosystem.

Overall Coordination:

  • Overseeing the entire UI is Near project from initiation to completion.
  • Primary point of contact for all project-related matters and ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members, DevHub, She is Near, and users.
  • Define project scope, objectives, and deliverables, ensuring alignment with DevHub requirements and expectations.
  • Develop a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.
  • Proactively monitor project activities to minimize risks and maximize project success.
  • Oversee project closure activities, including testing of components, final deliverable acceptance, and documentation.
  • Conduct project evaluation to assess performance, identify lessons learned, and capture best practices for future projects for She is Near and DevHub collaboration.

Budget for Project Management: (Covered by She is NEAR)

4 weeks

40 hours in total

40 USDT per hour

Total: 1600 USDT

Near Social handle + Near Wallet: iamwal.near

In a Nutshell:

This project liberates devs from the noise of all the scattered information and documentation for the tedious tasks of styling basic elements, allowing them to concentrate on the essential aspects of their project, especially when they are under a tight schedule.

The Open Web and NEAR BOS adoption can be accelerated through faster, more efficient, and visually appealing development upgrades with UI is Near.


Wal is a real OG, and everything she works on turns to gold. She’s active in two different hemispheres :slight_smile: Her work in Block & Change and the NEAR funded Hackathon helped many women on the ecosystem learn about NEAR and empowered them towards the next step on their careers. Thank you for this project, Wal.