[APPROVED] Thespians DAO Stage Drama Contest; An Evening of Many Dramas. Strategy to Onboard More Actors And Actresses into the NEAR Ecosystem and Web3 at large - September, 2022 (Season 1)


Hello Community…

My name is Roxy the Entertainer; a Film Maker and Theatre Practitioner. I have been practicing Drama (Stage & Film) for over 10 Years. I studied Theatre & Film Making in University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

I am an NFT Artist; a Council Member in 9ines DAO and a Co-Founder of Thespians DAO.

The THESPIANS DAO is a community of Actors & Actresses who perform for both Stage and Film; including the crew members behind the stage and camera.

The DAO uses the acting platform to educate, entertain and give solutions to world problems, using the NEAR Ecosystem as it’s driving force.

As part of our tradition in Thespians DAO, we will always entertain the Ecosystem with either Stage Drama or Film Drama, every Month.

After a successful outing in August, where we hosted more than 30 Guests during our maiden Dance Drama, titled “A Land of Many Colours”

Check out the report below:


We are delighted to announce our Evening of Many Dramas September Event.

We will write to different Drama groups within our jurisdiction and invite them to come and participate in our event. The theme of all the Dramas going on stage that day would center on NEAR Protocol and Web3 Ecosystem. Each Drama group would be given 20 minutes to act and show the Judges what they have to offer.

There will be only two winners, $200 for the Winner and $100 for the Runner Up. Judges would be selected Thespians who are experienced in Theatrical Dos and Donts.

As usual, we are rest assured we will onboard many of the participants and Audience during this project; as well teach them in details about Web3 Ecosystem, NFT and NEAR Protocol.

The aim of this project is to engage as many Thespians as possible, get them along in the Web3 Ecosystem; as well as to teach them about $NEAR and onboard all of them.

The project would be an avenue to lure the audience to listen to us and learn more about Web3, while they get entertained as well.


  • To Onboard Minimum of 20 New Members
  • To sensitize the general public about NEAR Protocol and Web3
  • To Entertain
  • To Educate
  • To generate 4+ video NFTs and 20 picture NFTs during the event.


Public Address System: $50
Props & Set Design: $150
Lighting: $100
Artwork: $50
Video Documentation: $150
Hall: $100

Cash Prizes to 2 Winning Groups: $300

TOTAL: $900

Including 0.1 $NEAR Drop Links to activate 20+ wallets.

We would notify the general public about the event on 20th September, and all the Drama Groups involved would go on stage on 30th September.

Video and Picture NFTs would be available on 4th October for minting.


Cc: @creativesdao-council


I am Loving it already

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Thanks alot Fam :pray:t4:
Let’s keep impacting