[APPROVED] TNE-Society MAY funding for community, IRL event and product building-$1500

**Community/Project name: TNE-Society ** Website | [GitHub]GitHub - TNESocietyDev/TNE-Musik) | Twitter x | Telegram | Instagram | Medium | Nearsocial
Tnesociety @tne_society.near
| YouTube |. Names/near.social Links of team members


Solomon sule |
Solomon (Alphaflexhub) @alphaflexhub.near
Solomon (Alphaflexhub)
Team lead TNE-Soci ety, core contributor F-DAO, Team KanoIsBOS and Ecosystem OG

Augustine ogar |
Li Austin @liaustin.near
Li Austin
Developer Team lead TNE-Society, and Ecosystem OG

Fortune -2 | @
Yomabasi Fortune @yomabasi.near
Yomabasi Fortune
Technical Writter TNE-Society, Marketing Team SHEisNEAR, Building QalaTech, personal blog website

Content creator (vituals & video)

Seck Stellaj |
Seck Sek @seck.near
Seck Sek

Favour Chris |
Favour Chris @kellylove.near
Favour Chris

Team Wallet ID: tne_society.near
Tnesociety @tne_society.near

PROPOSAL FOCUS MAY 2024 Activity of Interest to improve the ecosystem: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Education/Workshops IRL event Marketing/Onboarding Product Building TNE MUSIC PLAYER PRESENTATION

Testnet site: https://tne-music-player.netlify.app/

COMMUNITY KPI Growth Projections:

  • 50% growth across all platforms for MAY
    10,000 impressions on X.
    20,000 impressions on instagram.
    On-chain Community Growth Rate: 50+ % on NEAR Social.
    500+ on-chain engagements for May.

Community Activities = $1500

Team/Education/workshop * Educational content about NDC, BOS, and related ecosystems dapp.
Social media content creation team = $500
3 posts daily on X and Near Social
1 workshop Biweekly (how to interact with projects)
2 Article monthly
2 Video monthly on overview of ecosystem dapp.
1 online music contest

  • Council and partnership= $400
  • Near Tip bot and keypom link for onboarding = $100
  • On-Chain Contest: $200
  • music cover contest = $100
  • meme contest = $100
  • near social weekly quiz = $100



We trust this message finds you well. We are writing to present a detailed proposal for hosting the NEAR Blockchain Experience event in Jos, Nigeria. This comprehensive initiative aims to bring NEAR blockchain closer to the local community, foster adoption, and provide an immersive experience with the diverse ecosystem DApps. We seek sponsorship from AFRICA DAO to make this event a resounding success. This is purely a marketing event coupled with education/onbaording.

  • Event Overview:
    Title: NEARWeb3WAVE Date: May 2024
    Venue: Jos Nigeria
    Sponsor: NEAR AFRICA DAO

  • Objectives

  • User** Onboarding: Facilitate a smooth onboarding process for attendees, guiding them through the NEAR PROTOCOL blockchain setup and utilization.

  • Ecosystem Showcase: Spotlight various DApps within the NEAR ecosystem, illustrating their real-world applications and benefits from gaming to nfts to defi etc. Community Engagement: Encourage interaction among attendees, fostering a sense of community around NEAR PROTOCOL. This will be done by using shardog customized NFTs for activities such as branded merch claim, near.social activities (quizzes, social engagement, etc)

  • Educational Sessions: Conduct workshops and presentations on NEAR’s technology, governance, and the advantages of decentralized applications. These products rages from near.social, gaming dApps, Mintbase, Shardog, BOS.

  • event Highlights: Education on NEAR and it’s tech Onbaord active users Workshops: Interactive sessions guiding participants through transactions, and using ecosystem DApps. DApp Demo: Different ecosystem dApps demo will be displayed for proper understanding and engagement. Networking Sessions: Facilitate opportunities for networking and collaboration among attendees.

  • Event Strategy We see that partnering with a Blockchain Community Hub for swiffer processes is the best way to give this proposed event a success.

  • Onboarding Tools With the great tech we have in the eco, we plan on using Meteor wallet for swift wallet experience, ShardDog, and Mintbase for wallet and various NFT use cases at the event. Also, IAH verification for each wallet created.

  • dApp Headlines We plan to showcase various gaming, Defi, BOS components dApps for ecosystem showcase

  • Near social

  • Mintbase

  • Sharddog

  • Meteor-wallet

  • keypom


Venue Rental and Sound Items:
1 Hall and set of Sound
Use Case: For event space and audibility
Quantity: 1
Amount: $400

Promotional Materials Items: 2 Banner, 2 roll up banner, 1000 hand bills, 50 T-shirts, 50 Caps, 100 note books
Use Case:
Amount: $800

Workshop Facilitators/Speakers
Use Case: Speakers at event and Workshop speakers to aid onboarding and education Quantity: 3
Amount: $300

Team Expenses Use Case: For travel, accommodation, and honorariums
Quantity: 3
Amount: $500
Refreshments Use Case: For catering during the event (estimated 300 attendees)
Amount: $200
Marketing and Influencer Use Case: Paying influencers to promote the event for a mass audience
Quantity: 4
Amount: $200
Miscellaneous Use Case: Airdrops, giveaway contests, and any unforeseen expenses Amount: $200

Total: $2,900


  • 200+ humans onboarded and retained into the community
  • 200+ humans onboarded and retained into the community
  • 1000+ Onchain transactions expected. * Increased NEAR blockchain adoption in the Lagos community. * Greater awareness and understanding of NEAR’s ecosystem and its various DApps.
  • Strengthened community bonds among NEAR enthusiasts in Nigeria.


  • Onboard users to our communities onchain
  • Create zealy to keep them active
  • Pitch various Africa and ecosystem communities for attendees to join that suit their niche.
  • Developers onboarded to the Africa Dao.

Post Event Expectation

All onboarded humans will be brought into the community to join various DAOs’ communities based on their areas of expertise and preference. Especially the approved DAOs in NDC V1. We are enthusiastic about the positive impact this event could have on the local blockchain community. We look forward to discussing this proposal further and appreciate your consideration.

TNE Music player product building = $2000.

Funding for developers and UI/UX designer compensation and necessary admin subscriptions. Team lead Austin - ola
Tenn Whiterose @lukzee.near
Tenn Whiterose
, Nakore
No-name profile @abnakore.near
, ui:ux victor drason
No-name profile @victordrason.near

link: https://tne-music-player.netlify.app/

Current state the music player can now perform the following

-near testnet connect
-upload music
-play music


  • Objective:
  • bounty for community to partake in testnet = $300
  • upgrade the design and architecture of the website and music player.
  • Architect the music player and its interaction identifying components to be developed on BOS. integration of BOS components with the rest of the system.
  • Validate designs and refine based on feedback.

Total funding 1500 + 2600 + 900 = $5,000
tagging @AfricaDAO


Thank you for your proposal.

Your submissions focus on too many deliverables, and am skeptical of the team’s ability to deliver value.

Your app claimed to be testnet, but it is not built on Onchain; it is simply a plain react front end that require much to be in the testnet stage or standard.

Your IRL event, too, focuses on music and NFTs, which I find difficult to understand. In terms of outcomes, I see Lagos and Jos interchangeable.

I mentioned in your previous proposal that we will not support any community product that is not in its MVP stage.

i will only consider and support your community’s activities. 1500$ this is also pending on your mid-term report.


Take note of what @Bakaka said.

I am happy to support your community activities.

1 Like

Hy TNE, good proposal, below are my concern:

  1. like @Bakaka said the testnet is a frontend app
  2. only 1 online contest for the month
  3. Onchain Contest and Online contest [what is the differences]
  4. Music Cover Contest in form of NFTs or what use case are we looking at?

Would love your clarifications and that of other council members.

hello team. i have read through the comments.
-our product will be enhanced and brought forward only when the MVP is fully ready for future funding round.
-while we understand that there’s no music NFT platform currently active in the ecosystem we will strive to go live and build our community.
-online music contest (will be done off-chain while winners’ entries will be minted as NFT and be buy that NFT with their bounty won) while on-chain contest fully focused on BOS and relevant Dapps.

thanks for your supports.