[APPROVED] Primordia DAO Funding - April 2022

Primordia DAO Creative Funding - April 2022

Contact name: @adrianseneca & @godofnfts

Council: Kin DAO, Liberation Wellness DAO (intending to have 3+ DAOs on council by end of April)

Target Address: primordia.sputnik-dao.near

Current Balance: 445 NEAR (will be 5N once all payouts go through)

Funding Period: April 2022

Request amount: 5000 USD in NEAR

Hello Creatives,
Primordia DAO is moving along beautifully so far. We are feeling overwhelming gratitude to be pulling our community into the realm with integrity. We are requesting another funding cycle this month as we feel our project overall is creative but also exploring how to get in touch with the education vertical about support since our project is also onboarding/education heavy. There seems to be very little activity or responses over there so we will continue trying to get clarity for ourselves and the many others interested in engaging. We hope we can be supported again this month to continue our work! Please take a look at what we accomplished in March:

Council Work $1500

  • writing reports, proposals, budgets

  • sending CFCs for votes, voting

  • organizing meetings, coordinating groups of people, communications

  • managing astro dao functions, adding new DAOs as council

Systems Creations / Education Tutorials $500

  • $250 - Continue recording experiences of onboarded DAOs

  • $250 Create at least 1 Educational Tutorial Video

Onboarding $3000


Hello! This proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts. Also, Feel free to join our Discord Server to Post Your Monthly Reports and Funding Proposals for Better Organization


Thanks so much @Monish016 ! :slight_smile:

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Here is our poll!


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