[Approved / Report] January and requested Marketing budget Persian Guild

Hello everyone, in this post, I will present a report on the performance and marketing of the Persian Guild in January

Funding scheme: Monthly

According to the AMAs that we had this month, these factors have caused the Persian Association to become very crowded and we, as a community and a leading role among Persian speakers, until the removal of the filter, we also launched many programs, as well as teams and individuals. We are increased to cover all cases and young people. We are sensitive to the filtering of an area and we expect to expand much more.And I expect more

Two other people have also joined us to help guide Instagram and Discord and telegram

For more transparency in the work, we describe the requested budget and consumption for the previous month
$ 400 for Moderator and members
$ 1000 for articles and further expansion of other social networks
$ 200 YouTube
Total: 154 near

In this post, we will summarize our performance in January, which includes social media


  • Telegram


Overview of Statistic from nov DEC 31 - 31 Jan
Total members 4,8k >>>>>> 10.9k
Total Message 8.4K>>>>>19.2K

The AMAs were great and we were able to describe and review the problems very well and train to fix them.
In addition to modulating telegrams / making voice calls and voice chats, at least one days and a maximum of three days a week for better and daily communication with the community and various examples are discussed…

  • Discord

Total members 26members
In Discord, we try to cover most of the content / news and / voice calls, etc.

  • Medium


We have published three articles in the medium for this month.
For more transparency, I will put the visits and so on



Views: 1,489

Reads: 1,162

Reads ratio : 82%



Views: 1,256

Reads: 1,003

Reads ratio : 82%



Views: 1,398

Reads: 1,100

Reads ratio : 80%

  • Instagram

Post :4

Instagram is another social media that has a good visit and activity among Farsi and we have focused more on it
This month, we produced two instructional videos and a photo post, and it had very good views and was very well received.


Introducing recent news and events and an overview

like: 1,154

comment: 87

Views: 3,850



comment: -


like: 1,411

comment: -

Views: 4,893

Hold live on Instagram

We also held a live on Instagram. This live lasted for an hour. This was the first live, and we mentioned some very good points, explained and had a good visit. News / Objections / Introduction and Price review and analysis and price scenarios…etc
We will continue this process and try to hold a live broadcast once or twice a week


937 visitors


  • twitter


It has good conditions, but usually filter apps have less traffic than Instagram, etc. In the coming months, we should focus more on Twitter.

follower: 1,179



  • Whatsapp

Another popular social network among Persian speakers and only for people who may not have access to Telegram or Discord, etc.

Members 10 people

In the end, we try to continue all the activities and be more active, and on other activities as well Let’s focus.

There is also an incentive plan and 200 NEAR to encourage wallet creation and avoid using software wallets because software wallets have difficulty transferring due to blockchain filtering and we will notify 200 people. We give a random 1 near prize
I will explain more clearly
In the communities - media, etc., we will inform that we will give a prize of 200 people who create a wallet from date x near, and they will surely create a large number of wallets, and we will draw randomly, and We give prizes to 200 people
400 winners if the reception was very good

Requested budget

Five Moderator telegram / Discord / WhatsApp+[ Voice calls]: $1500
Articles Medium: $750
Instagram content: $700
Lives Instagram: $350
twitter: -

Total:3300÷11= 300 + 200= 500 Near


Thank you for excellent work. Would you like request funding on February?

Hi @Saeed01 - I read your report – I am helping to advise the MarketingDAO.

Thank you for submitting screenshots with your report. Seeing these as part of your reporting is helpful.

Do you plan to submit a separate proposal with funding requests outlined?

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Hello everyone

Thank you for your response and your efforts to help the community
@Dacha Yes that’s right In addition to salaries, we will allocate and spend the requested budget that we request at the end of the month for the coming month and the continuation of progress.

Hi @so608 I’m glad to see you
In the continuation of this post, I mentioned the requested budget


Hey, can you please submit reports and proposals for funding separately?

Thanks for clarifying – I see it now. You list request budget per platform. Do you intend to produce the same/equivalent amount of content per platform as you did in January?

Hi @David_NEAR , no problem, I can send another post, but we filled out the form for KYC and put the link of this offer in it and it is not editable.
If you think there is no problem, we will send a separate post for the budget


The requested budget for each month can be different depending on the content produced in that month. For example, we may produce five articles in the medium one month and three articles and visits in another month, because healing is always our priority . Last month, about 6,000 viewed of our five articles , and this month, about 4,500 were viewed
Or Twitter, for which we did not have much activity and did not request a budget, or other media such as Instagram, where we made good progress.
We prioritize transparency in our work


No worries, let’s just do it in the future :tada:

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Happy to approve this, keep it up guys :raised_hands:

Will moved to approved soon if there are no further comments from @marketingdao-council


Good morning, Yes, sure.


Moved this to Approved

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Hello David, thank you for Confirmation

Our poll here


@cryptocredit @jcatnear @satojandro


Interesting- like the structure. Please post the results here once you’ve completed them. Always looking to see these after they come to life.


Good evening! Looks like your pool is expired … Would you like to send another one? Thanks

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